Thursday's GIF
5 hours ago
"...I noticed that manager at a local Denny's restaurant using some sort of thermometer gun to measure the temperature of the griddle, frying cooking oil, soup pots, salad compartments, etc.
I wonder if that could be used "before" and "after" aimed at a bare bottom?"
You are getting dressed for a big night out and you look incredible. As I admire you from head to toe, I notice a silk tie draped over the doorknob behind you, and I get a very naughty idea. I pick up the tie, then I lead you to a chair. Gently I lower you onto it and ...
Hello from Team Lemur!
John has asked us, his loyal minions, to write on his behalf this month. He says that he's working hard on his new script and that you'd be kind and understand. He went on to explain that he is a creative man, making him prone to random bursts of unavailability. He told us to maintain his highest standards or we'd be flogged. We'll try not to disappoint.
Spanking the Non-Sequiturian
Now that summer holidays are coming to a close for many of you, are you feeling particularly non-sequiturian? Do you awake disjointed from your slumber with an overwhelming desire to shout "Nougat-pilfering cheese-cretins!" and then immediately wonder how your plants are?
If you've answered "yes" to this question, you are not alone. In fact, right now on The Spanking New John Cleese Forum there is a veritable horde gathering to share non-sequiturs. The community is playing along in a quest to remain true to the rules of the game, whilst teetering dangerously on the edge of being Tourette's candidates.
The Spanking New John Cleese Forum is a marvelous place filled with lovely people, who, despite being utter lunatics, are quite a lot of fun. Though some have remarked that "the people in Michael Palin's forum are much more polite," we steadfastly encourage you to seek out the warm embrace of the spanking denizens. we are certain that they would genuinely love to welcome you to their bosom.