Tuesday, February 11, 2025

We Three Kings (plus two)

Thank you, Boru, for starting my day with a chuckle.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, February 10, 2025

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for February 9

Let's see your ideas for a spanko commercial.

 Rosco: Wife comes home. Garage door open. Lawn half mowed. She frowns.

Inside husband is watching the game, drinking beer. She frowns, had on hips. I warned you mister, she says.

The door shuts. Slaps are heard.

Wincing husbands is shown with bottle of lotion. Voiceover says the lotion is good after being in the sun for too long or all kinds of burning sensations.

Roz: I like the idea of an advert advertising the many uses for kitchen implements.

Wendel: The commercial starts with the husband at home improvement store looking over various items below the camera view. We see him loading a bag into his trunk.

Switch the wife at a home goods store looking over cooking and cleaning items below the camera view. We see her loading a bag into her trunk.

Back to the husband shopping at a clothing store. He looks over various items below the camera view. We see him loading a bag into his trunk.

The wife is at clothing store looking over various items. All are below the camera view so we do not get to see. We see her loading a bag into her trunk.

Both arrive home and intensely look over their purchases in separate rooms. All items are below the camera view.

Close up of the husband smiling. Close up of the wife smiling.

Both enter the living room standing in front of a massive TV. He is wearing an Eagles jersey. She is wearing a Chiefs jersey. They frown at each other then notice each is holding a leather belt with the tag still connected.

Close up of them smiling.

Switch to a back view of the two from the jersey up. They are cheering and shouting at the game on the TV. The camera pulls back revealing their bare, freshly whipped backsides.

Caption: “Team Rivalries Come and Go but Spanking is Forever”

Prefectdt: I would like to promote self-help groups and professional counselling for women who want to come out of the closet as dominant spankers. I feel that there are a lot more of them out there, than will admit it, because of the general preconceptions caused by the Patriarchy. Women who want to be a Top need to know that is an honourable thing, for all women of that ilk.

KDPierre: A voice-over says, "We've come a long way in respecting people's differences and choices..." as an artsy montage of various ethnic, special needs, and sexual identity 'pride' or awareness events are shown. The commercial then cuts to some TV or movie scene poking fun at the spanking kink portraying its participants as weird. The voice continues, "But obviously not far enough."

Cut to a close-up of a paddle on a nightstand, as the voice-over concludes, "Spankos. We'd much rather be the butt that gets smacked than the butt of a joke. It's 2025, and time for all lifestyles to be taken seriously."

Hermione: I would have an ad that describes glamping holidays with a difference: besides all the usual amenities, the yurts are fully equipped with a spanking bench, St Andrew's cross, various implements and lotions. Special rates for first-timers include a Dom or Domme to help novices along.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #577

Welcome one and all to another weekend spanko brunch. This brunch is one we enjoyed exactly ten years ago, but I thought it would be fun to repost it since our readership has changed over time.

This is an important and exciting weekend for American football fans. On Sunday we will watch the jewel in the professional football season's crown - The Superbowl. For many, the most anticipated feature of the broadcast is the vast array of creative commercials. For those of us outside the US, they can only be enjoyed online but that's fine for non-football fans like me.

If you could create a one minute commercial about spanking, what would you choose to advertise? A service? A product? A blog or website? A location? What methods would you use to get your point across effectively? Would you use humour or would it be a serious spot?

Let your imaginations run wild.  Describe your commercial - briefly or in detail - in a comment, and I will publish your pitches on Monday. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Friday, February 7, 2025

Not so Naughty Signs

I promised you more signs, so here they are. Enjoy!

Happy Friday!

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Naughty Signs

These slightly naughty signs are sure to be a distraction when driving or even strolling through the mall.


More distracting signs coming up soon.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, February 3, 2025

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for February 2

What venue do you draw the line at?

