The groom and his friends prepare for the worst.
The honeymoon will probably include this to aid in the reinforcement of their vows.
And they lived happily ever after.

I was included also. I will never forget the time Mrs. V called me up to my room and, after shutting the door, said, "Joe, you have been a very rude boy lately, and I have been letting you alone. Now you have been here ten days and I have not been able to correct you by reprimanding you. As I told you the rules of this house, you may expect what I intend to do."
Then she told me to remove my coat, vest and trousers, put on my robe, and come to her room. I removed my coat and vest and, leaving my trousers on, went to her room. She ordered me to take off my trousers, but I refused.
She went to the closet and took out a short leather flogger and several thick thongs. She tied my hands to the back of a high chair and then forcibly removed my trousers, after which she fastened another thong around my knees, holding them securely to the seat of the chair.
"Now, Joe, I intend to give you the soundest flogging you will probably ever receive. Not only have you been rude and disobedient in the past ten days, but just now you disobeyed my command to remove your trousers and fought against your due punishment.
"Now you may fight against the straps which hold you all you wish; you will merely hurt yourself quite unnecessarily as you will not be able to escape your bonds, no matter how hard you struggle."
She began applying the flogger. It stung and burned with every searing cut. I was not to get off so easily as that though, for she soon discarded the light flogger for a riding crop. She commenced at my backside and every blow felt as though it should drive me right through the chair. My buttocks soon felt as though liquid fire was running across them. She moved the lashes slowly down my backside and thighs then slowly back up. By then I had given up struggling against my bonds and was begging. In all I received one hundred lashes before she stopped. My backside was a mass of welts.
When Mrs. V had released me, she made me kiss the two whips. As I could scarcely stand, she did not force me to kneel and thank her, but allowed me to beg her humble pardon. After applying salve to my rear, she went out and left me to recuperate.
For the further enlightenment of our readers, I have included a number of letters from persons who have written to me over the years. While these letters do not necessarily express my own personal views, they do represent a cross-section of people who are aware of and interested in the subject of corporal punishment.
Dear Sir,
Three years ago, I went to room with a widow lady in Baltimore. I remained there for nearly two years. This lady had a younger sister who was twenty-six and very beautiful. She had one other boarder besides her sister Maude and myself. This other lady was Eileen, who was going to college, and she was nineteen.
One morning after I had been there a week, Mrs. V came to me and asked me to sit down as she wanted to tell me something. I did as she requested and then she told me that it was her rule that anyone in the house doing anything wrong or otherwise displeasing her would be taken to her room or else she went to their own room and spanked them or used the whip on them. I asked her why she did it and she smiled and told me that it was the only rule, but that it must be obeyed without question.
She then showed me a note from Eileen's teacher, telling her that Eileen had misbehaved. She said that she intended to punish Eileen and also Maude that night about bedtime.
I first saw Mrs. V in action through a transom. That night about nine-thirty we were all in the sitting room and I was talking to Maude when Mrs. V looked up at the clock and told Eileen that she wanted to see her upstairs. Eileen waited a few minutes and then she got up and went to Mrs. V's room. Mrs. V was there waiting and when Eileen entered, Mrs. V got up and closed the door.
Mrs. V showed Eileen the note from her teacher and Eileen said that she had been very pert, but that she was sorry. Mrs. V talked to her for a few minutes and then told her to remove her clothes. Eileen began to cry and beg Mrs. V not to whip her. Mrs. V told her that she was a naughty girl and deserved a good whipping.
Then Mrs. V went to the closet and got out a tawse, and then she requested Eileen to lie over the lounge, face down. Eileen did as she was bidden. Mrs. V began laying the tawse vigorously across Eileen's squirming backside to the accompaniment of her howls and pleas. Eileen wiggled and squirmed and raised herself up so Mrs. V could spank her well, at the same time crying, begging, and pleading for mercy.
Mrs. V gave her seventy good hard cuts before she stopped and left Eileen promising to be good, moaning softly on the lounge. Mrs. V then called Maude and told her to go to her own room and wait. Then, turning to the stricken Eileen, she ordered her to kiss the tawse before going to her own room to bed, which Eileen did, sobbing.
