Complete the caption by leaving a comment and I will publish your suggestions on Saturday. Thank you, Sir Wendel Jones, for the cartoon. Keep 'em coming!

Did you notice all the different words Rollin used to describe Chrissy's backside? What a creative writer!
Two young middle aged looking couples strode up as Gary and Chrissy carried on an animated conversation. Chrissy found herself warming up to the handsome senior. Gary noticed them.
"Hi, folks, welcome to the paddling booth. Care to make a donation?" Gary smiled and patted his palm with the paddle.
The couples regarded Chrissy in her skimpy outfit with looks of interest.
"Whoa, Carla," said one of the women, "look at her outfit. A bit short, don't you think?" This last question was obviously directed to Chrissy
"Oh, this?" asked Chrissy, "it's my cheerleader outfit--for the know...rah, rah, rah?" And she gave a little wiggle.
With a broad smile one of the men laughed, "Perhaps she should be taught a little modesty." He pulled out his wallet. "I always thought those cute cheerleaders in school deserved a good spanking. What you say we all pony up. I'm in for $20."
"Ok, Jim. You got it. Carla and I will go $25," said the other man.
"Wow, 45 bucks," said Gary. "That's great, folks."
Chrissy was busy doing the math in her head. Yikes! That was 10 swats.
"Now this is real, right?" asked the woman named Carla. "Not little love taps or anything?"
"Absolutely," assured Gary. "Just like initiation night. Nothing held back. Well laid on, as they say." He swooshed his paddle through the air for emphasis. Chrissy cringed. Yikes!
"Well, ok," said the other woman, "sounds like fun--oh except for you, honey." All four of them laughed.
"C'mon, Ray, give him the money. I want to see this."
The men were clearly enjoying ogling Chrissy in the brief cheerleader outfit and the women wore hard looking smiles.
"Ok, folks, step right this way." Gary gestured for Chrissy to lead the troop into the tent.
"I always thought cheerleaders were snooty and too big for their britches," said Carla to her friend. "I know what you mean," said her companion. "Looks like this one's britches are going to be warmed up."
When they had assembled in the interior of the tent, Gary motioned for Chrissy to approach. "Ok, Chrissy, time for your paddling. Bend over hands on your knees. Stick that cute butt right out."
Chrissy nervously bent over. This was it! she thought. How embarrassing to be bent over for a paddling in front of four strangers. As she bent over her little skirt rode up, but not quite enough. Gary took the blade of the paddle and flipped it up onto her back.
One of the men jabbed his buddy in the ribs as Chrissy's adorable ass was unveiled. The brief green panties stretched and rode up into her bottom crease in her bent over posture, baring the lower parts of her cheeks. Chrissy had athletic legs and a well formed derriere. The presentation of the chubby bottom cheeks seemed to beg for some well placed swats.
At least this was what Gary was thinking as he tapped the resilient chubs with the paddle. What a cute ass, he thought. Chrissy gave a little flinch when she felt Gary rubbing the wood in slow circles on her ass.
"It's 10 licks, Chrissy. Are you ready?"
"Y-yes," stammered the luckless pledge.
Gary drew back and swung in an easy arc. The paddle connected solidly with Chrissy's bottom and made a loud crack! The cheeks of Chrissy's bottom flattened with the impact, then sprang back into shape.
"Oooh," gasped Chrissy. That had hurt.
Crack! Another solid swat made her cheeks wobble.
Chrissy waited nervously. There was a pause as Gary patted and rubbed the paddle across the seat of her thin panties. Smack! Crack! Whack! Gary gave her three swats right in a row that made her rise up on her toes and do a little dance.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" she cried. God! that had stung like blazes.
"Stay down, stay down," cautioned Gary. And he gently pressed her back with the paddle. "We wouldn't want extras for getting up now, would we?" He gave the enthralled quartet a broad wink. They grinned and nudged each other in the ribs.
"Oh oh, but it stung." Chrissy protested.
"You got to grin and bear it, honey," laughed one of the women.
"But it really hurts..."
"I know Chrissy, but hold on. Here comes three more..."