CEM: Anything that might draw unwanted attention, any location where there are mainstream people, is a hard no for me. I don't even like most PDA, so anything kinky that might be misconstrued as abuse or violence, something that might make someone call the cops, alarm kids, old people or vanilla "persons"... nope not doing that. 

Wendel: Any place where there are lots of people. Places we do engage in outside spanking are far removed from the general public so there is almost no chance of someone stumbling in on us.
If one or both of us are sick the spankings stop. 

Mija: My university office. 

Roz: Any public place where we could be observed and the spanking misconstrued.  

Prefectdt: My own home springs to mind. I live in a terraced house with thin walls and there are children next door, who could not help but hear what is going on. I think that we are into the realm of consent, with this question. Even just as witnesses, people consenting to see or hear a spanking is important. So in conclusion, I would say anywhere where the non-consenting are present is a no-go spanking zone for me.

KDPierre: >>>>>>>>>What venue(s) would you draw the line at for spanking? <<<<<<<<
-a school playground at lunchtime (I fear arrest and being put on one of those offender lists)
-a church altar during mass (though maybe it might be appreciated if it was a Satanic Church?)
-a library (it would make too much noise and I hate being rude)
- the mouth of an active volcano (my butt would be hot enough without any extra help from Mother Nature)
- atop the tightrope at the circus (not for fear of the crowd's reaction but my balance isn't what it used to be)
>>>>>>>>What might make you change your mind?<<<<<<<<<
I don't know? Maybe being given a threat of "take the spanking or public execution"?;-)

(this was a fun one) ;-)

Rosco: Well, like everyone else, we don’t really want to be caught by others (with a few mostly fantasy exceptions).

Also, for a serious spanking, I like to be in a comfortable position so I can at least try to relax and enjoy the thrashing. I understand this is “topping from the bottom” but so be it.

Barrel: Any venue where our kids or grandkids are around. That just grosses me out. I have been spanked in hotel rooms and on cruise ships. No clue if others may have heard. We don’t flaunt it but don’t hold back either.

A.J.: I'm with "Chronic Excessive Manliness." Anywhere there are "civilians."

I might be OK with a setting at the home (mine/theirs) who know I spank/get spanked, but then again - no one knows I spank/get spanked!!!

(There was one neighbor LONG ago whom I told I spanked my GF's - if they let me! She was shocked until I explained it was all consensual sexy fun and they loved it. Now THAT was an interesting conversation!) 

Ronnie: Like others have said, not in a public place or where it's possible to get caught.

Nothing would change my mind.

Hermione: Never at a shopping mall or in a church.  I would only change my mind if it was after closing time and nobody was around except the occasional ghost (which we have in several local churches. I don't know about the malls).

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #576

It seems the week just flew by, and once again we are gathered together for an exciting discussion. From time to time I think that I'm always ready for a spanking, any time, any place. But on second thought, there might be some locations where I wouldn't feel comfortable being spanked. I'm referring to geographic locations, not places on the body.

What venue(s) would you draw the line at for spanking? What might make you change your mind?

Leave your response as a comment, and once everyone has had a chance to speak I will publish a summary of our conversation.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, January 27, 2025

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for January 26

What about your spankings would you like to change?

CEM: More. That would be my answer and it would be applicable to all questions or relevant topical issues or concerns. More... :)

Marie: More frequent overall and a greater emphasis on creating headspace, I'd say. Not roleplay, but setting a tone, really focusing, etc. Taking more time - for my husband (who is my primary play partner), it doesn't take as much for him to feel play is complete.

Wendel: More! The rest is a good blend of everything we enjoy so no changes needed. 

 Roz: Greater opportunities to indulge in spanking.

Luvinhub: Considering we are not in a WLM any longer more is definitely a change. Would love to step back into the WLM/DD. Besides that, from the past I would say intensity of strength and time, maybe even implements. But, all of that is scary when it comes down to it.

