Does counting out loud play a part in your spankings? If so, does the spanker count, or is that the spankee's task?
Leave your response as a comment, and once everyone has spoken I will publish a summary of our discussion?

One day a man came home from work to find his wife crying hysterically in the kitchen.
"What's wrong, dearest?" asked the confused husband.
"Oh darling," sobbed the wife, "I was cleaning little Suzie's room when I found whips, handcuffs and chains under her bed, along with a very erotic porn magazine! What ever are we going to do?"
"Well," replied the man, "I guess a spanking is out of the question?"
She could never envisage playing punishment and discipline games with [Giles]; he was far too soft and cuddly to be credible in a masterful role.
Sebastian, on the other hand, was quite different. Unsettling to say the least. His observations today had raised fresh doubts in her mind. She must be mad and yet she desperately wanted to please Sebastian. She had never felt this way about Giles and he was a far nicer person than Sebastian would ever be; nice, cuddly, safe Giles. Sebastian was hard, dangerous - and yet she needed his approval, even to feel his wrath, knowing that he was taking the time to correct her.
In her dream, she had been alone in her flat when she had heard a key turn in the lock. She had heard footsteps behind her as someone came into the room. She had turned to find Sebastian standing before her.Now we know her interest in spanking is not purely academic. But when will she have a chance to experience the real thing? Wait and see!
As she stood up to face him, Sebastian reminded her that it was she who had invited him in. In a fuzzy, illogical sort of way, Lucy knew, in her dream, that this was true. Sebastian grasped her shoulders and turned her round to face away from him. She did not resist him; he was too strong for her anyway and she knew she was in his power.
"I am going to help you," he said. "You are going to experience at least some of the feelings Juliette felt yesterday, and having experienced those sensations for yourself, you are going to prove that you are worthy of my assistance."
As he spoke, he threw a sort of wide band of soft material over her head. At this point in her dream, Lucy had unknowingly become entangled in her bed sheets and had flailed helplessly for several minutes without awakening.
"Don't worry," he said, still behind her. "You won't be harmed. This is just the first step of your experience. Remember, Juliette and the others also knew that they would not be permanently harmed. They knew before their punishment started that there was a limit to the duration and intensity of the pain they were about to suffer. I give you the same guarantee."
In her subconscious, dreamy state, Lucy realised that this was literally true - that Juliette knew exactly what was coming to her, right from the start. Sebastian finished tying the blindfold around her head. In a way, Juliette had the advantage over her, knowing her sentence in advance. The uncertainty made her feelings all the more intense, as did the blindfold.
She heard the scrape of furniture being moved. Then Sebastian took her arm and guided her forward a pace.
"I have pulled a low stool out in front of you," she heard him say. She knew the one he meant; it was a small stool, only about a foot high, with quite solid legs. "I want you to step up onto it." Puzzled, she did as she was told.
"Now, be careful," he continued. "Turn around slowly. I want to look at you."
Again, she did as she was told. It was spooky, knowing he was watching her, yet not being able to see him.
"No, not like that." She knew from his voice that he had moved around to a new position. He had been so quiet, she had not realised he had shifted. A frisson of fear ran through her.
"Put your hands up behind your head; that's better. Now turn again."
The sleeping Lucy rotated in her bed, moaning as she did so. The dream-world Lucy did her best to give a real modelling twirl, and nearly fell off her stool. Sebastian steadied her with one hand. When she had regained her balance, Sebastian told her to strip. She replied that she would do no such thing, knowing full well that she wanted nothing more in this world than to do just that in front of him.
"What? Chicken already? How do you think Juliette felt? She had a very personal medical, you know, fully nude, well before they took her knickers down for the beating. You will never begin to know how she felt, let alone write a good thesis. Still, no matter; there will be others who will relish the chance. Get down!"
Her heart was thumping. He was right. She had to know. It was nothing to do with the thesis and it was stupid but she had to know. She began to take off her clothes. It wasn't much of a strip-tease. She was only wearing a track-suit over her underthings, and a pair of white socks.
