What venue do you draw the line at?
CEM: Anything that might draw unwanted attention, any location where there are mainstream people, is a hard no for me. I don't even like most PDA, so anything kinky that might be misconstrued as abuse or violence, something that might make someone call the cops, alarm kids, old people or vanilla "persons"... nope not doing that.
Wendel: Any place
where there are lots of people. Places we do engage in outside spanking
are far removed from the general public so there is almost no chance of
someone stumbling in on us.
If one or both of us are sick the spankings stop.
Mija: My university office.
Roz: Any public place where we could be observed and the spanking misconstrued.
Prefectdt: My own home springs to mind. I live in a terraced house with thin walls and there are children next door, who could not help but hear what is going on. I think that we are into the realm of consent, with this question. Even just as witnesses, people consenting to see or hear a spanking is important. So in conclusion, I would say anywhere where the non-consenting are present is a no-go spanking zone for me.
KDPierre: >>>>>>>>>What venue(s) would you draw the line at for spanking? <<<<<<<<
-a school playground at lunchtime (I fear arrest and being put on one of those offender lists)
-a church altar during mass (though maybe it might be appreciated if it was a Satanic Church?)
-a library (it would make too much noise and I hate being rude)
- the mouth of an active volcano (my butt would be hot enough without any extra help from Mother Nature)
- atop the tightrope at the circus (not for fear of the crowd's reaction but my balance isn't what it used to be)
>>>>>>>>What might make you change your mind?<<<<<<<<<
I don't know? Maybe being given a threat of "take the spanking or public execution"?;-)
(this was a fun one) ;-)
Rosco: Well, like everyone else, we don’t really want to be caught by others (with a few mostly fantasy exceptions).
for a serious spanking, I like to be in a comfortable position so I can
at least try to relax and enjoy the thrashing. I understand this is
“topping from the bottom” but so be it.
Barrel: Any venue where our kids or grandkids are around. That just grosses me out. I have been spanked in hotel rooms and on cruise ships. No clue if others may have heard. We don’t flaunt it but don’t hold back either.
A.J.: I'm with "Chronic Excessive Manliness." Anywhere there are "civilians."
might be OK with a setting at the home (mine/theirs) who know I
spank/get spanked, but then again - no one knows I spank/get spanked!!!
(There was one neighbor LONG ago whom I told I spanked my GF's -
if they let me! She was shocked until I explained it was all
consensual sexy fun and they loved it. Now THAT was an interesting
Ronnie: Like others have said, not in a public place or where it's possible to get caught.
Nothing would change my mind.
Hermione: Never at a shopping mall or in a church. I would only change my mind if it was after closing time and nobody was around except the occasional ghost (which we have in several local churches. I don't know about the malls).
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

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