Prefectdt: I would like to get spanked more often. Outside of that, I would like to rely less on travelling and staying away, to get spanked. Finding one or more local spankers would be a big improvement to my play life.

A.J.: "intensity" No.
"frequency" A bit more.
"implements" God, no.

I would like to play with more women, though, who think spanking is fun and sexy. And to live (one more time!) having a woman watch as another woman has me otk - and then we all switch! (Oh, yeah; I'm not crazy.)

Rosco: Spanking is role play for most of us, i.e. we are pretending to engage in discipline (yes, I know, not everybody). Irene and I take it a step further - usually she creates a detailed pretext and often dresses for her part.

So it doesn't work well to simply say can you do this not that or do it harder or here not there etc. - we have those discussions after the fact once in a while. It works well.

But the one thing Irene does not really understand after almost 45 years is the first dozen or so whacks feel very differently that those that come later. She "knows" it, but since she has never been spanked she does not "understand" it. For me the first onslaught hurts like the dickens, then I slip into a euphoria where there is still pain but it is deeply satisfying.

Barrel: Like others, more frequency in the build up to intimacy AND in duration of serious sessions. 

KDPierre: Definitely more. With time, age, and circumstance, things here have slowed and I wish they would pick up again. It's not like we stopped, but time spans between them have certainly lengthened.

Hermione: I would like more scolding or talking about the ongoing process to get me into a submissive headspace. Being told I am a naughty girl and deserve a good hard spanking would be a huge turnon for me.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #575

Well, well, a disturbing week, to be sure. However, let's enjoy each other's company and think of happier times. This is a repost of a topic we discussed exactly ten years ago today.

Depending on personal preference, we all enjoy giving and/or receiving spankings, but there's always room for improvement, right? Would a change in intensity, frequency, implements, talking or not, location, or some other adjustment make the experience even more enjoyable for you?

What one thing related to spanking would you like to change? Is this change something that is possible?

Please leave your reply as a comment, and once everyone has had a chance to speak, I will publish a summary of our discussion.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Another Startle

Our good friend A.J. found this startle and I'm pleased to share it with you. Here's what he said: 

"Saw this minutes ago in The Washington Post's story about The New York Post, that quotes former NYP  employees and exposes it for the rag that it is:

"Who knew, for instance, that for years the Post employed a manager who went about “spanking and terrorizing the copygirls,” in the recollection of a feature writer who worked at the paper in the 1970s?"

"Not me!  Good to know.  I hope:
a) They enjoyed it, or
b) They sued the hell out of the Post and the manager."
Thanks, A.J. My first job after high school was with a major daily newspaper. I worked in a different department, but longed to be a copygirl in Editorial.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, January 20, 2025

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for January 19

This week we discussed multiple implements. How many have you experienced?

Roz: It varies, often there can be 2 implements, not counting the hand and occasionally 3 and they tend to be used on a rotational basis during the spanking. At least I have a brief reprieve from the sensation of each while another is being used.

Wendel: If you count the hand, then it would be 3 during the same session. Hand, paddle and finally the belt but we do just prefer one per session.

Donn: Accustomed? I don't think I would use that term, ever.

Yes, my Disciplinary Wife sometimes uses up to three implements during a punitive thrashing: Delrin Cane, Rubber Strap, and Wood/Delrin/Teflon Paddle, usually in that order for maximum effect. (You can understand why.)

(My last serious thrashing was a "four-weekend / four-session" affair, with her repeatedly using her reformatory cane, then a rubber strap onto those weals.)

However, she usually only uses one or two implement: Cane or Rubber Strap, singly, together, or one of those sometimes combined with a paddle.

"Do you prefer one or many?" I prefer that she uses what will work to get the job done; whatever works to best ensure she does NOT need to repeat the thrashing for the same offense in the future.

That said, if "punitive learning" is off the table, I would always prefer one implement: A basic paddle -- least painful short term, but more pain tends to linger longer-turn. 

