Monday, August 31, 2020

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 30

What changes have you made to improve your spanko relationship?


Bonnie: I was curious to read what I wrote back at the turn of the last decade. I said something about not comparing your experience to others and finding your own path. Today, I advise readers to keep evolving and changing to keep the excitement in your relationship. In our case, change has taken the form of new fantasies, new toys, new technologies, and new rituals.

Jack: My wife has added more time waiting, either in the bedroom, or in the front room, Said it gives her time to calm down and for me to think of what I did. She has decided that calling her Mommy is just not enough and so after all spankings will put on my pajamas for the remaining part of the day and could go further like for several days. 

Roz: This is a great question. I totally agree with Bonnie on not comparing your relationship with others and finding your own way. Each couple needs to discover what works for them. I would also say change things up with different positions, implements etc. If you follow the same pattern with every spanking it can become too predictable which can lead to unsatisfying for both partners.

Prefectdt: When I moved from the UK to The Netherlands in 1992 I was an uptight spanko, corporal punishment role play only character. I rejected all other variations on BDSM and was determined to stay exclusively in that small bracket. Allowing impact only on my bottom and hands and only with traditional spanking implements. But living in The Netherlands and then Belgium, I found the spanko community to be limited and opened myself up to some BDSM play and never regretted doing that.

So my change that I recommend, is being more broad minded and prepared to try new things.

Baxter: Getting my wife to spank me took years and she finally came around. I let her read a Fiona Locke book and she said she understood more about what I wanted and just reading it got her wet. that was a big step. But still took more time and patience on my part and encouragement. Now my wife will bring up the spanking subject if we are driving down the road, saying that what I just did or said was a spankable offense or I haven't spanked you in quite a while and you have been naughty. We have spanking implements around the house that are just normal things such as a cutting board with a handle in the kitchen or a long handled shoe horn in the living room, bedroom and in our camper. And yes, they all get used to great effect on a regular basis. My wife does tune up my bottom on a regular basis when she knows I need it or when I want it. So that is how it happened in my life.

Rosco: Answering first for my wonderful wife Irene, who’s now a senior citizen in great health and sexy as ever. Irene does not have strong wrists and sometimes would lose her grip on certain spanking implements. I found her a two tailed tawse at Cane-iac that has a ROUND handle. Problem solved.

As for me, I need to clear my head of distractions for a bit before I can really enjoy a spanking, especially work stuff.

And, at our house, spankings always include a bit of lecture about some fictitious bad behavior, and sometimes bondage or a foot massage.

Ronnie: As others have said. Change things up. Communicate with each other about trying role play if you haven't already and try new positions/implements.

Hermione: Talking things through helped us enormously. Ron accepts that I am more interested in spanking than he is, but understands that it is something I crave. Funnily enough, the recommendation that some of you have made regarding variety in spanking did not work for us. Ron is more comfortable with a regular routine: same day, same time, same position. His contribution to variety is in his choice of implements. This has led to less stress and more fun in the bedroom for both of us.

Thank you all for taking the time to join in the conversation this week. Stay safe!
From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #346

Welcome back, dear friends. I hope you are all staying safe. Our restrictions are relaxing, but most people are still being very cautious, and masks are a must. Today's topic was first presented by our dear friend Bonnie over ten years ago. (How time flies!)

Is there one change that you have made that you would recommend to our readers? Specifically, how have you (and/or your partner) made spankings more effective, more enjoyable, or more a part of your lives? Are there any related tips you can offer?

Please leave your suggestions in a comment. I will publish an edited summary of our discussion once everyone has had a chance to contribute.
From Hermione's Heart

Saturday, August 29, 2020

You Completed the Caption

Rosco: It was a dark and stormy night. The umbrella kept Marie’s hair dry but she was frightfully wet between her legs.

Prefectdt: It was the first time that they would lie together. So Daphne thought that she should drop a hint about her being a bit of a squirter.

Anon 1: Little lady, if the umbrella moves and I get wet your little bottom will pay the price. AM I CLEAR?

KDPierre: This vintage movie still shows a scene from an unreleased "Mary Poppins" movie that predates the Disney version. Here is the encounter between Mary and Mr. Banks that got her hired as nanny. The suggested tagline was: "See the Mary Poppins never mentioned in the books."

Wendel: The umbrella may protect her skin from turning red in the sun now but it will not keep her bottom from turning red later. 

Baxter: Listen Phineas, I certainly hope you spank better than you kiss. This light kissing is not turning me on. Now turn me over and spank my bottom and lose the silly umbrella. the rain water on my bottom will only accentuate the spanks and that turns me on and our sex will be exquisite.

Oh Gloria, how much I have wanted to just spank your bottom, reddening it with my hand, watching you squirm.

Phineas, stop with the talk and get spanking my butt OR I will turn you over MY knee and spank you.

Oh Gloria, please do. And I will do the same to you.

Phineas and Gloria live happily ever after with red bottoms and smiles on their faces. 

Barrel: Rain, rain, go away. A little kiss and then the lay.

Anon 2: Man: You're being very naughty exposing yourself like that. What do you think I should do about it?
Woman: (Breaking into song) Please spank me in the rain,
Just spank me in the rain,
What a glorious feeling
My bottom's in pain
Put me over your knee
‘Cause I won’t behave
Take my knickers down
And give me what I crave

Hermione: Just wait till I figure out how to close this umbrella, and you will feel it across your naughty bottom.

