What topics would you like to see featured in upcoming brunches? You came up with some wonderful suggestions.
Jeanie: First, heartfelt congratulations on your success! I LOVE this brunch, your perspective, and your entire blog!
Possible future topics (please excuse me if you've covered these in the past):
I'm very interested in the different individual's link between
sexuality and spanking. How many people are purists who never mix a
sexual expression with spanking? Is it purely punishment for you? How
many are sensualists, for whom spanking may be foreplay for sex? How
many enjoy playing with the dynamic between the two, maybe by punishing
the naughty bottom for some sexual escapade? (I'm not asking for graphic
descriptions of their sex lives. I am asking about how the two are
linked, if at all, in people's minds.)
2) Do people see the act of "topping from the bottom" as a negative, something to be avoided, or not?
I'd like to hear about people's all-time favorite implement of ass
destruction and why, then conversely, in another brunch, their least
favorite implement and why.
4) Which celebrity would you like to spank or be spanked by and why? Responders are not limited to just one, not limited by gender.
Please keep up the GREAT blogging!
Midwest Reader: Future topic suggestion:
My spouse and I like to travel and after
this summer's (post-vaccination) trip I have now browsed antique stores
in almost every region of North America (excepting only the Canadian
provinces west of Ontario) and a few places in the UK. Many of these
have been in small rural towns and smaller but old cities. A lot of the
pieces to be seen in the remoter areas and declining cities are from the
1850-1960 era. Yet I have only once in 35 years observed something that
might have been a vintage spanking paddle, even in the stores that had
specific school displays. Has anyone observed such an object at an
antique or resale shop? If not, were they all destroyed? Taken home by
the last teacher to as mementos? I have seen a few in museums (small
local history museums generally) so along with stories from my relatives
who grew up in the 40s-60s I think they did exist.
Roz: Wow, 400 brunches! That is a wonderful milestone. Thank you for bringing
this to us each week Hermione. Always lots of fun and interesting
As for future topics. I really don't know. Maybe fantasy
place to be spanked? Favourite/least favourite implements/positions is
fun too. Though I think these may have been covered.
Wendel: Happy 400th Brunch!
I think it was covered already but the Misses
and myself are always up for outdoor spankings. They have to be secluded
somewhere but it is always exciting to the bare bottom beat outside.
Only other thing I can think of is the “what and why”. What interested
everyone in spanking? Why do we love it so much.
Bonnie: 400 is a major milestone. Congratulations! Around the end of the year,
you are on track to reach a different mark. I hosted 415 brunches and
you are getting close to becoming the all time leader. In fact, since
you hosted a few in my absence over the years, you might already be the
champ! In any case, that's an amazing feat.
I think I ran out of new brunch topics years ago, but here are a few thoughts (that for all I know might be old thoughts):
Spankees: Would you accept a spanking from a spanking machine? How about a spanking robot?
Spankers: Do you prefer an obedient spankee or one who resists before ultimately complying?
the spankee in your relationship have a phrase or non-verbal signal
that tells the spanker that a longer or harder spanking would be
When a spankee requests a spanking, does it tend to be more severe than when it is the spanker's idea?
Do you and your partner ever try spanking techniques, scenarios, or implements that you read about on blogs?
Spankees: Do you have a favorite chair pillow upon you sit during those certain times? If so, please describe it.
Spankers: Do you sometimes spank to send a message? If so, how do you accomplish that?
Spankees: Do you sometimes feel a desire to be humbled?
Spankees: Do you like the feeling of danger that someone could learn your deepest secret?
Spankees: Have you ever regretted using a safeword?
a cable network introduced a new dramatic series that features
consensual adult spankings, would you watch? How about if it were a
Do you think that adult spanking is inherently sexual?
If Uber offered a spanking service app, would you try it?
Do you ever use spanking as a reward?
spanko couples are now offering live video streams of their spanking
sessions on a subscription basis. Is this service of interest to you?
Would you ever consider doing this to supplement your income?
you read a spanking story, view a spanking photograph, or watch a
spanking video, what hints let you know whether it's authentic or fake?
you think that Millennial spankos have a different perspective because
they encountered far less spanking content as children than their elders
If you could add a room to your home solely for spanking sessions, how would you equip and decorate it?
Write us a spanking poem.
Spankees: What is it about cowboys?
It's not easy to spank in a car. Have you found an arrangement that works for you?
Anon 1: Congrats, wow 400, a milestone!!
When my partner feels I have been a very naught boy I get, what she calls, a spank and wank.