CEM: Multi-implement. Hand, other hand, hairbrushes, switches, paddles of various sizes, canes, also of various types and sizes, kitchen implements, riding crop, belt, straps, also again, of various types and sizes, not sure how many that is, can't really count that high anyway as...I'm not very smart. 😁 

Luvinhub: Typically, my wife used her hand and then her purple heartwood paddle. The worst I had gotten included my very thick braided leather belt on top of the others.

Norse Cavalier: I prefer using my hand and then one paddle or brush. Not really a fan of using a lot of implements for a single spanking. Quite willing to do it if the young lady in question desires it, of course.

Jack: My wife/mommy only uses the bath brush, she want the spanking to get my attention from the start and to last longer after it is over. My mother-in-law always start with her hand, it hurts alot, she then uses her hairbrush and that is to remind not to rub, dance around, each of those spanks land very hard and hurt the most. 

Anon: I like to use multiple implements to vary the sensations. Plus I have a lot of different implements and I have a hard time picking my favorite. In the end though, I like using my hand best.

Barrel: Our sessions are usually prefaced with a spanking by hand and then hairbrush or plastic paddle, followed up with a short outing for lunch or appetizers. The main event always includes more than one implement. She likes the handmade strap the best, so she usually starts with it to set the tone. The tawse is employed more frequently as she likes to deliver the twin tips into the more central, lower, tender areas. All sessions include thrashings with two delrin canes, one thicker that thuds and one thin that leaves intense weals. Occasionally, she will finish with the hairbrush or paddle so she can balance the color as she prefers. During any session, I don't prefer any of these, however I do wear and admire the welts from the tawse and weals from the thin cane with pride for days thereafter.

Prefectdt: A big fat yes :) . Getting spanked, for me, will involve a minimum of 5 toys or pervertables. Those will be the ones that I bring with me. And of course I am eager to experience anything that the spanker has and wants to use. I have never counted the number of toys and pervertables used in a play, but I suspect that there have been times when it could have been as many as 20, possibly more.

A.J.: Obviously, I'm the wuss in this group!

Giving, it's all hand, and roaming hands at that. Until her tush is a nice pink. I have used a belt before, but for its emotional effect on her when she hears, "Do I have to take my belt off???" And her reaction to just the SOUND of my belt being pulled from my jeans! Anticipation level peaks!
Application? Belts can really hurt so CAREFULLY! Difference between my hand vs. my belt? Zilch. It's all theater.

On the receiving end? Sumbitch!! The same! 

Sage: Just two or three leather implements lately, as I've gotten enamored of leather. 

Hermione: A typical session includes four implements. Ron chooses three and I may pick the fourth. Like Roz said, these are rotated during the session so I feel different sensations - all of them ouchy! 

KDPierre: Normally it's just one - her custom paddle, but on certain occasions where a bit of extra emphasis is desired she might finish with a few nasty strokes from a synthetic switch we have. It leaves thick welts and will hurt even after my butt has gotten numbed from her paddle.

However, the record for most would have to be back in 2009 when Rosa and I did a fun "Bless the House" game where we went from room to room (10 in all) giving out 50 strikes with a different implement for each room. We went from living room to porch and from attic to basement! Ouch! LOL       

Hold onto your hats at noon EST today. The world as we know it is about to end. /s

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #574


Welcome back, dear friends, to our weekly get-together. Today's topic might inspire some of you to go the extra distance, while others might be tempted to say, "No way!"

Are you accustomed to having multiple implements employed during a session? If so, what is the maximum number that have been used? Do you prefer one or many?

Please leave your response as a comment, and I will publish a summary of our discussion once everyone has had a chance to join in.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Startle

Go here to read all the comments.

Thank you, Boru, for finding this awesome photo.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, January 13, 2025

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for January 12

How has your attitude towards spanking changed over time?

