Sunday, February 9, 2025

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #577

Welcome one and all to another weekend spanko brunch. This brunch is one we enjoyed exactly ten years ago, but I thought it would be fun to repost it since our readership has changed over time.

This is an important and exciting weekend for American football fans. On Sunday we will watch the jewel in the professional football season's crown - The Superbowl. For many, the most anticipated feature of the broadcast is the vast array of creative commercials. For those of us outside the US, they can only be enjoyed online but that's fine for non-football fans like me.

If you could create a one minute commercial about spanking, what would you choose to advertise? A service? A product? A blog or website? A location? What methods would you use to get your point across effectively? Would you use humour or would it be a serious spot?

Let your imaginations run wild.  Describe your commercial - briefly or in detail - in a comment, and I will publish your pitches on Monday. I can't wait to see what you come up with!

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Anonymous said...

Wife comes home. Garage door open. Lawn half mowed. She frowns.

Inside husband is watching the game, drinking beer. She frowns, had on hips. I warned you mister, she says.

The door shuts. Slaps are heard.

Wincing husbands is shown with bottle of lotion. Voiceover says the lotion is good after being in the sun for too long or all kinds of burning sensations.


Roz said...

I like the idea of an advert advertising the many uses for kitchen implements.


WendelJones said...

The commercial starts with the husband at home improvement store looking over various items below the camera view. We see him loading a bag into his trunk.

Switch the wife at a home goods store looking over cooking and cleaning items below the camera view. We see her loading a bag into her trunk.

Back to the husband shopping at a clothing store. He looks over various items below the camera view. We see him loading a bag into his trunk.

The wife is at clothing store looking over various items. All are below the camera view so we do not get to see. We see her loading a bag into her trunk.

Both arrive home and intensely look over their purchases in separate rooms. All items are below the camera view.

Close up of the husband smiling. Close up of the wife smiling.

Both enter the living room standing in front of a massive TV. He is wearing an Eagles jersey. She is wearing a Chiefs jersey. They frown at each other then notice each is holding a leather belt with the tag still connected.

Close up of them smiling.

Switch to a back view of the two from the jersey up. They are cheering and shouting at the game on the TV. The camera pulls back revealing their bare, freshly whipped backsides.

Caption: “Team Rivalries Come and Go but Spanking is Forever”

Prefectdt said...

I would like to promote self-help groups and professional counselling for women who want to come out of the closet as dominant spankers. I feel that there are a lot more of them out there, than will admit it, because of the general preconceptions caused by the Patriarchy. Women who want to be a Top need to know that is an honourable thing, for all women of that ilk.


KDPierre said...

A voice-over says, "We've come a long way in respecting people's differences and choices..." as an artsy montage of various ethnic, special needs, and sexual identity 'pride' or awareness events are shown. The commercial then cuts to some TV or movie scene poking fun at the spanking kink portraying its participants as weird. The voice continues, "But obviously not far enough."

Cut to a close-up of a paddle on a nightstand, as the voice-over concludes, "Spankoes................we'd much rather be the butt that gets smacked than the butt of a joke. It's 2025, and time for all lifestyles to be taken seriously."