Gary drew back and landed another trio of fast hard shots right across the crowns of Chrissy's delectable buttocks making the plump cheeks quiver.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" shrieked Chrissy as the swats burned her bouncing bottom. She started to rise but Gary put his hand on her back and whispered, "Just two more. Be a brave girl, ok?"
Chrissy sniffled and nodded. Wow! It hurt!
Gary took his stance again and carefully measured the distance. Crack! She felt like her bottom was on fire. Oh, ow, ow, she thought.
"I think she felt that," said Carla to her friend who nodded in agreement.
Last one thought Chrissy. Thank God. Whack! "Ouch!" bleated Chrissy. That last one really got to her. It almost felt like she would cry.
"Ok, Chrissy, you can get up now."
She rose and rubbed her butt, grateful that it was over. She didn't care who was watching as she did a little dance, hopping from foot to foot.
The foursome chuckled and commented on Gary's prowess with the paddle and Chrissy's cute reactions.
"Sure lit a fire in her tail," ventured Jim. "That's one cheerleader who'll be eating off the mantle at the sorority house tonight," laughed Jim's wife. "Say, your panties could use some dusting off, dear," said Jim with a grin.
"Oh! Don't you dare!"
But she squealed, half laughing as Jim gave her a hearty wallop on the seat of her thin stirrup pants. Kidding and joking, the group said goodbye and moved on.
"Are you Ok?" asked Gary.
"Wow!" said Chrissy, still rubbing her delectable hiney. "That really stung! But, yeah, I'm ok."
"Good girl," said Gary. "We did good. That was a lot of money. You are not only cute, you're brave." And he gave her a big smile.
Chrissy's stomach gave a little flip flop. The handsome senior liked her. Gary's undisguised interest coupled with the heat in her fanny added to his command of her during the paddling made her feel all squishy inside--like he could do anything he wanted with her. With a slowly building wetness in her lower regions she followed him back out front.
I have a feeling it's going to be a long day! Now, who will be next?BARRY
As the woman in the flower print dress drew nearer, Barry tried averting his eyes, but it was too late.
"Barry Wilson, that is you, isn't it?"
"Oh, er, hi Mrs Hinckly," said Barry with mock cheerfulness.
Turning to Mary Ann she said, "You know, he was the naughtiest one in the whole 8th grade, weren't you Barry? I should have given your naughty bottom a good spanking back then, but they wouldn't let us." Barry gave her a hapless grin. Mary Ann saw a chance to get a donation.
"Well, then why don't you let me give this naughty boy his long overdue comeuppance then? Donate $10 and we'll take Barry in back and give him three paddle swats good and hard. Only $5 apiece for extras."
"Why that's a grand idea," exclaimed Mrs Hinckly. "I always thought Barry could have used a good spanking. Better late than never I say," said the spinsterish woman, fumbling in her purse for the money. "Here's twenty five dollars. It's all for charity, right?"
"Every bit," said Mary Ann with a big grin. Wow-- $25 and they had just opened. "Let's go Barry," she said with a laugh, "time for that trip to the principal's office you never got to take." This last comment was accompanied with a broad wink directed at Mrs Hinckly who smiled with pleasure. Barry blushed and gave her a weak smile.
When they had closed the curtain, Mary Ann took charge.
"Ok, Barry, stand here," she said motioning to a spot in the center of the tent. "Now bend over, hands on your knees." Barry blushed at having to assume the juvenile posture in front of the two women, but he did as he was told. "That's right, Barry, stick it out," she said as Barry bent over, his ass straining the seams of the already tight shorts. Hmmm...cute chubby cheeks, thought Mary Ann as she tapped his
seat with the paddle. This was going to be fun.
"Now Barry," said Mary Ann, rubbing the paddle across his butt in slow circular arcs, "you keep count, Ok?" This question produced a muffled response. "Was that a yes, Barry? Good boy." Then she looked up at Mrs Hinckly. "What do you think, should I give this bad boy his spanking?" Mrs Hinckly just beamed. After all these years the little brat was going to get it. Mary Ann drew back her arm and brought the paddle down with a loud whoosh...Crack!