She took the socks off first. It seemed to be the least revealing thing to do, while she gathered her courage. She balanced on one leg and removed the first sock, letting it fall from her fingers with a little flick. Then she changed feet for the second one. After that there was not much else to take off except her track-suit and her undies. She knew he was watching her and not knowing if he had moved again made it scary. She didn't know what angle he was staring at her from, or what would catch his eye. She was wearing some very modest airtex briefs, so she decided she would be less exposed if she slipped off the track-suit bottoms first. As she discarded them, she plucked up enough courage to ask him what he thought of her legs. It was just bravado; plus, by getting him to answer, she would know where he was.
"They are very attractive." He had moved again, he was behind her. "But don't waste time; I want it all off."
She began to roll up her track-suit top, to pull it over her head. She hesitated when she reached her breasts. Lucy was secretly quite proud of her breasts. They weren't all that big, she supposed, but they were a good natural shape and firm. Realising that there was no point in prevaricating, she quickly removed the top and hurled it at where his voice had come from.
"There, you bastard," she had snarled in her dream, "get a good eyeful !"
She was then taken by surprise by a terrific open-handed whack across her bottom which made her cry out and grab her rear. It had come as a shock and had really stung.
"Don't ever talk to me like that again!" He had sounded really angry. "Now finish the strip if you dare. I want the lot off, and there's no need to be shy, you are made just like other girls."
She wanted to weep. It was as if being made the same as other girls was somehow the worst thing in the world. She had gone so far now there was no going back. There was nothing for it but to finish this embarrassing strip. She fiddled behind her back and unhooked her bra. As it slipped off her shoulders, she made another attempt at being brave, and did another sort of twirl, right round, so wherever he was standing hr had to see her best points. Then it was time for her ultimate test. Time to drop her panties.
She took a deep breath and slipped her thumbs into the waistband. She didn't have the nerve to make a production number out of it, but just slipped them off as quickly as she could, letting them drop to the floor; then she stood up with her hands coyly in front of her. Much later, Lucy realised that this was the turning point of her dream, the point at which the nightmare had become her inspiration. She had never been shy about undressing with Giles, but to do so in cold blood, in front of Sebastian, was different. It was humiliating and frightening, but also exciting in a strange kind of way she hadn't expected. Only much later, when she thought about it a great deal, did she recognise the element of excitement for what it was.
"Put your hands behind you head," he ordered.
She did as he instructed. He was looking at her; she sensed him moving around and there was nothing she could do to hide any part of her. She could hear some noises, movements from behind, but couldn't guess what he was doing. Suddenly she felt his touch in the centre of her spine. Her flesh must have shown goose pimples because he suddenly laughed. Then he ran the tip of his fingernail down her back. He started high, between the shoulder blades, and let his finger run right down. When he reached the cleft of her bottom he paused for a second and she couldn't help giving a little wriggle.
As he continued downwards, he spread his hand, first flat across her bottom, then in a sort of cupping action, squeezing her buttocks.
"Yes, very nice," she heard. "Very spankable. Have you ever been spanked, Lucy?"
"No," she muttered, clenching her bottom and holding her legs firmly together.
"Would you like me to spank you now?" He was stroking her bottom and she was terrified. She knew that he was going to, of course, whatever she said, but still resisted the admission of desire stubbornly.
"No," She pleaded. "No, please, Sebastian - please. This has gone far enough. Please let me go now."
"You disappoint me." His voice never lost its even tempo, which made him sound all the more menacing. All the time he was stroking her bottom, ever so softly, stroking upwards from the top of her thighs, lifting her bum cheeks gently and stroking across them. "How will you ever know, Lucy? How will your thesis carry any conviction? Shall I spank you now, Lucy? I think you want me to, don't you."
His hand was still now, resting flat on her bottom and she felt its sensual warmth. She also heard a voice, quietly and nervously, say, "Yes I do! Oh God!" It was her voice!
It was at that point that Lucy had awoken with a shout of 'No - no I'm sorry!" and found she had managed to discard all her night attire and was lying naked in the bed, with one hand holding her bottom, the other working feverishly between her legs. To her utter embarrassment, she discovered she was soaking wet. She could not decide whether the ache between her legs was due to Giles's attentions earlier or because she needed more of Sebastian's dream-sequence stimulation.
