Do you have a special pillow for aftercare?
Roz: I'm afraid my answer is a boring one, no pillow here. I Like the feel of the after burn :)
Sore is More: No pillows for Izzie. If she is still squirmish, Nick prefers for her to sit on his lap. For that reason he tends to skip her thighs, so she can comfortably sit on his lap. What a gentleman!
Prefectdt: The day after, when the blues set in, my favourite seat is the saddle on my bicycle. I know that it is a bit counterintuitive, but the soreness and discomfort of a bike ride helps me get into a better mood. A Spankee's equivalent of "Hair of the dog".
Jack: My wife read this and laughed. I stand for at least fifteen minutes or so in the corner, sometimes longer. My wife wants to ensure I have learned my lesson, so no padding for the chair. Try going out after a spanking and sitting on a hard chair or going to church sitting on the pews.
Wendel: Never really gave it much thought. Nothing special here. Sometimes the corner is used but mostly we just go about our daily routines. The Misses works out of the house so the times I spank her before working she will add a pillow to her seat.
Bonnie: I have a couple of spanking relief pillows that I’ve collected over the
years. Randy disapproves, so I mostly save them for occasions when he
is away or otherwise occupied. There’s no need to invite more of the
same when I’m already well paddled.
My ideal sore seat sitting
pillow is soft and fluffy, that is, it compresses a lot when used. This
reduces the pressure on the punished region. The casing should be
smooth. I can feel a rough, coarse surface through a thin skirt and
it’s not pleasant. Finally, the pillow should be the right size and
shape to fit the spanked portion of the owner’s bottom.
I think
it would be fun to have such a pillow with a clever embroidered saying
such as “For the Seat of Learning,” or “Because I Got Spanked Again.”
Here’s a fun product idea for all you Etsy entrepreneurs!
Update: A quick check reveals that I am not the first with the idea of selling a spanking pillow on Etsy.
Rosco: I don't think a pillow would help much. For me, a sore bottom sets in 24-48 hours after punishment, not immediately.
A sore bottom goes away pretty quickly. I've tweaked my neck and back a few times, which has lasted a lot longer.
Barrel: Nope. My comfort comes from the TLC we share when she is done thrashing me. And I cherish the long term remnants as badges of honor.
Hermione: I used to feel discomfort after a spanking, but my bottom has toughened up and I no longer feel a burn for more than a few minutes. I usually sit on a soft sofa afterwards, no hard chair until dinnertime.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

1 comment:
Hermione your lucky, my bottom feels the same after the first spanking my wife gave me, hurts, stings, and very warm. I still dance around afterwards until told to face the wall. No soft chair, she enjoys seeing me trying not to squirm, and especially in church. My wife if we got out to eat, and if the waitress is wondering why I'm squirming, she will tell the waitress in a soft voice. A waitress once asked if she should bring a cushion, my wife said No, his punishment is not over. The waitress smiled and softly said you best be a good little boy, I said nothing. Jack
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