Sunday, October 27, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #563

Welcome, one and all, You're just in time for brunch. Many of us have animals in our lives - dogs, cats, birds, horses and other beloved pets. Their welfare is important to us, and they are part of our families.

What do your animals think of your spanking activities. How do they react? Do they interfere, join in, or just ignore it?

Leave your reply as a comment, and once everyone has had a chance to respond I will publish your thoughts in an upcoming post.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Dan - A Disciplined Hubby said...

Our dogs are always outside the bedroom when it happens. One of them gets very wigged out by sudden movements, noise, loud voices, etc. So, I don't think they would deal with it well.

Roz said...

Great question! We had cats. They would often give a look like here we go again looking a bit miffed then slowly exit the bedroom lol. If we were in the lounge they would curl up away from the action.


Chronic Excessive Manliness said...

My imaginary Pterodactyl digs it. :)

FL said...

Dogs often confuse rough house playing between children as aggressive attacks on their family member and have then protected their human, sometimes with tragic results. They have been known to do the same with adults. Best to always put dogs in another room, preferably out of earshot as well. Turn on a radio or TV if necessary. If nothing else, nobody needs a cold, wet, inquisitive snout suddenly thrust into an exposed and vulnerable area!

Bonnie said...

We've had several kitties over the years. Most want to be anywhere but where a spanking is taking place. I think the noise bothers them. However, we had one little guy who was abnormally interested in the proceedings. On occasion, we had to put him out of the room.

Barrel said...

If the spanking is a short one, we don’t worry about the dog. However, during an extended session, we always keep him on the other side of the closed bedroom door.

WendelJones said...

No dogs or cats here. We had a guinea pig once. She seemed to enjoy watching.

Anonymous said...

When we had our German Shepherd we would put her in another room with the door shut and the tv on as one time we must have left door slightly open and she came out and started whining and barking outside the bedroom door.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, no actual spankings here so the pets are okay. S

Anonymous said...

We close the door.

49 years ago I had a girlfriend who had an uncommonly close relationship with her Irish setter. The dog would reluctantly leave the room whenever things got intimate. It was weird. We didn’t last long.

KDPierre said...

Our snakes don't seem to mind, nor do the fish.