Lucy stopped and smiled to herself. She had given in to temptation and massaged herself to orgasm, lying face down in the twilight. It was difficult to believe it had only been a dream, so intensely had she visualised it. She had accepted it, willed it so. She imagined herself prostrate across Sebastian's knee, her bottom fiery with his slaps. Her fingers fluttered frantically at her clit as she imagined what might come next; how she would be thrown back across the bed and how he would leap on her, ignoring her cries. She lay back, her eyes closed. In her mind Sebastian roughly forced her legs apart; then he was on her, driving his eager cock into her, nailing her smarting bottom to the bed. She cried out in ecstasy as her own fingers completed the necessary climax. When it was over, she collapsed on the bed, sobbing.
Lucy had sobbed herself to sleep exactly as she lay, naked, face down, bottom raised by the pillows under her.
New York City, NY
Dear Sir
I read your book Teenage Discipline and it was one of the best I have read in quite a long time, but I was disappointed because it didn't have enough illustrations. I do hope you will take that into consideration with the next book you publish.
I myself know quite a bit about spanking teenage girls. My wife and I never had any children of our own but we did have two nieces who stayed with us for a whole summer while their parents were away in Europe. We rented a place up on a lake in the Catskill mountains for that entire summer and took both girls with us. The girls were Anne who was nearly nineteen and Joan, just seventeen, and quite big for her age.
I had received permission from their parents to spank them if they needed it. They were spanked at home, so therefore it would not be a new experience for them. As it was, I had seen them spanked on a few occasions with skirts raised but always with panties left on. I informed them that if I had cause to spank them it would be on their bare behinds. Their faces flushed upon hearing this announcement.
The two weeks I stayed up there they were on their best behaviour. The very first day I was away they did something they should not have done. They met some boys up there and stayed with them until way past suppertime. They did not get home until eight and my wife told them that they would have a cold supper and, come the weekend, very sore bottoms!
During the rest of that week they made a few other mistakes which my wife told me about when I arrived on Friday night. I called the girls in and told them what their Aunt had reported to me.
"It is already after nine," I said, "and in my opinion a little too late to punish you for your unladylike conduct. Tomorrow morning, at eight o'clock sharp, I will attend to you both and I can guarantee that after I am finished you will want to eat breakfast standing up!"
"You had better go to bed now," I continued, " and get a good night's rest. You'll need it for the morning."
With downcast heads they made their way to their room.
At eight o'clock sharp the next morning, the girls came down the stairs and into the living room where I was already waiting for them. You should have seen their faces when they spied the heavy paddle and strap on the couch.
I said to Joan, "You will get spanked first as I want Anne to see just how I go about it. You will get spanked with the paddle on your panty-clad bottom while across my knees, then you will remove your panties and bend over clutching your ankles for a dose of the strap. You will be getting twenty-five with the strap and if at any time you should straighten up, I will wait until you are back in position and start at the beginning again. Do I make myself understood?"
"Well then, fix your clothes and get over my knees."
Both girls were wearing shorts. Joan removed hers and then draped herself across my knees. I moved her into a firm position and then began. First I brought down the paddle on her right cheek, and then her left cheek. I counted as I went along. By the tenth spank, Joan was howling and begging me to stop which I would not do. She was wearing white panties which now appeared to be changing to a pink shade. After I brought down the twenty-fourth spank, I delivered the last across both buttocks. Then I told her she could get up, which she did. After a minute's rest I told her to prepare herself for the next part and to get in position.
Slowly she reached under the elastic band of her panties and finally drew them down to her knees. Then she bent over and grasped her ankles.
Her bottom was already a fiery red. Taking up the strap, I started in again on her poor bottom. The first crack of the strap caused her to howl. Each succeeding crack brought another squeal from her. I was really doing a good job on her bottom, yet she deserved all she was getting. After the twentieth I realized that her bottom had taken about all it could take so I gave her the last five on her upper thighs.
That made her scream even louder. When she straightened up she rubbed her bottom frantically in front of me, not even bothering to pull up her panties.
Anne received exactly the same punishment except I had to give her the last ten on her upper thighs.
They were surely two well-spanked girls and much better behaved for the rest of the summer, and they received only a few more spankings for minor naughtiness.
I know that we did the right thing and their parents were most appreciative of the efforts we put in to see that their daughters behaved in a ladylike manner.
Yours truly