"Ahh," grunted Barry. "One." Jeez that stung, he thought. She can hit hard for a girl.
Whack! "Oww. Two." Mary Ann smiled at Mrs Hinckly. She patted the proffered cheeks and drew back again. She pivoted and swung through with a smooth forehand.
Crack! "Three," squeaked Barry. Damn! It burned. Hot. Hot. Hot.
Mary Ann took her time and tapped Barry's bottom, like she was looking for the right spot. Barry flinched. This hurt like fire.
Whack! Hardest one yet--right on the crowns of his buttocks. A sizzler.
"Yeoww. Uh, four," managed Barry.
No, no, no, thought Barry. Don’t crynow! His eyes were welling up. This stung atrociously in the tight spandex biker shorts--and all he had on underneath was a jock. He'd had no idea girls could hit so hard.
"Last one Barry. Ready?" Barry grunted in assent. Mary Ann wound up and delivered a blistering Whack! to the Barry's bottom that sounded like a firecracker.
"Yah....ow...five," sang out Barry.
"Bravo!" Exclaimed Mrs Hinckly, clapping. "Very good."
Barry rose, rubbing his buttocks and grimacing.
"Wait a minute," said Mrs Hinckly, reaching into her purse, "I think he could use a few more." After all these years, she couldn't believe how positively satisfying this was--to finally see Barry the brat get his seat well roasted.
Barry gulped, panicked now. His ass was flaming hot. Mary Ann had really paddled him hard--just as hard, in fact, as he got it in pledge meetings from the upperclassmen. He didn't know how he could take any more.
"Well, thank, you, ma'am," said Mary Ann as Mrs Hinckly handed her a $20.
"Well Barry, back over you go and hang on tight. Here we go, four real stingers." And she winked at Mrs Hinckly as she drew back her paddle.
Barry cringed, "b-but...please, I..".
Mary Ann put her hands on her hips and gave him a stern look. "Barry! I'm surprised-- a big guy like bend over and stick your fanny out." Barry groaned inwardly but assumed the shameful position.
Mary Ann was going to make Barry pay for his reluctance to obey her. With a grim look she cocked her arm at shoulder level.
Crack! "Ow!" yelled Barry. Mary Ann's swat landed right across the fattest part of his behind. That was the hardest one yet and he lurched forward a little.
"I think you should say 'thank you ma'am' after each one, Barry." Mary Ann grinned at Mrs Hinckley and she nodded with approval.
Miserably, from his bent-over position Barry repeated the shameful mantra. "Yes, ma'am. Thank you ma'am."
"Ah...ow...thank you ma'am."
Mary Ann patted Barry's butt and drew the paddle back again. Smack!
"Yeow...ah, thank you ma'am."
Mary Ann measured the distance for the last one. Her backswing with the paddle was shoulder high and she pivoted through, sweeping the paddle in a graceful arc.
Splatt! The paddle connected with Barry's bottom solidly. The cheeks rippled. "Oh..ow...yike!" squealed Barry.
"What do you say, Barry?" said a satisfied Mary Ann.
"T-thank you ma'am," choked Barry.
Oh, please, I'm not going to cry. But he could sense tears coming, it hurt so bad. He rose and massaged his tender sit spot. Mrs Hinckly took it all in with approval. Many was the time that she had wished that she could have just tipped young Barry over her knee, yanked down his pants and blistered his little behind.
"Well, Barry, I'm glad to see you finally got your comeuppance, you rascal, you. This has definitely made my day. Young lady," she said to Mary Ann, "you really know how to swing a paddle."
"Well, thank you," said Mary Ann, as Mrs Hinckly departed.
"And good job, Barry. Now let's get back out front and make some more, what do you say?"
"Ah, sure, Mary Ann," said Barry still rubbing. Wow! That stung like hell fire. Barry didn't know if he could take any more customers like that one.
Barry, Jenny, James and Chrissy, four freshman Greek pledges, waited nervously in the shaded entrance to the Pan-Hellenic Paddling Booth. They were understandably apprehensive.Let the games begin! Who do you think is up first?