From Hermione's Heart

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Complete the Caption

It's a rainy day, but this couple doesn't seem to mind the downpour. They have other things on their minds. Hmmm...what could they be?

Complete the caption by leaving a comment, and I will publish your entries right before brunch.

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, August 24, 2020

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 23

Have you ever recorded a spanking?

Joe: No we have not recorded one of my spankings yet but have talked about it. I think we will be doing that one day soon.

Spanky53: Yes, I have recorded a good deal of the spankings I have given friends and my G/F. I even posted (with approval) a few of them when I had my blog DaddyCat here. I loved watching them back and for now they are my and her relief during this pandemic when we can't see each other.

They did prove instructive being able to see how we both responded to each other. Sometimes you are so in the moment you don't see some very special reactions and so it's nice to be able to look back and catalog the things that were the most effective.

Wendel: A few years ago we record each other one night. I spanked the Misses and she whipped my bottom for the camera. It was zoomed close so all you could see were the bottoms getting smacked. We watched them a few times, complimented each others handiwork and then deleted the recordings. It was quite arousing to see our own bottoms turning red. 

Roz: No, we have never recorded a spanking. I'm not sure how I would feel watching it back.

Prefectdt: I have never had a video recording of a spanking but have occasionally had photographs taken during a session.

I would like to have some videos done, not for titillation but more to see how severe or not the spanking is and to see my reactions.

Jack: No recording, but photographed. Having been spanked while dating, punishment, I knew once married it was to continue. Shortly before our wedding I messed up big time, and my wife decided that the spanking was not enough. Her mother told her men are little boys at time and can be naughty. She called her mother, I did not know, I was over my wife 's lap, pants and underpants around my ankles and getting a spanking when her mother arrived. "Just in time, Mother," and her mother took a camera from her purse and took pictures of my spanking, and of me facing the wall. On our honeymoon there was one last present she wanted to open away from the guests. In the hotel room she unwrapped the present and it was two pictures framed, one of me over her lap, and the other facing the wall. These will hang in the bedroom she said, and if needed will be moved to the front room. Married five years and yes the pictures have been in the front room a couple of times.

Barrel: Yes, I recorded a punishment session several months ago. Replaying it thereafter was enjoyable, especially listening to my wife verbally correcting me, followed up with the physical punishment. She watched it, only commenting that the seams in her stockings were not straight. I liked hearing the loud snap when she landed a perfect strike with the strap and tawse and seeing my reaction against the restraints. I was surprised how quickly it was over.

Bonnie: In a word, yes. My husband began photographing me even before we were married. Back then, it was Polaroid pictures. The film was expensive and those instant photos have not aged well. Fortunately, Randy scanned them into digital format so they live on. When digital camera appeared, Randy immediately bought one. We made audio tape recordings and later moved to digital audio.

Video came a bit later. I remember borrowing a friend's VHS camera and playing with that, but the results always looked like really sleazy porn. So I wasn't a fan early on. When we got to digital video, the quality was better, and because there was not consumable media, Randy had the opportunity to experiment and learn. And experiment he did, and still does. He's collected, edited, and cataloged a very large library of photos, audio, and video. Within our four walls, my butt is very famous.

Occasionally, we watch some of his productions on our big television. I think I've become accustomed to seeing myself in various states of undress and distress, or maybe I'm just desensitized. I think he might learn more from watching than I do. I already know that spankings make my bottom hurt. I find watching enjoyable because it reminds me of times we've spent together exploring our favorite pastime and hints at adventures yet to come.

Rosco: Interesting question. The short answer is no. I am guessing that Irene would do it if I asked (with the assurance it could be erased), but she does not like a lot of planning in these matters.

She has said, after we watched a video or two, that we could do a much better job. I agree, most of what is out there is not very compelling.

I would be interested in seeing Irene, spanking me - especially her face, but I would like to see my own reaction as well.

I would also like Irene to see herself having an orgasm - it really is such a sight to behold. But it might make her self-conscious. Maybe we will give it a try.

Ronnie: We did do a couple in the early days but they didn't turn out very well. Not done any since. Maybe time to try again.

A.J.: Never a video. I had some pics of taken after some OTK time on a couple of occasions. Gave her my phone with, "Do ya' mind...?" And of course they would. I didn't want to KEEP the photos, just wanted see what the damage looked like without having to twist and bend like I was a Romanian gymnast goin' for the gold.

But I would like to see a video or two of myself in action, both spanking and getting spanked. Just to see what I look like on both sides of the lap.

On the spur of the moment one time we tried to do it, but, poor planning on our parts, we couldn't keep our damn iPhones to stay in place.  The solution I later found was one of those mobile phone holders that has a suction cup so you can stick it on the windshield to hold the phone in place when driving. Where did I find it? Costco!!!

As much as I would love to do it and see the spanking, shortly after looking at it a few times it would be gone. Deleted! I wouldn't keep it. Too many dangers of it getting "out there".

And I was careless one time about deleting the still images I had a couple of them showing my red butt suddenly appeared on my phone - in a business meeting! When I was scrolling and looking for something else. To show to the woman next to me! "Awkward" would not have covered that moment.
Heart was beating like Seabiscuit in the 7th furlong as soon as I saw it. I was lucky and she never saw it.

To repeat, when you delete on your iPhone - it's not really gone. It is actually MOVED to an album titled "Recently deleted." In case you change your mind. So you have to go there and delete it one more time to really get it off your phone. And then, just in case, check that it is not on the icloud.
Because you never know....!

Hermione: No, we haven't, and aren't going to. Ron isn't technologically inclined and wouldn't know how to go about it, and I'm happy to keep him in the dark about making spanking movies with the iPad.

Thank you all for sharing this week. Stay safe and wear your mask!
From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #345

Welcome back, dear friends.I hope you are all staying safe. It's amazing how many people and dogs we have never seen before are choosing our street for daily, solitary walks. Perhaps a variety of routes keeps them sane.

We have been binge-watching old episodes of Forensic Files. It's fun to see the snippets of old VHS police videos used as part of the explanation of how the crimes were solved. (Fix that tracking!)

Have you ever recorded one of your spankings?  If so, was it enjoyable to watch?  Did you see or learn anything while watching it later?

Please leave your response as a comment below. Once everyone has had a chance to respond, I will publish an edited summary of our conversation.

From Hermione's Heart

Friday, August 21, 2020

Friday FUN

You can either laugh or cry about the current situation, and I prefer to laugh.

Stay safe!
From Hermione's Heart

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

From the Top Shelf - A Girl's First Whipping

Today's little tale is one I salvaged from the late Alex Birch's blog. It was written by Penny Birch (no relation!) and is from the book Tight White Cotton published by Nexus. Doesn't that title give you a shiver? This extract comes at the beginning of the book and explains how the narrator, Patricia Laurdale, daughter of the Headmaster no less, discovers the joys of corporal punishment at the hands of a boy three years her junior after she follows him one day during a school free period.

I didn't want anyone to see us together, so I followed a little way behind, keeping out of sight. He walked really slowly, making it easy to follow him, but he kept going, out of the school grounds and on to the rough track that led to the open moor. When he got to the woods at the head of the valley he slowed down even more as if searching for something. We were well away from the school so I decided to approach him and managed to sneak up really close before he saw me. When he did he gave a start and for a moment looked really guilty, as if I had caught him up to no good.

"Hello, Percy. What are you up to?" I greeted him, and I'm certain he blushed.

"Just going for a walk," he answered quickly. "It's a beautiful day, don't you think?"

"Yes, beautiful," I agreed. "May I walk with you?"

He looked uncomfortable but agreed and we set off together. I had it all planned; how I would tell him I knew about Elaine and threaten to tell my father if he didn't give me the full story. In practice it wasn't so easy, and I was still trying to pluck up the courage for it when we reached the old quarry at the head of the track. It was a lonely place with rusting machinery, two old cars and quite a few old beer cans and cigarette stubs lying around. I realised why Percy had looked so guilty when I caught up with him.

"Were you coming here to drink or smoke?" I demanded, trying to look really shocked.

Both were caning offences, with expulsion for persistent offenders, and from the colour of Percy's face I knew at once that I had found him out.

"Neither," he stammered, but his face was red, just like a drawing I had seen of Billy Bunter caught raiding another boy's tuck box.

"Don't lie to me!" I snapped. "I'll tell my father if you don't tell the truth."

"And if I do?"

"I won't. I promise."

He hesitated, obviously not trusting me, but he really didn't have much of a choice. Then he gave a shrug and reached inside his jacket to pull out a little bottle. Drinking was as forbidden to me as it was to the boys, Daddy being strictly teetotal, and just the sight of that dark bottle sent a wonderfully illicit thrill through me.

"What is it?" I demanded.

"Wine," he said sullenly.

"Let's drink it then." I answered.

He brightened immediately and smiled, then nodded towards the old sheds at the back of the quarry. I followed him, feeling guilty and excited. The entrance to the shed he chose was choked with brambles, but he held them aside for me and let them swing back behind us, sealing us off. The inside was big and almost empty, with a great block of concrete that must have once had some machinery on it. A long window gave us a view out over the woods and the track, another faced the the rock face of the quarry. It was perfect for illicit goings on, except that if anyone did come there was no obvious way out.

"If we see anybody we go out the back window and up a little gully in the cliff." Percy told me as if reading my mind. "It's a bit tricky but if I can do it you should be able to."

"Open the wine then!"

He took the bottle from his pocket, then a corkscrew. I watched, feeling nervous, guilty and wonderfully conspiratorial, as he carefully drew the cork. It popped open, and to my surprise he drew a small glass from another pocket, filled it half full, sniffed the wine and then passed it to me.

"It's a 'forty five'," he informed me. "A good year, but a bit young. Still it should be all right in a half."

I took a sip, then a swallow, finding a strange, earthy taste, then a hot feeling in the back of my throat. Nodding in what I hoped was a knowledgeable way I passed the glass back to Percy, who took a sip, frowned at the glass, then took another.

"Not bad," he stated. "Still, who'd believe me if I said I'd drunk it with the Headmaster's daughter!"

I giggled, still thinking of Billy Bunter, but of an altogether more wicked Bunter if Elaine McKeown was to be believed.

"You'd get the cane if we were caught," I said "You know that, don't you?"

"It's absurd," he answered. "I'm eighteen. I bought this in a little shop in Harrogate quite legally. The school has no right to stop me."

"You'd still get caned."

"Not if they don't catch me."

"You're very brave. Doesn't the cane hurt terribly?"