Rosco: It's been 45 years. Initially, Irene spanked me because I suggested it. Over time, she seemed to relish the disciplinary role. "I like to make it hurt", she has said on occasion as though she is surprising herself.

Irene likes to lecture me during these times. She gets quite annoyed if I don't take her seriously. If I laugh, it doesn't last long.

We've added several side courses to the main spanking dish - slapping my privates, bondage, ice in sensitive places as well as a bit of feminization from time to time.

CEM: I think people always experiment, evolve, try new things, adapt and adopt, but the core interest and activity mostly remains the same. 

Dan: I think when we first started disciplinary spankings, it was probably mostly my wife accommodating my interest. Over the years, she's come to be way more into it, because of the benefits she gets from it and, frankly, because she's come to get off on the power involved.

For me, recently I've gotten much more into the possibility of being less concerned about confidentiality and with being more open about that aspect of our relationship, including the (unlikely) possibility of spanking being witnessed or overheard. I spent the first 20 years of our DD relationship being paranoid about anyone finding out about it, and now I've gone almost 180 degrees in the opposite direction and feel an affirmative attraction to the ideal of (some) others knowing.

Sage: I've only been doing this a year but have had a few changes. Have become much more enamored of leather implements over time. My partner has become more skilled at spanking me & so my pleasure has increased over time.

When I first asked him to do it, there was a hurdle, as he at first was afraid I might want him to make up rules for my life & keep track of whether I follow them or not & spank me if I didn't. Which he didn't want to do.

I kept communicating & he did too. Am so glad we're good at that, as it is invaluable to know what each other want and don't want. He was relieved when I made it very clear that I have zero desire for him to make up rules for me.

My attitude toward myself and my identity have changed somewhat too. I'm more relaxed about my life and better able to focus. Before I got spanked the first time, I used to think of myself as kind of frigid sexually. But my reactions to being spanked revealed to me that that's not at all the case.

Roz: Our dynamic has gone through many changes over the years. We started spanking for fun and decided we wanted something more outside of the bedroom and embarked on a domestic discipline dynamic. From there we have constantly changed incorporating elements of BDSM and Daddy/lg at different times.

Jack: It has improved somewhat if you ask my wife/mommy. I still at times fall back, but it is quickly addressed with a spanking. My wife/mommy from the first spanking she gave me, told me it would not be the last. The changes are really before the spanking and after.

KDPierre: I could answer this two ways: long or short. The long version would take pages. The short answer seems more preferable for this situation, and it would be: "absolutely."

Barrel: Yes, we have evolved. Enhanced, actually. We used to spank as a prelude to intimacy, which we still do. But now we have periodic sessions where the spankings are disciplinary, longer, more intense and involve BDSM kinks. And recently, we have scheduled weekly check in’s, which are meant to be maintenance spankings, but we haven’t started yet due to busy schedules.

Wendel: Not too much has changed over the years. We have gotten braver when outside. On a mountain trail the Misses has been stripping naked to receive her spanking. It adds to the excitement knowing that someone might come along.
Like Dan we have thought about and discussed having someone watch while spanking or maybe just peek through a cracked open door.

Prefectdt: Over time, I have had 3 major changes in my attitudes towards getting spanked. In the early days it was exciting and fun and just a great thing to be into. Later, I made the mistake of thinking that I could decide to be into spanking or not. This was the wrong attitude. Now I accept that it is something that is part of me and my life and something I have to take part in. That is my current attitude.     

 Hermione: It's been nearly 40 years for  us, and over time, it's become more of a habit than something unusual or different. We have moved on from experimentation to sticking with the tried and true. With advancing age, my sexual desire has diminished, and although spanking, whether actual or imagined, is the only thing that stimulates me, the need and desire are less frequent.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #573

Welcome, one and all. I hope you all had a productive and peaceful week. (Are those two mutually exclusive?) No matter, it's the weekend, so let's enjoy a discussion on a topic suggested by regular brunch attendee Sage Blum.

