Monday, January 6, 2025

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for January 5

How do you feel about spanking tattoos?

Wendel: Happy New Year Everyone!

I do not have any interest in getting a tattoo. The Misses has talked about getting a small one on her fanny that says “Spank Me”. Since she has talked about it for years, I doubt it will ever happen.

Roz: I don't like tattoos so would never happen. If I ever did maybe the word 'spank' tattooed on my butt.

CEM: Not a fan of tattoos. For me, God/Mother Nature created human flesh perfectly, regardless of shade or color, no decoration or alteration required. But, people own their own bodies so for those that desire them, enjoy. I am partial however to "tattooing" a female bare bottom red. :) 

Graham: No tats. Don't like most of the ones I've seen. Probably a generational thing. 

Ronnie: I did think about having a heart tatooed on my bottom, but didn't.

Jack: I asked my wife/mommy about this, NO is a very stern voice. The only tattoo you will get is a very red bottom, and others will see. 

Prefectdt: I would kind of like one, easily visible, on my lower arm. But I would like it to be of a symbol that only other spankos are likely to recognize. Not just the general BDSM triple tadpole symbol that I have seen on many other people. I am not against this symbol, it is just not for me. Perhaps an inverted green heart, to symbolize my submissive nature, might be better?

Barrel: Nope. Agree it is likely a generational thing. 

KDPierre: No, but for me it's more of an aesthetic thing rather than a generational one. (And it would be a fairly long, technical, and likely boring explanation to describe my objection.) However, while I would not have a tattoo, I don't mind them on others...again as long as they 'work'. Tattoos that remind me of the haphazard application of travel stickers on a streamer trunk are not enviable. LOL.

A.J.: I HATE tattoos. Can't stand them but now they are everywhere. A particular hate? Women tattooing their breasts. Just kill me.

At a dinner it came up. "K" said she might, but not really. Her husband said if she did he would tie her the the outdoor deck and power-wash it off her. (Kidding.)

Some years ago driving late and it came up on a talk radio show.
A whopping 50% of the male callers said they would not even date a woman who got one.
Leaving the question for the women: Why would a single woman looking to eventually get married get a tattoo when 50% of the available pool of men HATE them?

Besides, most of the tattoos on women are flat-out ugly.

Donn: Nope: No tattoos on my body regarding spanking, now or any time in the future. Basically, I think supposedly decorative tattoos are anything but decorative, especially as we all age and skin changes shape and position.

(That said, I do have six "micro-tattoos" (1-2mm dia) that I use as reference points for using a body-fat/composition caliper. Those marks allow for very accurate positioning for maximum repeatability/accuracy.)

Rosco: I’m thinking about getting a small discreet tattoo when I turn 70 later this year. I’ll give your suggestion some thought but I don’t think it will have anything to do with TTWD.

Hermione: I am constantly amazed at the number of tattoos I see on professionals on the various TV programs we watch. Why, why, why? They are a big NO for Ron and me.    

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Marie said...

Some of the comments on this are pretty disgusting. I mean... *hating* a woman for having a tattoo? Seriously? I have 3, none spanking related, not sure I'd get one that was.. I've seen someone with one that was clever, and discreetly placed on their hip, unlikely to be seen by someone not in the know. They shared a photo on twitter.

Some of the comments on this are pretty disgusting. *hating* a woman for having a tattoo? Seriously? I have 3, none spanking related, not sure I'd get one that was... I've seen someone with one that was clever, and discreetly placed on their hip, unlikely to be seen by someone not in the know. They shared a photo on twitter. Honestly, I am more alarmed at the judgement in these comments about tattoos than anything else!

If people hate me or think me ugly for my tattoos, that sounds like a malfunction inside them.

Chronic Excessive Manliness said...

No one said they *hate* women...some people dislike or hate tattoos, big difference. It's just personal preference. Some people are attracted to a particular body type, a certain look, age, height, weight, style of wardrobe and so on. A question was asked, people answered. There is no "malfunction", it's just people having a discussion of what they find appealing, or not.

Anonymous said...

Each to his own, but in this home, none will be on my body. My wife/mommy bathbrush applies a very red one on my bare bottom. As she saids it can be viewed by others, and this is part of my punishment facing the wall displaying my very red spanked bottom. Jack

Spanky53 said...

While I wouldn't get one myself, I do find them attractive if done well and can tell the person used some thought behing them. My current Partner has multiple tattoos and they are amazing . They are a part of who They are and I could not imagine Them without them.