I saw the first crocus of the season yesterday. Those little yellow beauties are experts at popping up in a sunny spot, in spite of the cold.
Faithful brunch attendee Rich Person asked me this question, and I'm passing it along to you.
Have you ever self-spanked? How did it go? What got you to do it?
Please leave your response as a comment. Once everyone has had a chance to respond, I will publish an edited summary of our conversation.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

I have a number of times. In each case I hadn't been spanked for a while. How did it go - variable! I find it is difficult to spank hard enough and that finding the right implement is important. I've used wood paddles which are ok, and I have a new short leather paddle that may work.
Definitely prefer to be spanked by someone else.
I have, mostly just to see whether it would be at all effective. The results were odd. Based on the markings it left, I apparently was able to generate force similar to a real spanking from my wife. Yet, it somehow didn't hurt nearly as much. And, emotionally it met none of the needs that a real spanking apparently meets.
I have tried it a couple of times. I found it difficult to get much force behind it so it was less effective and less satisfying. No emotional connection to a spanker leaves a big piece of the spanking experience missing also.
Yes, but it was not satisfying. How can I possibly let go when I am supposed to be in charge? I like to keep the roles separate and I know which one is mine.
I tried it. Didn’t work. Physics not there, no lecture of course.
Fortunately I have a wonderfully willing strict wife. - for an hour or so a day.
I do self spank, a lot sometimes, but I never enjoy it, not impact spanking anyway. I sometimes cane myself as a disciplinary method, usually when I am trying to lose weight. That is effective, just because I don't enjoy it and it is just painful and annoying and I do not want it to happen again next week, when the numbers are totted up. The other times that I self spank is when I will have a long time between real spankings. This is not for fun, but just to keep my butt in shape and not to lose pain tolerance. I don't want to turn up for a real spanking with a butt that cannot handle the fun. I do have a TENS device, with which a sort of electro spanking can be administered. It is not as good as a real spanking, but does give me a small Spanko high and helps me keep my mind on track during long dry spells.
Tried several times, even looking at F/m pictures, nothing. My wife, while dating once she knew I wanted to be spanked, ask if I had try spanking myself, I told her I did, and told her it was a waste of time. Jack
The Misses and myself both tried it. It lacks the emotional connection and angles and self preservation prevents from getting a really good one.
We did put a spin on it a couple of times by self spanking when the other was present. For the first we each took a turn while the other stood outside the bedroom listening. It was arousing hearing the smacks on the Misses’ bottom and for my turn, knowing she was just outside the door giggling.
The second was self spanking while the other was in the room. I did enjoy watching her whack her bottom and being critiqued by The Misses while I spanked myself was a turn on.
Still nothing beats a sound paddling from the one you love.
"Have you ever self-spanked?
Yes, but only a couple of times, 'couple' as in three of four times.
"How did it go?"
Meh! I'm with Roz in that is difficult to do it properly, and totally missing the connection to a real, live spanker.
What got you to do it?
Bored. Had not been spanked in a LONG time and wanted to try it and find out what it was like. The last time I attempted it - 15-years ago...?
PS: Loved Wendel's comment about his wife outside the bedroom door and giggling as he self-administered. That had to be a funny moment!
Tried it a couple of times a while back and found it hard to do. Couldn't get much force behind it.
I have done quite a bit of self-spanking over the years, although I haven't done it since... 2013? The reason I did it was simple: I wanted to get spanked, and it was difficult to make that happen.
How did it go? Fine, I guess. The best self-spanking scenes I ever did were when I was on the phone or on video chat and I "had no choice" but to do what I was told.
I've done it a lot, especially when I was fairly young. I think the first times were when I was in 5th or 6th grade, and the last being a few years ago as the result of a blog dare.
When I was more flexible, I found it very effective and if I wanted to feel like the spanking was 'out of my control' I used to use all sorts of chance items, like dice or cards, to determine the amount. After I was married I only did it once for a video for my ex who was away. Later still, when my marriage was rapidly deteriorating, I resumed the activity, only then at the request or instruction of people online.
Once I was physically engaged with real people again, the desire or need to do it alone again waned.
Yes, spanking is always better with another person, even self-spanking, but in the absence of another, I did find it a worthy substitute and still found the activity restorative and calming.
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