How have your attitudes or needs around spanking changed over time? Or have they remained the same? If you are in a relationship, has the dynamic changed over time?

Please leave your response as a comment, and I will publish a summary of our discussion once everyone has had a chance to join in.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Speaking of Tattoos

What a coincidence! After the discussion about tattoos at our latest brunch, I came across this lovely photo on Bored Panda of a sculpture found in a second-hand shop. While it represents work on a tattoo, I also thought there was a spanko quality to it. What do you think?

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Monday, January 6, 2025

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for January 5

How do you feel about spanking tattoos?

Wendel: Happy New Year Everyone!

I do not have any interest in getting a tattoo. The Misses has talked about getting a small one on her fanny that says “Spank Me”. Since she has talked about it for years, I doubt it will ever happen.

Roz: I don't like tattoos so would never happen. If I ever did maybe the word 'spank' tattooed on my butt.

CEM: Not a fan of tattoos. For me, God/Mother Nature created human flesh perfectly, regardless of shade or color, no decoration or alteration required. But, people own their own bodies so for those that desire them, enjoy. I am partial however to "tattooing" a female bare bottom red. :) 

Graham: No tats. Don't like most of the ones I've seen. Probably a generational thing. 

Ronnie: I did think about having a heart tatooed on my bottom, but didn't.

Jack: I asked my wife/mommy about this, NO is a very stern voice. The only tattoo you will get is a very red bottom, and others will see. 

Prefectdt: I would kind of like one, easily visible, on my lower arm. But I would like it to be of a symbol that only other spankos are likely to recognize. Not just the general BDSM triple tadpole symbol that I have seen on many other people. I am not against this symbol, it is just not for me. Perhaps an inverted green heart, to symbolize my submissive nature, might be better?

Barrel: Nope. Agree it is likely a generational thing. 

KDPierre: No, but for me it's more of an aesthetic thing rather than a generational one. (And it would be a fairly long, technical, and likely boring explanation to describe my objection.) However, while I would not have a tattoo, I don't mind them on others...again as long as they 'work'. Tattoos that remind me of the haphazard application of travel stickers on a streamer trunk are not enviable. LOL.

A.J.: I HATE tattoos. Can't stand them but now they are everywhere. A particular hate? Women tattooing their breasts. Just kill me.

At a dinner it came up. "K" said she might, but not really. Her husband said if she did he would tie her the the outdoor deck and power-wash it off her. (Kidding.)

Some years ago driving late and it came up on a talk radio show.
A whopping 50% of the male callers said they would not even date a woman who got one.
Leaving the question for the women: Why would a single woman looking to eventually get married get a tattoo when 50% of the available pool of men HATE them?

Besides, most of the tattoos on women are flat-out ugly.

Donn: Nope: No tattoos on my body regarding spanking, now or any time in the future. Basically, I think supposedly decorative tattoos are anything but decorative, especially as we all age and skin changes shape and position.

(That said, I do have six "micro-tattoos" (1-2mm dia) that I use as reference points for using a body-fat/composition caliper. Those marks allow for very accurate positioning for maximum repeatability/accuracy.)

Rosco: I’m thinking about getting a small discreet tattoo when I turn 70 later this year. I’ll give your suggestion some thought but I don’t think it will have anything to do with TTWD.

Hermione: I am constantly amazed at the number of tattoos I see on professionals on the various TV programs we watch. Why, why, why? They are a big NO for Ron and me.    

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #572

Happy New Year, everyone. The confetti has been swept up and the noisemakers put away, and now it's time to enjoy our first discussion of the new year.

Do you now, or would you ever, have a tattoo on your body that suggests or indicates your interest in spanking? If so, where on your body would it be? Have you ever seen such a tattoo on someone else?

Please leave your response as a comment, and I will publish a summary of our discussion once everyone has had a chance to join in.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

It's 2025!

This year's going to be different, to say the least. Let's hope we all survive it.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart