Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Naughty Signs

These slightly naughty signs are sure to be a distraction when driving or even strolling through the mall.


More distracting signs coming up soon.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Prefectdt said...

Thanks for the laugh :) Especially the one about cubicle number 4.


Roz said...

LoL Hermione, these are all so brilliant it's hard to pick a favourite. Thanks for the laughs.


KDPierre said...

This is a pretty clever collection. When I see these, I'm always curious about where they come from. I have seen signs of this nature actually in use, but with so much photo faking, I wonder if some are just meme jokes. That wouldn't make them less clever, but somehow it's funnier if you know they are really out there in public.

WendelJones said...

Cute. Thanks for sharing, Hermione.


Anonymous said...

I can't stop laughing. These are hilarious!!! Betsy