Percy didn't answer immediately, but took a sip of his wine, then passed the glass back to me and sat down on the concrete block.

"Yes it does," he admitted "but it's soon over."

"But isn't it dreadfully shameful?," I persisted "I mean you have to take your trousers down don't you?"

"And our underpants! You just have to think about something else."

"I couldn't stand it! I know I'd cry and everything."

"It's worse if you make an exhibition of yourself - then you get teased. Anyway you girls are lucky. You don't get beaten, do you?"

"NOOO. That would be awful, not to mention indecent!"

"Why? I mean why more so than for a boy?"

"Well it's not the same! I mean they couldn't - not to a girl!"

"Why not? They used to, knickers down and everything! They still do in some schools!"

I was blushing furiously and took a swallow of my wine to hide my confusion. Just the way he'd mentioned the girls having their knickers pulled down had set my stomach fluttering; it was just too much, too awful to think about. I mean a girl, having to pull her knickers down and display her bare bottom!

"I'm sure that's not true." I said, trying to sound haughty.

Percy shrugged and took the glass back from me to refill it, then held it up to the bright sunlight to admire the colour, apparently indifferent to my blushes. He didn't seem bothered, but I desperately wanted to carry on talking about being beaten, even though it was doing strange things to me.

"It's worse for a girl," I said defensively.

"I disagree," he replied. "You have bottoms, just like us boys, only better padded."

"But..but.." I managed and then stopped. I desperately wanted to explain that it was far ruder for a girl to show herself bare than for a boy, which I thought everybody understood. Apparently Percy didn't.

"What does it feel like?" I asked, keen to keep talking - but NOT about girls getting it!

"Let me do it to you and you'll find out." He laughed.

"NO! You couldn't" I exclaimed, horrified by the proposal.

Suddenly he wasn't the safe, silly Billy Bunter any more, but a wicked devil who liked the idea of a girl getting smacked across her bare bottom.

"I know about you and Elaine McKeown, you know,' I said quickly. "You'd better not try anything funny!"

Do you really?" he grinned "And you dared to come up here with me alone?"

I couldn't answer him, because I really didn't know - but whatever it was, it was obviously pretty dirty, far worse than I had ever imagined, and suddenly I was scared. Percy might have been fat, jolly and soft but he was still a man and much bigger than me too.

"Don't worry!" He laughed. "I've never made Elaine do anything she didn't want to, and I wouldn't to you either."

"Do you...cane her? I asked hesitantly trying to stop my jaw trembling.

"No," he answered. "You really don't know, do you. I'm sure she wouldn't tell you."

"You tell me then."

"No it wouldn't be fair. You might tell someone else."

"I wouldn't, I swear!"

"How do I know? We haven't got a secret so how could I be sure of you?"

"We do have a secret. We're drinking and we shouldn't be."

"Haaa, that won't do! I'd still get the worst of it if we were found out. Let me cane you and I'll tell."

"Oh you PIG!"

"There's no need for temper. The way you've been going on about it, you are obviously dying for it!"

"I am NOT!"

"Then I won't tell you about Elaine. I don't mind."

I didn't answer because I couldn't. The horrible pig wanted to see my bare bottom, and then beat me. Now I knew what Elaine meant about him being dirty. I guessed he had caught her out, just like he had caught me out. The difference was, I wasn't going to do it, even though my tummy was fluttering like mad and part me wanted nothing more than what he was suggesting.

"Tell you what," he said suddenly. "Let me see your knickers and I'll tell you about Elaine."

I just stood there with my mouth open, appalled by just how dirty he was, but fascinated by the whole thing, by the thought of showing off my bottom, by the thought of him making me do rude things. Most of all I was excited by the thought of the caning he had suggested I wanted.

"Come on," he insisted. "Just a peep."

"You are a dirty pig, Ottershaw, and I ought to tell my father," I answered but I was already pulling up my dress.

"No," he stopped me. "Don't. I want to do that."

"Oh all right," I snapped.

"Turn around then," he said cheerfully, " and stick it out for me."

I stamped my foot as I turned and pushed out my bottom, utterly furious but unable to stop what I was doing. His hands went to the hem of my dress and he started to lift, slowly, revealing my legs, then my stocking tops and lastly the seat of my knickers. He didn't just take his peep but kept my skirt up - I could feel his eyes on my bottom, which felt very big and very prominent inside my knickers. I was just glad I'd put on plain white ones that morning.

"You're beautiful, Patty," he whispered softly then kissed my bottom through the seat of my knickers.

A shiver ran through me, a lovely feeling, so that even though it felt indecent and improper, it didn't feel wrong.

"I'm going to take your knickers down, Patty," he went on. "They need to come down so you can show that lovely bottom, all bare and beautiful."

I could have stopped him but I didn't want to. He kissed my bottom again and then, ever so slowly, he began to pull down my knickers. I felt every inch of it as my waistband slid down, revealing what I was supposed to keep secret, exposing me with his face just inches from my flesh. He took them right down, settling them upside down around my lower thighs, then kissed me again, this time on the crease of my bare bottom.

"Patty, I want to cane you," he said softly. "Please? You have such a pretty bottom and I want to."

I said he could, though I could hardly believe they were my words. Percy disappeared immediately and I waited, bending over with my dress tucked up, my knickers down and my bare bottom fully presented. Soon he was back, swishing an old car aerial from side to side and grinning from ear to ear. I hung my head in shame at what I was doing.