Mrs. V then went to Maude's room. After closing the door and telling her of her faults, she made Maude lie over her lap and gave her a good sound spanking with a hairbrush. Maude cried and screamed. The louder she would scream, the harder Mrs. V would spank, until Maude finally begged and pleaded for her to stop. She received a full sixty hard smacks before Mrs. V allowed her up, then after she had risen from her knee, Mrs. V made her kiss the hairbrush, then kneel and thank her for the severe chastisement she had received.
I saw many, many more whippings, for Eileen and Maude were spanked in many ways during my stay. I was included also.
In Los Angeles, two weeks later, upon my return from Honolulu, I stopped off for a week to visit an old high school chum who had married and reared four charming daughters, ages eleven to twenty-two. This "rearing" had, metaphorically speaking, been abetted with ample dosages with the hand, the hairbrush and the ruler. During my stay, my friend showed me that even a married young woman of twenty-two--his oldest daughter who was visiting with her husband at their large two-storey house in Santa Monica--so long as she was under the parental roof, even though she was the bride of another man, was not immune from parental chastisement if it was in order.
More than that, her young husband, who was an attorney in a well-known firm and himself about twenty-eight, encouraged his father-in-law to inflict the spanking. His bride, whose name was Patricia, a pretty brownette of medium height with exceptionally creamy skin and a very provocatively mischievous face, had gotten involved in a discussion of city politics with her father over the dinner table, and in her exasperation over his "reactionary" attitude, had said as much in rather uncomplimentary terms.
My friend waited until coffee and dessert were over, and then when we retired to the living room, said calmly, "Patricia, go and bring me the hairbrush," and then turning to her husband said, George, whether you like it or not, Patricia has a good, sound spanking coming and I propose to give it to her." Her husband nodded: "I quite agree, Dad." Then to his astonished wife, "you will do what your father tells you, or you will get one from me too when we get home.".
Thus outvoted, poor Patricia blushingly went to her father's bedroom and returned with the old-fashioned black wooden hairbrush, a souvenir of her girlhood, no doubt. She knew exactly where it was, obviously, and when she returned it was to stand before her father, head bowed, shifting from foot to foot, her fingers nervously twisting the handle of the hairbrush to and fro. She was no longer twenty-two; she was a child again, about to be brought face to face with retribution for her misdeeds.
He asked for and received the hairbrush, then gestured with it; no words were necessary, for with a sobbing little sigh, Patricia slowly took her place over his lap and stretched out on the couch, burying her face in her hands. Her two young sisters looked on with mild amusement; probably this was an old familiar scene and my friend remarked as much, before he began the preparations for Patricia's spanking, by saying: "You know that all my girls get spanked, and all of them watch, even if just one has to get it. It keeps them on their toes, remembering their manners most of the time."
This explanation over with, he pulled up Patricia's rayon skirt and nylon petticoat, whereupon the charming brownette implored him to leave her panties on because of my presence. He told her that she had her choice: she could either leave them on and he would have George give her an equal dosage, and he would lend him the hairbrush to do it with again after they got home, or she could now receive a single spanking. Dolefully, Patricia settled for the latter, it being the lesser of two evils.
Her descended panties around her ankles, her creamy, jouncily rounded, widely spaced and beautifully dimpled buttocks appeared for parental correction. Patricia softly began to cry like a little girl even before the initial "Smack!" marred the flawless purity of her bare skin. Her father laid on forty severe, slowly spaced spanks, evenly distributed to the two huddling, weaving, lunging globes. Midway through, George walked over to hold his wife down by the shoulders, for she was beginning to kick and struggle and try to roll off her father's lap.
When the chastisement was over, she got up and put her panties back in place and sobbingly apologized for her impertinence. Her husband then excused himself to all of us, and took her straight home. I wouldn't be surprised to learn--though I haven't to this date--that he added his own private husbandly admonishment when they reached the privacy of their own connubial bower.