Welcome everyone! Please sample some colcannon from yesterday's St. Patrick's Day festival. Our good friend A.J. came up with this week's discussion topic, and I think you'll enjoy it.
We all have fantasies about sex, our lives, and yes - spanking. Around the time in your life when you found out you were a spanko, what were your spanking fantasies (as spanker/spankee/both)? Are they the same today?
Please leave your response as a comment. Once
everyone has had a chance to weigh in, I will publish an edited summary of
our conversation.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

The reason I asked this question was because of a question posed by Bonnie back in January, who related a conversion with a friend where she told the friend she was spanked - and loved it. It was a nice story. And the friend was not judgemental.
In an email back and forth with a female reader of Hermione's, I mentioned a conversation I had with a DEFINITELY non-spanko former GF of mine, and the topic of kinky sex came up. You can go back and read my response.
When I told her that a former GF got off (Like A VOLCANO!!) from being spanked, she was shocked and a bit disgusted. What I didn't mention was my defense of the former GF (who had tricked me into spanking her) saying that what she had was a fulfillment of fantasies that she had since she was a young pre-pubescent girl.
And I pointed out: What she had was a fulfillment of one of her sexual fantasies! And that everyone has fantasies! Social, economic, and definitely sexual; i.e., the pirate and the princess, the school teacher and the cowboy, teacher-student, lover, and - naughty/tease of a GF.
Because the GF trusted me, she took a chance and got lucky. She got a nice, fun spanking and got to live out one of her fantasies in real life! She let herself go - and Jesus was it ever wild!
And good for her.
In my email back and forth with a female reader of Hermione's, she said she had similar fantasies. So do I, and that's why the question.
One of my first? I was in 9th grade social studies and next to me were, maybe, the two cutest girls in the class on whom I had severe crushes, one a blonde and the other a brunette. We all get in trouble and have to report to the teacher after school. The teacher, in real life - imagine a call to central-casting to send up a middle-age, kindly school teacher; a wonderful woman in all ways, but one who had a very "traditional cure" for disrespect, dishonesty, and bad behavior, if-you-know-what-I-mean-and-I-think-you-do.
And so say hello to Mrs. P! Our social studies teacher.
OTK bare-bottom spankings for the three of us!! Followed by Mrs. P telling us, "Let this be a reminder for the three of you! The next time - it will be worse!" as she left us alone to recover.
In my fantasy, my blonde and a brunette crushes, the truly guilty ones, nursing their sore bottoms, apologize to me and decide to make it up to me. And well, our underwear is still on the floor so....! Yes. They managed to find a way.
How's that for logic??? Cuz' that's how a 14-year old rolls!!
Do I still have those fantasies? Hell, yeah!
I have had fantasies of being spanked by strong women ever since I can remember. Nothing has changed in that regard. I'm also open to switching, but my strong preference is F/M. Graham
Spanking has been large in my thoughts since pre-teens. At that stage it was more about fear of getting spanked. By teens I was caned and knew of many friends caned and I was definitely still very fearful but also fascinated and probably obsessed. Through out my whole life it has been about me being spanked rather than spanking. I am happy to help others by providing a spanking for them - its just not my side of the kink.
I was a small kid so my fantasies were very simple and definitely not sexual. I imagined a big anonymous man of authority taking me over his lap and spanking me. There wasn't much more to it.
Initially I had fantasies about both spanking and being spanked. I spanked a girl when we were 13, which we both thoroughly enjoyed. The first experience of any kind for me.
At 16, I asked a girl to spank me and she reacted poorly.
At 23 I spanked a girl and she said “I don’t think I like that.”
At 24 I told Irene I was a spanko. She said she didn’t want to be spanked but she’d be happy to spank me. She’s been doing it (and more) for 43 years. Any desire I once had to spank someone is long gone, but I still love round bottoms on women and love pictures and stories of women spanking women.
I have been fascinated with spanking for as long as I can remember. Mom always spanked in the kitchen and always on the bare bottom. To this day it is my favorite place to give and get spankings. The first spanking that I ever gave out was to a lady I worked with. After one of our dates, I gave her a birthday spanking, in the kitchen of course. Skirt up panties down. It was fun and exciting. When I met the Misses and discovered she enjoyed spanking I tried to always make them fun. The Misses felt the same way and we have been enjoying spanking each other ever since.