"I'm going to give you six," he said, "just like we get. Then you'll know how it feels. And when it's over you will thank me for it, because it's good for you, because it increases your sense of humility before least that's what your father always says!"

I gave a sob as I stuck my bottom out for it, looking back and waiting for the pain. He gave the aerial one last swish and then smacked me with it, right across the centre of my bottom. I jumped and squealed as a fiery pain shot through my bottom, really stinging, like nettles only worse.

"No, no, stop!" I begged and covered my poor smarting bottom with my hands.

"Come on, Patty, push it out again," he said, quite kindly, "It's what we have to do when your father canes us, so you must take it the same way."

"But I don't get caned!" I wailed "And I haven't done anything!"

"You've been drinking," he answered. "I'd get caned for that. So why shouldn't you? Now be a good girl and stick that pretty bottom out!"

I sobbed again but refused to take my hands away from my bottom. Maybe he was right - maybe I did deserve to be punished - but it hurt so much! The first cut had begun to throb and my whole bottom felt warm, also heavy in my hands, the cheeks soft and sensitive, with the cane welt a fiery line of raised flesh running across both of them.

"Take your hands away, Patty!" he ordered, gently but firmly, " and put them on your head. That's what we have to do for rubbing, so it's only right you do the same."

If he hadn't put that first stripe across my bottom I don't think I would have done it, but I did, despite knowing how painful it really was. With my hands on top of my head I pushed my bottom out and and shut my eyes tight, waiting for the stroke with my whole body shaking. It came hard, making me cry out again and jump up and down, clutching my bottom.

"Hands back on head!" Percy said firmly. "We get extra if we take them away and so should you, so now it's going to be seven."

I could feel the tears starting from my eyes but I put my hands back on my head and stuck my bottom out again, simply unable to disobey him. My whole bottom was now throbbing and there was a big lump in my throat but there was another feeling too, in my pussy, strangely moist down between my thighs.

He gave me the third stroke, and I jumped and squealed again, yet managed to keep my hands on my head. I was shaking really hard, and the tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, but I pushed my bottom out again, beaten and obedient and needing more or the hot feeling that was building up between my legs. The fourth cut hit my bottom low and I really yelled and my knees buckled, making my bottom open up before I quickly got back in position.

I swallowed hard, choking back my tears of humiliation. He had seen my fanny from behind and my bottom hole too, which was even worse. The fifth stroke came as I was till thinking about the shame of a boy seeing what was between my bottom cheeks and I jumped and cried out like before. As I closed my legs I felt the wetness. I was sure he would see and know I was excited, which made the shame so much worse.

"You see, it's no different for girls." he said. "You act just the same, shaking your head to dull the pain, swallowing to check your tears. A beating is a beating, boy or girl!"

I didn't answer, because it wasn't the pain that was making me shake my head but the dreadful realisation that the caning was getting me excited. In fact the fifth stroke had hardly seemed to hurt at all and my bottom just felt as if it was glowing. I pushed it out again, not too far at first, then all the way because I couldn't stop myself any more. I wanted him to see my fanny...and my bottom hole. I wanted him to see it all!

"Oh Patty, you are so pretty" he whispered and then the tears really started to come.

The sixth stroke bit into my bottom and I cried aloud but quickly got back into my lewd pose, waiting for punishment with my bottom cheeks wide open and my little hole showing.

"Just one more, darling." he said and the seventh stroke came down hard across the fullest part of my cheeks, right over my bottom hole.

I jerked and squealed again but relief was flooding through me, a great, wonderful wave of it. Percy was holding his arms out to me as I turned and went to him. He had beaten me and should have been the last person I wanted comfort from, but it wasn't like that. It was because he had beaten me and controlled me, that I wanted to hold him, and hold him with my knickers still down, the evidence of my punishment showing clearly behind me. I was sobbing and shaking as he held me close, crying freely into his neck as he stroked my hair and patted my inflamed bottom. I wanted to ask him to touch me, to feel my wet pussy, but I couldn't get the words out, then he was taking my hand and was guiding it gently downwards.

"Oh God!" was all I managed, as he placed my hand on the huge bulge at the front of his trousers.

"I want you to do me with your hand, Patty," he whispered. "Come on, I'm going to take it out!"
Once can only suppose that the bell rang just then and Percy had to sprint awkwardly back to school for his next class.

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, August 17, 2020

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 16

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #344

Our gardening season isn't going as well as I had hoped. We have been hit by cucumber blight, which has caused the leaves of our cucumber vines to wilt and turn brown. There are many tiny fruits that will never grow because of the disease, and there's nothing to do but remove the vines. We have salvaged a few cukes that matured before the disease hit, and they are delicious! I even made a batch of pickles. But alas, we have no surplus to give away. The disease has also spread to the melons, winter squash and zucchini, so those harvests have also been curtailed. There are no surplus zucchinis to leave on neighbours' doorsteps in the middle of the night. I made my last loaves of zucchini bread yesterday; the harvest is over. It's very disappointing.

That leads me to today's topic:

Have you ever been disappointed with a spanking? Were you disappointed because it didn't happen, or did it not go as planned? Was there something you could have done to salvage the situation? 

Please leave your response as a comment. I will publish an edited summary of our conversation once everyone has had a chance to contribute.
From Hermione's Heart

Saturday, August 15, 2020

You Completed the Caption

Wendel Jones: Mary Margret stood along the cold shore hoping a handsome stranger would pass by and warm her up with a good spanking.
"Spanking in the wind." 

