Sunday, September 15, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #557

It's nearly the end of summer for us in the northern hemisphere, and there's plenty of garden cleanup to be done. After a busy week outdoors, I'm glad to sit down with a cool drink and discuss an aspect of spanking suggested by a regular reader and correspondent.

How do you spend your time thinking about spanking when not actually engaged in the act? Do you read spanking stories, watch videos, fantasize, or do something else?

Please leave your response as a comment, and I'll publish a summary of our discussion in the next post.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, September 9, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for September 8

What (if anything) do you dislike about spanking?

CEM: "Dislike"? I don't understand the question. But it *might* just be...blasphemy. :)

Wendel: When the spanking ends.

Roz: Ooh, great question! Um, not much to dislike. Maybe the anticipation if a spanking is anticipated but we have to wait for one reason or another.

Jack: The long scolding, standing there, my pants and underpants around my ankles, all on display, seeing the bathbrush in wife/mommy's hand. If someone is present I really want it to be over quickly, it never is.

Prefectdt: The very start of the spanking, when it just hurts a lot, before the magic starts happening. It is just something that has to be endured, until that wonderful, mental conversion from pain to "Dancing with the fairies", kicks in.

KDPierre: Something I truly dislike, but also appreciate, is when the number of spanks in a decreed punishment is so large that it necessitates breaking up the total into somewhat smaller, but sequential spankings. For punishments I get spanked hard (as anyone who used to frequent my old blog knows LOL) and the soreness the next day is significant. Having to then get spanked all over again on that very tender bottom is pure hell. Multiply that by another day or more? Well, as much as I like "spanking" I am absolutely dreading being called to the room for those next installments.

BUT...BUT...and this is important...while I do truly dislike the very intense pain involved, I very much admire my Honey for sticking to her guns, and spanking without much regard to prior soreness. (She sees that as part and parcel of having earned a long, high-numbered punishment. And also knows that while it absolutely hurts way more getting spanked on a sore bottom, it doesn't really cause any more damage than any other spanking.) These are PUNISHMENTS after all, and are supposed to be dreaded. So, yeah, a person (even me) can love "spanking" as a thing and still 'dislike' a particular spanking. ;-)

Anon: I love everything about spanking. The thing I do not like is that since I think about it everyday all day, it takes up a lot of time and energy. I always wonder what I could have accomplished in life, if I had channeled all of that energy into something productive. 

Rosco: Like everyone else, I love spankings - being spanked that is. (The last spanking I delivered was in 1979.)

As a submissive, I savor the experience. Sometimes I get two or three spankings a half hour apart, before cunnilingus followed by intercourse. Mostly, I just go with the flow as a submissive but sometimes I’ll whine or complain to encourage a harder or longer spanking.

Sometimes an errant blow will fall on the far hipbone or nether parts that hurts simply way too much.

It’s hard to enjoy the spanking fully if I’m not comfortable. I like my bottom elevated at least a little and my face down, but my nose gets in the way. If I haven’t set up the pillows right, it can be tough on my neck. And if the spanking causes me to thrash around, it can be hard to regain that comfortable position.

Finally, as long as I’m whining about minutia, the perfect spanking would allow me to breathe, to exhale after each blow. Often they come fast and furious. I enjoy the intensity but cannot savor each whack the way I’d like to.

But I don't want to diminish Irene’s passion with too many specifics. It’s wonderful the way it is.

FL: The stigma. It would be so wonderful to come out as a spanko on a first date and not be judged as a weirdo, just have it accepted. 

Bonnie: I wrote an entire post about dastardly spanker tricks. I have experienced all of these and they are unpleasant.

Hermione: I like a long, slow spanking. If it's too fast, it is over too soon.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #556

Hello and welcome back to our regular readers. If you are a newcomer, we are all happy to see you here. Today's topic is one that might make you stop and think before answering.

What, if anything, do you dislike about spanking?

Please leave your response as a comment, and I'll publish a summary of our discussion in the next post.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Strange Translations

At the grocery, the buffet, and a pretentious menu item. 


Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, September 2, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for September 1

We discussed the topic of the reason for your spankings exactly ten years ago, and back then I had 24 responses. Of those who answered today, only Ronnie and Bonnie were in that group of 24. How our membership has changed! So, what's it to be? Erotic enjoyment, punishment, stress relief, or other?

Rosco: Oh golly. Funny you should ask this just now.


Most of my spankings begin with discipline on some (role playing) trumped up charge. Then I’m instructed to take a nap - often tied up. Then reverse cowgirl cunnilingus followed by intercourse. So all 3 in one.

Right now, however, I’m sitting in a chair with a very hot bottom, gagged for mouthing off. Irene doesn’t want to hear me whine and pout any more.she’s threatened to put me to bed without supper. No pussy tonight. But it’s still oddly relaxing. So tonight, it’s 2 out of 3.

Betsy: Most of our spankings are for erotic enjoyment. Spankings for discipline is rare.

Norse Cavalier: Most of the spankings I've given are for mutual enjoyment. A few of them have been for discipline, but I think we both enjoyed them despite that.

Roz: Over the years our spankings have been for fun, discipline and role affirmation. Nowadays they are mainly for fun.

Luvinhub: When we were living a WLM it was all maintenance/discipline/punishment. The only spanking I have received since ending our WLM I asked for and for me it was to see if it would help with stress. The feeling was a bit strange because I was not in trouble.

Jack: Discipline, my wife/mommy informed me that I'm no different from other husbands, the naughty little boy comes out from time to time. Unlike most wives she will become the Mommy, and her naughty little boy will soon be across her lap, and his bare bottom being properly spanked with a bath brush.

KDPierre: All of the above!...and maybe more as well.

FL: Yes. :)

Anon: Funishment is the reason for my spankings.

Bonnie: Let's check all the boxes, draw some new ones in between, and check those too.

Donn: My wife primarily thrashes me for discipline, punishment and role affirmation.

However, it is not unusual for her to apply quite vigorous/extended therapy with her implements when I display a bad or deteriorating attitude, or sometimes when she believes I've become disthymic.

(Thrashings in our home are never for any erotic and pleasurable purposes, except when needed for my wife's own needs or possible stress relief.)

CEM: Discipline is the objective, but I surmise the other elements are inadvertently included.

Wendel: Our spankings are for fun with a bit of erotic excitement. We spank each other for misbehaving but it is meant for fun.

Barrel: We get all of the above. First, we find intimacy is enhanced. Second, always stress relief, mostly for me, but increasingly for my wife. And with a session, there is always a time for discipline and punishment due to events that are deserving. 

Ronnie: All of the above. 

Hermione: Our spankings are for fun, relaxation, and stress relief for both of us. They are always erotic for me as well. We don't do them for punishment, because, as Ron says, what would be the point? I enjoy them too much.

Loki_Darksong: While my busy schedule has reduced the spanking time in my household, something I really have to fix, it is for every reason listed with the posted question.

Although I believe I'll be making more of a stress relief due to the amount of high amount of stress as a direct result of the current political environment.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #555

Welcome to another weekend brunch, where we gather for good food and good conversation about spanking. We all enjoy it and do it - spanking, I mean. But why?

Are your spankings for erotic enjoyment, for stress relief, for discipline, or for some other reason? 

Please leave your reply as a comment and I will publish a summary of our discussion at the end of the long weekend.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, August 26, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 25

This week we contemplated the merits of pickle ball paddles.

Donn: I have no personal knowledge, as all of our paddles were professionally made for paddling (butts).

My general feeling is that most pro butt paddles are both heavier and much smoother than sports paddles. Heavier would generally mean less sting (compared to deeper thud), while smoother might tends to increase sting (for a comparable level of friction/abrasion).

Just my theoretical speculation. (I don't intend to buy a sports paddle for experimentation.)

Bonnie: Yes, we had to try one. The nature of the sport is such that the heavy paddles we prefer for spanking would be difficult to swing quickly enough to smack a speeding pickle. So those paddles tend to be thinner and lighter by necessity.

But like smaller ping pong paddles, they are usable for disciplinary purposes. When delivered in rapid fire fashion, this paddle can produce considerable.sting and redness. It has found a place in our toy chest.

Dan: We haven't, but I did buy my wife a necklace that has a pickle ball paddle-shaped pendant. It seemed like something she could wear that would look innocent but would have a secret meaning to just the two of us.

Wendel: We have no experience with pickle ball or the paddles. I did see one coated in carbon fiber. Guessing that probably packs a good wallop. Doubtful will invest in one.

Roz: Interesting questions. We haven't tried a pickle ball, or other sports paddle, but I imagine they can produce a good sting.

Prefectdt: I had to search Pickle Ball, as I had never heard of it. I found only one club and one location where it is played regularly in Belgium. As I have never seen a Pickle Ball Paddle, I will reserve my opinion for the present. I would happily try being spanked with one, should the opportunity arise.

S: Thank you again for hosting this wonderful brunch and using my question. I do not have any experience playing pickle ball but I am intrigued by the idea of so many paddles. I do not think my wife would like to be bent over on the court in front of me. She would know it would be more of a temptation then I could resist.

Hermione: We haven't tried one of these paddles, although the game is really popular here. We make do with a ping pong (table tennis) paddle, and it works very well.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart