Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Another Startle

Our good friend A.J. found this startle and I'm pleased to share it with you. Here's what he said: 

"Saw this minutes ago in The Washington Post's story about The New York Post, that quotes former NYP  employees and exposes it for the rag that it is:

"Who knew, for instance, that for years the Post employed a manager who went about “spanking and terrorizing the copygirls,” in the recollection of a feature writer who worked at the paper in the 1970s?"

"Not me!  Good to know.  I hope:
a) They enjoyed it, or
b) They sued the hell out of the Post and the manager."
Thanks, A.J. My first job after high school was with a major daily newspaper. I worked in a different department, but longed to be a copygirl in Editorial.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Roz said...

Oh goodness. I agree, I too hope they either enjoyed it or sued the pants off them.


Anonymous said...

It reminds me about a story in the Post back in the 1980's about an IRS agent who posed as a movie producer and spanked women during auditions. He got caught because the women were mad, not because they got spanked but because there was not a movie. S