PK: Moon over Hawaii. 

Bonnie: "I know you want to sacrifice a virgin to appease the volcano gods, but I have a confession to make." 

KDPierre: When Gretchen told her friends she was going to "dip her ass in the water", they had assumed she was going for a swim and did not mean it literally. 

Anon: After a well deserved spanking, Millicent whined to her husband that sitting on a sore bottom during the ride home would be excruciating. Knowing how prone his wife was to drama, Henry dreaded listening to her complain for the hour long drive, so he gave her a choice: she could either whine all the way home and be subjected to a good caning once the got there, or she could dip her rosy red bottom in the cold sea until it was numb, thus allowing her to ride home in silence. Given her hatred of the cane, and knowing her husband would give her a vigorous dose of it after enduring an hour of her bellyaching, Millicent opted for the dip in the sea. 

Rosco: Hermione! Where did you get that picture of my wife Irene?

Both of you have some 'splaining to do.

Simon: I'm not sure about this costume, there's a hell of draught at the back. 

Ronnie: I'm going to be spanked very soon and I've heard spanking hurts more on a wet bottom - Do I dare?

Hermione: I need to cool off my hot bottom in a hurry!

That was fun! Please stay for more fun at brunch, coming up shortly.
From Hermione's Heart

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Complete the Caption

It looks too cold for bathing, but this lovely maiden seems not to mind. Why would that be?

Complete the caption by leaving a comment, and I will publish your submissions before brunch on Saturday.
From Hermione's Heart

Monday, August 10, 2020

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 9

What are the benefits of spanking or being spanked?

Baxter: I have always been a spanko so when my wife gives me a spanking, usually because I ask for it, I enjoy the heat and pain and the afterglow of the activity. 

QBuzz: I would say intense arousal, intimacy and stress-relief (usually in that order). 

Joe: It depends on what kind of spanking my wife is giving me. She only spanks me because I ask for it but sometimes it is not too hard and very playful & sexual and others are long and hard when she knows I am very upset or stressed out. Either way it is calming and stimulating to me. I find the first few minutes rather painful but it slowly changes to a very pleasant experience until I feel euphoric. 

Wendel: When the Misses spanks me all my stress and worries go away. I feel very relaxed afterwards even though I cannot sit down. I feel excitement and arousal when I spank the Misses. I love watching her bare little bottom squirm and turn red as I spank her.

Simon: Whether giving or receiving there's only one reason I do this, because I enjoy it immensely. 

Roz: Great question Hermione, I would say, depending on the type of spanking, arousal, release, after glow etc, but the biggest benefit is the intimacy and closeness between us.

Rosco: The first few smacks sometimes hurt quite a bit, but then the spanking becomes a delicious blend of pain, heat and stimulation that is both physical and emotional.

But maybe the main thing is relaxation. My mind is emptied of everything else and the spanking and associated activities become my whole world. (I don’t meditate.)

Prefectdt: I have waxed lyrical about the high I get from my body's and brain's reaction to being spanked many times. So I thought that I would write about the long term benefit I get from being spanked. I don't get spanked as often as I would like, so I realize that the benefits of being spanked can last some weeks after the event, once the crash has been coped with. I seem to deal with the bad days better and enjoy the good days more. I feel more settled and less prone to having a black cloud over my head. And I feel more competent at making important life decisions. All around I cope with life in a calmer and more positive way, than when I have not had my rear end reddened for some time.

Ronnie: For me the pain, arousal, intimacy, the closeness it brings. Also a great sense of release. 

Barrel: Terrific question. Initially, I benefit from the mental tug of war that I want it, but I know it’s going to hurt. Next, the role reversal from dominant to submissive as I follow instructions to get into position. As the spanking begins, I benefit from total acceptance and welcoming of the sting and heat. But my main benefit is the purging of stress and tension. A long and hard spanking is the only way I know to achieve that total release.

Bonnie: There are many benefits. I feel more confident, more positive, more committed, and just generally more pleasant thanks to the spankings I receive. A good spanking helps me to put things back in their proper perspective.

As much as I crave the actual spanking experience, I am every bit as fond of the way I feel afterward – energized yet relaxed, happy yet balanced, and satisfied yet totally tuned in to all things sensual. That little ache that persists reminds me constantly of how I acquired it and how turned on it makes me.

Hermione: I love being able to actually live my fantasy of being spanked. It's also a great stress reliever, and it brings us closer together as a couple.

sub hub: I get spankings for punishment/correction of something I have wrong or have done to disappoint Mistress. It is and always will be my goal to avoid disappointment for my Mistress and although I know that is not possible, getting spanked "wipes the slate clean". I am very grateful that I am married to the woman of my dreams and that she embraces the Mistress role in our relationship.

On getting spankings ... I don't like it when they are happening ... because it hurts! That said, I am immediately in sub space being summoned for a spanking, required to become naked for Mistress and present myself for the spanking. The act, in and of itself is a special reminder for both of us of who has which role in our loving marriage.

Thank you all for your insightful responses. Stay safe!
From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #343

You all enjoy some aspect of spanking or you wouldn't be reading this, right? But your reason for enjoyment might be much different from mine, or from other readers. So let's get personal today.

What benefits do you derive from spanking or being spanked?