When I was in grade school, a bunch of kids came over and we were playing in the back yard. The penalty if you lost some bit of a game (I don't remember the game) was to crawl through the "spanking machine". The kids lined up and the person to be spanked was supposed to crawl between our legs while we spanked them.
I got all lined up with the others, legs apart, for them to crawl through. And here they came, crawling right through the line, between all the legs.
They crawled so fast I couldn't land a blow.
Boy, was I disappointed!
My later spanking experiences were much more satisfactory. But they never involved someone losing a game or crawling past me for swats.
Like Bonnie, my fascination with spanking started from a young age also so fantasies were fairly simple and non-sexual. Naughty girl gets spanked. Of course, the fantasies have since progressed from there.
I have been fantasizing about spanking, ever since I can remember. We are talking pre school days. It was always me on the receiving end, in my mind.
Mostly, these fantasies were kept very deep and I was very worried about them. I did not realize that I was not alone until, as a teenager, myself and a friend made a trip to an adults only shop, in order to buy vanilla magazines, with more graphic content than the soft porn mags, at our local newsagents. It was sort of a rite of passage thing, when I was young. But there, as we perused the magazines, I spent more time looking, out of the corner of my eye, at the small collection of spanking magazines available. I returned, at a later date, alone, to get one of those glittering prizes. It was then that I discovered that I was not alone in the world and discovered that like-minded, consensual Spankos existed and I was one of them. This was early in my 15th year on this planet. Although it would be another 3 years until I actually got to play with anyone.
I can't peg when the interest was first noticed, I just enjoyed movies where the female were spanked, or their bottoms swatted. I had a best friend who's mother would spank him, single Mom. When I was dating, it was in the back of my mind, I dated women who enjoyed being in charge. I dated a woman ten years older, Bea, couple of months knowing her, she said there were times she wanted to give me a spanking. Laying in bed, one morning after a great evening,playing with her breast I asked about the spanking. She smiled and said you wish for me to spank you, I said yes. Well she gave me a spanking then and there, it hurt, and when she asked how I liked it, I just said I need a woman to be in charge. The woman I married, was my age, a friend's of Bea, and my life could not be a better. Spankings help me to not be stressful, my wife, knows when I need a spanking, where does not come into it, and if someone is present, part of the punishment. My wife is serious, the bath brush is used, and when we travel she has a bath brush to bring with her. WE have talked about the spankings, and I said if more women took charge the world would be better and she said if more males understood it would be better. Jack
Definitely since pre-school, and I was a voracious reader, had this recurring dream/fantasy that involved birching/switching 19th century style and nettles, also needle play (because of injections in the bottom), belt (heard stories), enema. Like different rooms in the house for different pain activities.
No, never been spanked as a child. I guess I was a complete opposite of a late bloomer.
Forgot one more, sore bottom getting wrapped in some hot wet fabric/towel to intensify the pain. I guess in my mind I've always been a bone fide masochist and any shrink's wet dream.
I grew up in the 60s when spanking was routine especially in my small hometown. I had a circle of maybe ten friends about half boys and half girls. We all were spanked by our parents and the paddle was used in school. My fantasy started in elementary school but was enhanced in Jr high school when girls began to develop physically. I fantasized about spanking some of those nice rear ends. About 7th grade I gave my first spanking to a girl at a youth function. I took her off to a room and put her OTK. She didn't resist and I gave her several smacks on a pleated skirt. She said ouch but I suspect it didn't hurt too bad. My favorite was later--maybe 10th grade when I spanked a girl who I liked at a church youth meeting. It was after the meeting and she "bratted" so I spanked her. I then walked her home and she said that I spanked almost as hard as her dad and mom. Ron S.
My first recollection of wanting to be spanked was in college, maybe due to all those fraternity paddles where I lived. I lightly spanked my girlfriend, and when she resisted, that probably flipped me to the other side of our kink. I do recall being told I needed a spanking by a dorm coed but being too drunk, I failed to capture that moment. 45 years later, I still regret it. When my wife and I started dating, I had strong thoughts but she was far too vanilla to indulge until we got married and I could drag her my kink. Our spankings have matured into heavy sessions several times a year, which we both look forward to. I opened another door a few months ago, buying a single tail whip, which my wife really enjoys. Surgery will force a pause for several months, but assuming I come out of it as expected, our journey will continue.
Great topic this week! Thanks
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