Well, well, a disturbing week, to be sure. However, let's enjoy each other's company and think of happier times. This is a repost of a topic we discussed exactly ten years ago today.
Depending on personal preference, we all enjoy giving and/or receiving
spankings, but there's always room for improvement, right? Would a
change in intensity, frequency, implements, talking or not, location, or
some other adjustment make the experience even more enjoyable for you?
What one thing related to spanking would you like to change? Is this change something that is possible?
Please leave your reply as a comment, and once everyone has had a chance
to speak, I will publish a
summary of our discussion.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

More. That would be my answer and it would be applicable to all questions or relevant topical issues or concerns. More... :)
More frequent overall and a greater emphasis on creating headspace, I'd say. Not role-play, but setting a tone, really focusing, etc. Taking more time - for my husband (who is my primary play partner), it doesn't take as much for him to feel play is complete.
More! The rest is a good blend of everything we enjoy so no changes needed.
Greater opportunities to indulge in spanking.
Considering we are not in a WLM any longer more is definitely a change. Would love to step back into the WLM/DD. Besides that, from the past I would say intensity of strength and time, maybe even implements. But, all of that is scary when it comes down to it.
I would like to get spanked more often. Outside of that, I would like to rely less on travelling and staying away, to get spanked. Finding one or more local spankers would be a big improvement to my play life.
"intensity," No.
"frequency" a bit more.
"implements", God, no.
I would like to play with more women, though, who think spanking is fun and sexy. And to live (one more time!) having a woman watch as another woman has me otk - and then we all switch! (Oh, yeah; I'm not crazy.)
Spanking is role play for most of us, i.e. we are pretending to engage in discipline (yes, I know, not everybody). Irene and I take it a step further - usually she creates a detailed pretext and often dresses for her part.
So it doesn't work well to simply say can you do this not that or do it harder or here not there etc. - we have those discussions after the fact once in a while. It works well.
But the one thing Irene does not really understand after almost 45 years is the first dozen or so whacks feel very differently that those that come later. She "knows" it, but since she has never been spanked she does not "understand" it. For me the first onslaught hurts like the dickens, then I slip into a euphoria where there is still pain but it is deeply satisfying.
Like others, more frequency in the build up to intimacy AND in duration of serious sessions.
Definitely more. With time, age, and circumstance, things here have slowed and I wish they would pick up again. It's not like we stopped, but time spans between them have certainly lengthened.
So far, it appears to be unanimous: More spankings, more frequently! THAT GETS MY VOTE!
As I have become a "better boy," much, much better. The spankings have certainly decreased. Yes, they hurt, always hurt, like "heck." But I also need them.
(My wife has always been very reluctant to engage in anything other than "punitive spankings" or "maintenance spankings." It sure would be nice to have more (not "erotic") "therapeutic spankings.)
Last comment was mine, "Donn."
(I wrote my moniker, but somehow Google did not use it.)
Hermione, just curious, did I miss something? There are so many terrible events in this world everyday, it can be hard to keep up and prevent emotional numbness.
(In my own case, I live on the border of Altadena, California, where the massive "firestorm" occurred 2.5 weeks ago. I lost half of my business in Altadena, but the other half (in Pasadena) survived. That firestorm only stopped when the winds died down; stopped roughly 300 ft. from my home. It's hard to describe what its was like for those 5-6 hours (3:30 - 9:00am): Soaking the property ( and neighbors') with thousand and thousands of gallon of water -- 6-7 hoses running continuously; clearing more foliage in that time than an entire Summer; then the embers, flying horizontally through the air at 70-80mph, some the size of "flaming golf-balls," many landing on the ground and structures on our property; dowsing and smothering so many embers. It only stopped because the winds stopped. Then, waiting and preparing for a repeat performance that night and next morning, when the winds would rise back-up at sunset and sunrise. Luckily, the winds never came back again, for almost five days.)
Altadena currently looks like a nuclear weapon detonated -- total destruction as far as the eyes can see -- miles and miles of total destruction (news video can't portray the reality).
Every person has their own burdens, and I feel so very lucky compared to so many of my friends and neighbors who lost everything.
It's hard for us in the States to get decent news about events in Canada. So, curious, what was your very "disturbing week." (I currently have lot of empathy for everyone in my life.)
Donn - I was referring to the multiple catastrophes happening in the US. Of course the upcoming tariffs are a concern, but nothing like what is happening to America in political terms.
I'm very sorry for your loss. It must be heartbreaking.
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