Please leave your response as a comment. After everyone has had a chance to weigh in, I will publish an edited summary of our discussion.

From Hermione's Heart

Friday, August 7, 2020

Friday Fun

I have finally adjusted to the new Blogger interface, now that they have stopped changing and moving things around. In fact, the timing has been perfect. Two days ago I got a brand new phone to replace my obsolete BlackBerry, which no longer allowed me to read my mail. (I needed the Yahoo mail app, not available from the BlackBerry store.) My Samsung is powered by Android, which is Google. So the phone looks and acts much like the new Blogger interface which is also a Google product. Reduced learning curve! I have yet to explore all the new features, but at least I can make a phone call and read all my mail. 

Having a phone is really important these days because for many appointments, you have to stand outside and phone to let them know you have arrived. Mask wearing is important too. Are you wearing yours?

Stay safe!

From Hermione's Heart

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Not Just a Pretty Bum

"The bathroom sink is clogged again," Ron announced the other day.

"But I just unblocked it last week." I had poured a full bottle of liquid drain cleaner down the drain and the sink seemed fine then.

"Well, it's blocked again." Okay, I had to admit he was right. Now that I wash our cloth masks regularly, I had noticed that the water wasn't draining out fast enough. Our old sink had a stopper that you lifted out, allowing me to fish out the hair and other gunk that was blocking the drain. (Icky jobs are my department, it seems.) But our new sink has a stopper that doesn't come out, no matter how much I twist and turn it. I really don't like poring chemicals down the drain; there must be a better way.

I headed for the computer and Googled the problem. Presto! A short video on Youtube showed exactly what had to be done underneath the sink in order to remove the stopper. With the aid of a wrench I freed the stopper, cleaned out the gunk, and reassembled everything. It took about five minutes, including a trip to the basement for the wrench.

"I figured out how to take out the stopper and fixed the sink," I proudly announced to my better half.

"Great! You should be a plumber."

"No, but maybe a plumber's helper," I replied.

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, August 3, 2020

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 2

How much say does the spankee have?

A.J.: Well, for me, where we only spank for the fun of it, she has complete control when she is the spankee. When, how, duration, intensity, etc. are all hers. Violate that and it becomes assault.

And when the tables are turned....! I have the same rights.

This is why I have the problem with the word "Dom", because I think the real person in charge is the one OTK.

Barrel: I admit, I have quite a bit of control, up to a point. My wife encourages me to ask for a spanking when I know I want or need one. She likes it when I leave the hair brush or plastic paddle on her dresser, and she welcomingly responds. I do lead our more intense sessions, as they are cathartic for me. Again, another clear example that I lead many of my spankings.

However, recently she has spanked me when she felt it was earned, deserved or to her satisfaction. So, clearly not all spankee driven, but I have to admit, I control most of it.

Baxter: I am the spanko/spankee and do ask my wife to spank me wherever we are. However, my wife will suggest I need a spanking and I will either point to an implement or hand one to her and assume some sort of position.

Rosco: Well, spanking is simply a big part of our sexual relationship. But Irene generally tells me I've been naughty or recalcitrant and I need a spanking. Usually it is as foreplay, but not always - sometimes she spanks me at bedtime, then orders me to roll over and go to asleep. Long ago, we agreed that she would never spank me if she was really annoyed for some reason, but might for little things.

I never ask for a spanking directly. It is more fun to pretend it is against my will. I did originally ask (in 1980!), but since then Irene can read various signals from me. More commonly, she will initiate it these days. Even though I was the one who brought spanking into our relationship, I think she enjoys it more than I. She confesses she really does like to make it hurt.

Still, it is all a game. If either of us changed our mind, we would move on. (We have changed a few other practices due to health reasons. Don't imagine this would happen with spanking, though.)

Xen: We do have a discipline dynamic, and I (spankee) do have a fair amount of say. We don’t really have a D/s relationship and frankly discipline is my kink rather than his (he’s definitely enjoyed adopting it though). So we’re not looking for a full on power exchange. I joke that it’s really just me outsourcing my motivation; we work on personal goals and health things and things that are important but hard for me to manage. In terms of what and how much I get, I have had a lot of input there as well because it’s taken us a long time to get to enough (and then we switched to some particularly brutal implements and it was suddenly too much instead). So we generally talk it over and I let him know what’s working and what isn’t and we adjust as needed.

For fun spankings I genuinely don’t have much say, I enjoy having that control taken from me, and occasionally having the opportunity to resist.

There are times I need to ask for a spanking just because I know if I don’t get one I’m going to end up earning one in a far less pleasant way. Asking tends to be a little less satisfying though.

Anon: My spankings are strictly punishment, and I have no say whatsoever in what occurs. Not being able to sit for a week is the norm not the exception.

Roz: Lately spankings have been all for fun. I would say Rick is definitely in control. However, I can hint or ask for a spanking and provide feedback: too light, too hard, I'm done etc and he will adjust accordingly. Having said that though, he reads me so well I rarely provide feedback or have to ask.

Jack: Control, I showed this to my wife, she just laughed. When I earned a spanking, no matter where, I do as told and learned not to talk back. Always a bare bottom spanking, always a hairbrush and if at home a bath brush.

