Do you remember where you were when John F. Kennedy was assassinated? Okay, I'm dating myself here. Most of you were too young to remember, or probably weren't even born.
How about the day Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot?
Or Robert Kennedy's death?
The space shuttle Challenger disaster?
The day Diana, Princess of Wales, died?
The day the music died? (That one's for Ron :-)
The Boxing Day tsunami?
Now how about some happy occasions.
Man's first steps on the moon?
The inauguration of Barack Obama?
The day you first found My Bottom Smarts?
I'll bet you were sitting at a computer, searching for spanking sites, just like I was two years ago.
I'm not sure of the exact date of my arrival at that spanko Mecca, but it had a great impact on my life. I was already in a spanking relationship, and we had been enjoying it regularly for over twenty years. But the things I learned at MBS made me realize how much more fun and variety we could be having. The friendships I developed there and on many other blogs have been very important to me.
Two years ago today I left my first comment on MBS, and Bonnie hasn't been able to shut me up since!
So what were doing on the day you discovered Bonnie's blog? (And if you haven't found her yet, get thee hence!)

Very special person and ever so personable. Actually alot like you.
MBS was the second blog I found about three years ago. ASS was the first. After continued exploration of the community I arrived at your blog. I agree with Fabsterrant's comment also.
I DO remember where I was when JFK was assassinated. Yes, there's a few of us. As for MBS, I don't remember when, but I do know she was one of the first, and always a voice of sanity the sometimes wild and crazy world of spanking blogs. I have always appreciated and admired Bonnie and what she does here.
I think when JFK was assassinated I was taking a nap,I was ONLY 2 and a half! Bobby I was probably already in bed or on the way there as I was only 7,not sure about MLK and I remember watching a recording of the moonwalk in third grade. We probably watched it at home but watching TV at school was more of a novelty back then!
Now as for the spanking world I just "woke" up last June and the first blog I found was ASS but the first one I bookmarked was Bonnie's MBS! So happy to have found like minded individuals I went bookmark happy. The top of my spanking bookmarks are yours,ASS,Bear and Penfold and Keagan's the list gets really long after that!
Hi, Hermione!
I don't remember any of those events as well as the day Diana died. And, I have just transferred what I wrote here, to my blog, as you set me on a memory trail....
But, your main point was about Bonnies blog.
Funnily enough, whether or not it was the first I found, its the first I remember finding, THANK HEAVENS.... because when Davey began researching, he found some real scary sites, and almost ran from me for being a masochistic weirdo!!!! Fortunately, he spoke tentatively to me about it, and I was shocked! I put him on to Bonnies site and , well, the rest is history!
WE OWE BONNIE A LOT. Thanks seem inadequate...but, we do thank her from the hearts of our bottoms.
Hugs, xxxxxxxxxx
I remember everything you mentioned except the day the music died. I was alive but not quite three and not really into the music scene at the time.
I found Bonnie a little over 3 years ago. Bonnie and her blog changed our lives completely and 100% for the better. Finding her I felt like a kid who knew what candy was, had longed for it forever but had never had any. And then that kid is dropped in the middle of a candy store and told - you can have anything you want, as much as you want and it's even good for you. What magic!
My thanks to Bonnie for her blog.
Dear Hermione,
I did not know what a blog was when I found Bonnie. Yes, I was searching for information about consensual spanking. And, yes, I am grateful that Bonnie was the first I found.
We had just stumbled into spanking and neither of us knew anything about it. I didn't know about DD, M/s, OTK, or anything at all. I just knew that when Max happened to slap my bottom I wiggled, stuck it out, and let it beg for more. He obliged and I liked it!
Thanks for giving us this opportunity to give our thanks again to Bonnie. What a blessing she is to newbies!
Happy spanking,
Hermione, you've certainly brought some memories back for me. I remember almost of of these.
MBS was the first blog stumbled across, not sure of exact date but must have been about 3 years ago. You know, I didn't leave a comment until Bonnie found my blog I was very unsure about commenting. I was far to scared.
Bonnie, in my opinion you are Queen of the blog community and long may you reign and continue to provide us with more great posts and new links. Thank you.
Thanks Hermione.
Would it bother you awfully if I said that I didn't really like being 'spanked'? That I don't really like being put over someone's knee and feeling the hand-on-ass situation??
(That's why I don't generally read MBS or spanking-specific blogs.)
I remember very clearly Princess Di, 9/11 and the boxing day tsunami, but was Ron old enough to know that Buddy Holly had died at the time? I feel young ;)
I would always like to remember the good events in life, never the unpleasant. Live long and prosper.
Hermione (and all),
Thank you so much. Your successes and those of our community warm my heart and bring a smile to my face. The blog, the events shared within, and MBS readers have all given me many, many happy memories. For these, I am most grateful.
Interesting topic! Strange about the JFK assassination; I was six, old enough to remember. But I remember nothing. And yet, three months later, The Beatles came to America, and I remember that in detail. Aside from Boxing Day and the Day the Music Died, I remember all the other occasions you mentioned.
As for Bonnie and MBS, I think hers was the first spanking blog I read... if not, definitely one of the first. Hers is the gold standard of blogs! :-) -- Erica
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