Customers were beginning to notice the sign that read: "Paddling Booth". Under that it said: "Have one of our Frat guys or Sorority gals take a good 'ol fashioned paddling for charity. Ten dollars--three licks. Extra swats, $5 each." A few couples smiled and pointed. The four pledges tried to smile and at least appear cheerful as several folks strolled their way looking very interested.
"Step right up, folks," urged Steve Devlin, the Delta Tau Vice President. "Take your pick from among our four pledges here. Which one would you like to take some good old fashioned paddle swats for charity? Ten dollars, three licks. Step right up."
"Can they take more than three licks?" asked a stout matron in a flowered dress. "I would think a good fanny whacking would be more than just three swats. Lord knows my momma didn't stop at three."
"Yes, indeed," said Jane Tolliver, the Sigma Delta pledge mistress. "You plunk down the contribution and our brave pledges will take as many swats you pay for."
Inwardly the four nervous pledges groaned. It could be a long afternoon.
Barry was especially nervous. The woman in the flower print dress was none other than Mrs Hinckly, his old 8th grade teacher. He had been a little brat in her class, he recalled. She smiled and then seemed to recognize him. As her recognition grew, he saw a mirthful glint appear in her eye. Oh, shit, thought Barry.
The Clark County Fair was the biggest event of the year in rural Clark county, Texas and these four along with several of their fellow pledge brothers and sisters were slated to man the "paddling booth". This was the Pan-Hellenic Council's contribution to the county, its participation in raising money for charitable causes. The senior actives had explained the concept to an apprehensive mixed group of "volunteers"--actually pledges chosen by lot from each fraternity and sorority at Linville College.
"It's all in good fun, guys," Ron Smith, the SAE pledge master had explained. "We used to have a kissing booth, but only the girls could sell kisses for a dollar or two. But with this we can all participate."
"Ron's right," said Betty Logan, Kappa's pledge mistress. "This is our chance to show that we college guys and gals can pitch in there and help do our part to support the charities of this county. Remember, it's our county too."
The seniors explained the way it would work. During the three day fair the "paddling booth" would operate from 12 noon until 10pm. Each two hour period four pledges, two girls and two boys, would be on call to take "licks" for charity. It had seemed like a natural thing to do. After all didn't sororities and fraternities paddle pledges at initiation and for various infractions anyway? It was just an ordinary facet of Greek life. And what about hell week? Everyone knew lots of paddling went on then. So when the "paddling booth" idea was floated, everyone said, "yeah, why not?" College kids were always doing crazy stuff anyway.
Each pledge had his or her senior active member assigned to them as their "paddler". As an added spicy twist, the frat guys would paddle the sorority pledges and the sorority girls would paddle the frat pledges. There was a tent set up with an outside foyer connected to a portable structure like a trailer with 4 rooms. The idea was that the teams of actives and pledges would encourage the customers to donate by offering to take paddle swats. The nominal offering was ten dollars for three swats, but if the patron was generous, there could be more. Each swat over 3 was $5. A customer would donate ten dollars, pick a pledge, and the three of them would go into one of the rooms where the pledge would bend over and take the swats while the customer watched. Obviously if business was heavy, a pledge could take a lot of swats in two hours.
At the orientation the pledges were instructed and told what to expect.
"This will be a lot of fun," began Betty. "Really. Like, uh, slapstick comedy--you know, just ham it up. We're going to use these paddles--" and Betty held one up. "These were made for us by those great guys at Sigma Tau. They are one inch pine, so for you frat guys, they're a lot lighter than you'll get during hell week. Right Ron?"
"That's right, Betty," confirmed Ron with a smile. The volunteer pledges regarded the varnished oval paddles, which were about 15" long at the business end and 5" wide, with interest. Each had a sturdy handle. Greek letters of the various organizations on campus were burned into one side. They were glad it wasn't
to be those maple paddles.
"Now about clothing. I know that when it comes to paddling, KAT is a bare bottom house, right Mary Ann?" This last comment being directed to Mary Ann Barnes, the Kappa President. Mary Ann blushed, made a face and retorted, "Stop telling our secrets, Ron." Everyone laughed, but the rumor mill had it that big sisterly paddlings at KAT were bare bottom affairs.