Bonnie: That's a very good question. Randy can exercise almost complete control, except when he cannot. I willingly submit to his authority and accept my spankings, but I retain the ability to suspend my consent if the situation requires. This occurs very seldom, but if I am in serious pain (of an undesirable sort) or feeling sick or just not mentally into what we are doing, I can invoke my safeword or just ask him to stop. He always does.

I can and do make suggestions and Randy usually considers them, though some don't turn out as I had envisioned. Our relationship, both kinky and otherwise, is built upon give and take. We both have preferences and desires to be considered. We work together to enrich both of our lives.

Minelle: I believe my guy always listens to me and adjusts. Even if he says he decides when finished he ALWAYS hears me. That’s our relationship.

Alan: This is really the ultimate question in any spanking relationship. We are in a fully consensual DD and F/M relationship. From the beginning it was understood she would have authority that I could not question of challenge (we both had previous DD relationships) But at first I had a lot of control (or influence) over it by giving her materials to read, suggesting areas where I needed discipline, selecting spanking tools and coaching her in other ways about things that “worked” for me in establishing a disciplinary milieu. That influence gradually eroded as our relationship developed and her confidence increased. We both came to realize that spanking worked for us on many levels but it worked best if she controlled it exercising her authority “anytime, anyplace for any reason” as we have both agreed must be the standard. Couples evolve in spanking relationships and things may be altered in future. But this is where we have been for several years.

Prefectdt: Ultimately, the spankee has to have the control of the big red stop button, if by safe word or other agreement. That is the difference between consenting adult spanking and abuse.

Outside of that, I am not in a relationship and have never had a regular long-term spanking partner and therefore do not feel qualified to fully answer this question (that is not a criticism, this is a good question and I am looking forward to seeing all the comments). I do often find myself involved in spankings where I have a lot of control and must top from the bottom. This is usually with spankers who have no or little experience, this is fine by me but I do look forward to those spankings where I can just do what I am told to do (and be sharp about it) during play.

Willie: Sort of a complicated question really. We have a Ds dynamic that incorporates corporal punishment. It also incorporates reset spankings, and BDSM type activities (to oversimplify it). If I am being punished I don't have control over the spanking, (though I sometimes try - fight or flight or both LOL). If he feels I need to be reset I can inform him if things are not working or offer suggestions and they are generally heard (though really not ideal for either of us in those situations). If he is 'taking' for himself because he can in our relationship, then he does whatever he wants. Obviously I could stop it or ask him to stop but unless I have a valid reason, it doesn't serve a purpose in our dynamic to do so.

Can I ask for a spanking? I suppose I could. I think in the 8 plus years we have been living this life I have asked twice (within the first 3 years). But my personal mindset is that it is far more effective if he initials things for my submission. Over the years he has asked me if I have needed a spanking from time to time, and left the decision up to me. I remember agreeing once. For me it is more about him initiating and me following that seems to be a key element to a successful spanking regardless the reason for it.

Cutiebootie: Such a good question!

I feel that the spankee has full control. It's consensual between the spankee and spanker.

As a spankee, I'd be happy asking for a spanking. If it was getting too hard or odd, I'd speak up and my spanker would adjust accordingly or stop. It's all about trust, respect, and safety.

Ronnie: P is in control. I can ask for a spanking or a particular implement and can make suggestions about spanking and P does listen.

Hermione: Ron is in total control of a spanking, but he knows that spanking is my kink and that being controlled is a big part of it for me. It wouldn't be satisfying if I took control. I always get to choose one of the implements, though, and long ago I determined what position worked best for me.

We had a great turnout this week! Keep those topic suggestions coming.
From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #342

Welcome, one and all, to our weekend discussion about all things spanking. This week's topic comes from our good friend Barrel.

How much control does the spankee in your relationship have? Is the spankee expected to ask to be spanked?  Does the spankee have any say in how hard or how long to be spanked?

Don't be shy! Please leave your response as a comment below. I will publish an edited summary of our conversation once everyone has had a chance to speak.

From Hermione's Heart

Saturday, August 1, 2020

You Completed the Caption

Roz: Ow you brute. Did you have to hit so hard?

Anon: My mother is coming shortly, what will she think? Your mother told me this is what you needed, to the corner my naughty little wife or should I say my naughty little girl.

Baxter: Waiting for my spanking is so hard, why not just give me the spanking right away? He always waits, giving me time to think about my misdeeds and the guilt builds up so high. And when he grabs me and pulls me over his knees and spanks me many many times, the build up to the orgasm is so nice, so very nice. And he wonders why I am naughty.He shall never know.

Ronnie: Oh I hope it's not the cane he's going to use.

j.stern: Fucking crystal acorn ! It is so painful.... soo good....

Rosco:  Now that you’ve spanked me, you’re going to do what?

What sort of man did I marry? Is this all some sort of twisted game for you? Well okay, but only if I can be on top.

Weasel: 'No, Sir, I wasn't trying to tiptoe away. I know I have a sound spanking coming. Yes Sir, I'll wait in the corner of your study'.

Alan: DID you knock before you just bungled in here? That's the kind of behavior that gets you in trouble isn't it. You know the penalty for that, don't you. Bring me my brush. NOW!

Prefectdt: Check the reflection, aim, fire. Arnica gel deployed.

cagedlion: Who put a thumbtack on the chair?

Barrel: Yes, my lovely. I intend to thrash your bum to the same color as your shoes. Come here!

Hermione: I can't see how red my bum is. Will you help me take this thing off?
From Hermione's Heart