amber: With the family about 1800 miles away, Christmas vacation is pretty much the only time we can get together with them.
So aside from a very very rare chance with time to ourselves, (I am supposedly sorting out my email right now in our assigned room!) our sex and spanking life gets put on hold until we return home.
The tradition the last 10 years has pretty much been ripping our clothes off as soon as possible and having some savage sex for awhile.
Then after a meal and usually a nap, we open up our kinky type presents. Mike will have made a lovely Christmas theme wood paddle that I have not seen yet. He will get some kind of lingerie, a new sex toy, whatever he thinks of. I will get something that I know he likes like some new colored candles or a sexy BDSM type movie or mix DVD of several. I will have planned a special meal before we left, maybe even had most of it made and frozen.
We christen the new paddle with a nice hard long way overdue spanking that leads to a long sex session.
Later at dinner I usually dress as some kind of slave or serving wench or something and serve dinner, usually with multiple "mistakes" of some silly kind and get whacked for them.
At bedtime, he lets me pick whatever I want to be spanked with as long as I want. Which is almost always a leather paddle and a nice long progressive session that a few times he has asked isn't that enough yet lol.
Then quite awhile later we finally sleep and that is pretty much our belated but very satisfactory Christmas tradition.
Roz: Merry Christmas to you, Ron and family Hermione. I hope you have a wonderful day :) No special holiday spanking traditions here.
Blondie: Spankings are always a great way to deal with the holiday stress. Merry Christmas to you and Ron.
Baxter: We are doing the twelve days of Christmas except in our case it is the twelve days of spanking, wife spanking me. First year we have done it. Fun!
Dr. Ken: Since I don't have a lady in my life to spank, the holiday is pretty much just another vanilla day.....
Ronnie: No special holiday traditions in our house.
Yorkie: We usually don't have an opportunity for spanking most times and even less during Christmas. As our families visit during the day we are usually knackered by bed time so even sex can be a stretch. But, who knows? I might get lucky this time.
Peter: My wife recently began what she called preventative spanking. An hour before my company's Christmas Party, I was given a reminder spanking to behave and not to drink too much or get too loud. It worked. I had a good time.
Saturday before going to my sister and brother in laws for Christmas Eve my wife again reminded me with a harsh over the knee session to behave and not get into an argument with BIL. At thanksgiving he and I had ayelling match about politics. Well again the evening went well. I was warned again if i misbehaved i would get double the count when we got home.
I was an angel. Granted an angel who had to sit with caution.
Hermione: We were pretty busy this year so no spankings on the big day, but Ron has plans to make up for that omission. Each year I give Ron a new spanking implement and on New Year's Day he experiments with it. This year it was a leather fly swatter. Ron unwrapped and examined it, then said, "This will really hurt." We'll see!
Thank you all for taking the time during this busy season to come to brunch.

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