Naked I go over her knee where she spanks me to tears with her bear hands. Then I have to stand in front of her and masturbate till I come (very humiliating). Back
over her knees I go where she blisters my butt with her hairbrush
until I nearly can’t take anymore, trust me, after masturbating a
spanking hurts a lot, and I mean a lot, more then you can imagine.
I am the only one having to do this or is a forced masturbation something more couples do?
Rich Person: After 400 brunches, there surely isn't any new topic to cover. I'm awed by your dedication and follow through.
the comment by Anonymous, I wonder how many spankees have experienced
being made to masturbate to completion before getting some kind of CP,
and how did it affect the experience.
In fact, one topic could be
about punishment. If you have a desire to be spanked, what constitutes
punishment? Is it the type of implement? The intensity? Something
emotional or mental about the situation? The other activity that goes
with the spanking, such as a lecture?
And then, what misbehavior
resulted in punishment? Was there ever a time when you didn't feel
punished sufficiently? Did you ask for more?
Another topic might
be experiences where you and your partner were not physically with each
other. What was the situation? How did you handle the session?
I hope those are new topics, or at least ones that people want to revisit.
Right, now. Give us 400 more!
Jack: As a male who wanted to be spanked, we have not heard from the females
as to why they spank. I would like to hear from them, especially when a
male is wanting to be spanked, or when the female knows that a spanking
is needed.
Barrel: 400 and counting. Hurray and Congrats!!! And yep, thanks for doing these brunches. We love it.
I would be interested to learn what others do in the prelude to spanking.
- Do you use any build up?
Is the build up verbal like hinting or explaining what is to happen or
physical like going out for an intimate lunch, putting on a special
outfit or corner time?
- How long does build up go on? Minutes, hours or days? Please share experiences if hours or days.
- Does the spanker ever describe in detail how the spanking will be delivered in order to enhance the mental build up?
What role does the spankee play in getting ready for the spanking,
like readying the implements, placing cushions or towels or laying out
restraints or gags?
- How often is a special outfit required of the spankee? Of the spanker? Or both?
few brunches ago, some of us shared pictures of the implements that we
use. Is it possible to share pictures of any special or unique
equipment that is used like spanking benches or horses (without people,
of course)? Do you have a special room where the more severe spankings
are delivered and what makes that room unique?
After a particularly severe spanking, how do the endorphins effect the spankee?
Bravo to all who answer this week's question as it provides for many more interesting brunches.
Rosco: You’ve asked a million good questions, thank you.
I’m always
interested in hearing the often awkward stories of how someone tried to
interest a partner in spanking, but it didn’t go well. Also stories
where an opportunity was missed with thoughts of what might have been.
while it’s all consensual, some of like to pretend it’s not. How do
people work this out? What percent of people include any sort of
lecture? Or do some people just spank and say nothing?
Ronnie: 400 brunches congratulations. Here's to the next 400.
There are a lot of good suggestions.
I think this one has probably been covered. A spanking fantasy that they would like to live out.
Anon 2: Has anyone ever inadvertently seen the marks? I was leaving the grocery
store at 7:30 in the morning and I got a buzz on my watch indicating I
had a 7:50 skin check. I gulped big time because - well I had the most
delicious paddle marks on my derriere.
Anon 3: OK here's a topic. What are covid house rules and consequences. We are
in early 40's and wife spanks me, and has for 20 yrs to keep me in line.
Last week visited her parents for first time in 18 months and we both
got a "healthy dose" of dad's belt for repeatedly disobeying their mask
rules which are far stricter than local regulations. While we didn't get
it bare, we were both bawling when it was over and had spend an extra 2
days with them because we couldn't sit to drive.
Anon 4: I am a man who is a life long spanko and I am married to a very vanilla
woman. I love her very much but she is not interested in sharing my
obsession. I think about spanking several times a day. It is sometimes
very lonely to not have someone to share with. I have visited
professionals in the past and have enjoyed giving them otk hand
spankings. There is nothing that happens other than I get to spank them
on their bare bottoms. I am conflicted because this seems like cheating
but it also lets me scratch the itch without things getting complicated.
What do you and your readers think?
Also topics for future brunches -
PDAs pats, pinches and spanks in public? birthday spankings, fun
spankings, scoldings and cornertime.
Enzo: I'm just here to say Congratulations!
That is a notable accomplishment of keeping the community engaged.
Well done.
I am completely overwhelmed by your generous responses. I now have enough material to keep brunches going for a long, long time. Thank you all so much for replenishing my arsenal.