"Anyway," Ron continued, "we do want all pledges clothed--but, in something tight. Wear leotards or spandex. Bikers shorts would be good, guys. We want those paddles to really pop so the customers will get their money's worth."
Betty jumped in. "Girls, if they want, can wear skirts like plaid schoolgirl type--but I'd advise full cut panties underneath."
"Or less," snorted Mary Ann. This produced some chuckles.
"Ok, or whatever," said Ron, grinning from ear to ear. "Just be ready to flip 'em up to take your licks, girls. Each frat or sorority will make their own rules. Just remember, gang, it's all for a good cause."
Each pledge had been assigned to an active who would be the one to wield the paddle. Barry was paired with Mary Ann Barnes. Mary Ann was a tall athletic brunette with gorgeous hazel eyes and great legs. It was love at first sight, although Barry knew that as Freshman scum he had no chance with the beautiful Mary Ann. The thought that he was going to bend over and present his chubby butt to her so she could paddle it was at the same time embarrassing and arousing. Barry had been fighting a low level woody since he had met Mary Ann.
Jenny Gresham had been assigned to Ron Smith, the handsome SAE senior. Her stomach was doing back flips. He was such a dishy guy, she'd love to date him. Jenny was a cute redhead with pale skin and freckles everywhere. Her long hair was tied in twin ponytails, one to each side. Jenny's curvy but slender body was clad in a white spandex shorts and halter combo. As instructed by her pledge mistress, she had worn only a thong underneath the tight outfit that outlined in revealing detail her swelling hips and cute butt. She blushed under Ron's appreciative gaze.
James Hubbard was the rich scion of a prominent family, but he didn't look so dignified now. He was dressed in embarrassingly tight blue shorts with white knee socks, a white shirt and a tie. James was youthful looking anyway, but the juvenile outfit had made him look five years younger. It had been the idea of Kirsten Gruner.
She was dressed like a schoolmarm in high heels, a tight thin skirt and a blouse with a choker collar. Kirsten had insisted that they meet before the fair opened and she had told him what to wear. James had groaned inwardly at the suggestion that he would actually have to meet his "paddle partner" prior to the fair, but his cock had stood straight up upon meeting Kirsten. She was a big creamy voluptuous girl an inch or two taller than James' 5'5" height and very pretty, a blonde with classic Nordic features.
And James had a secret. From his teens onward, he had been attracted to strong willed, commanding women. This desire had formed as a result of treatment from a hired German au pair who had lived with them for a time and who had been given charge of James at age 8. Greta had been his nanny, and although only in her twenties, she had spanked him on occasion for misbehavior. Aunt Greta, as he had called her then, had always been kind and loving, but she would not put up with his little boy naughtiness.
Greta had believed that the best cure for a naughty boy's mischief was to put him across her knee, skin down his trousers and smack his little bare fanny until the tears flowed. Then she'd sit James on her knee afterward and give him a big hug and kiss and tell him to be good.
The imprint on his psyche had been profound. He longed for the experience again, long after Greta was gone. Now, after a fashion, his fantasy was about to come true. Kirsten was every bit the dominant presence he had dreamed about.
Chrissy Canby had barely made it on time. She had been held up at cheerleader practice and as a result had not had time to change. There was no help for this since she knew that she would be severely dealt with by her pledge mistress if she were late. So, she still had on the Linville cheerleader outfit which consisted of a short white pleated skirt with green and gold trim and a matching halter top. Underneath the skirt she wore the green full cut panties that went with the uniform, but given Chrissy's prominently full and rounded bubbleshaped butt, she was afraid that the lower part of her bare hiney would be showing if she bent over. Chrissy was short, blonde, and cute with a dimpled smile and a bubbly personality. But it wasn't her personality that caught the eye of her frat partner Gary Woodburn, a tall rangy athletic guy with long sandy hair who was on the Linville baseball team. Instead, Gary was checking out the cute curvy figure in the abbreviated cheerleader outfit.
The booth was open for business.