Do you ever dream of spanking? Are the spankings based on reality, or is the situation improbable? Do you feel pain? What is the most memorable spanking dream you have ever had?
Leave your response as a comment and I will publish a summary of our discussion on Monday.

Amazingly I cannot recall a single dream along these lines. Given my interests and my age one would think a spanking dream would be inevitable. However, my most consistently recurring dream is about school! (and I graduated DECADES ago!)
The most memorable dream actually involved a woman I was seeing. There was nothing sexual in our relationship, she was older and we just enjoyed one another company. It included her best friend for reasons I do not understand. We were all staying at a beach house, I had decided to get up early and walk along the beach naked. My friend had told me secluded or not best not do anything stupid. Well both of them saw me, both were standing there when I approached. You need a spanking my friend told me with a smile, I looked at her and said you do not spank and continue walking past her. Her friend took my ear, well I do young man and soon I was across her lap in the kitchen. Like hell you bitch I said and then the spanking began, I could feel it, I was soon kicking, squirming and saying enough. When she did stop, she took me to the bathroom, I had to pee and she watched, and then I had soap in my mouth. I faced the wall, both talked, her friend told me to go get dress and my punishment was not over. Nothing happen until the next morning, both were up and having coffee, Joyce looked at me and told me to come to her, she pulled my pajama bottom down and looked at my bottom. See it is still red young man, I said nothing. I went to pull them back up and she stopped me. Change in our relationship and you best accept and told me to get across her lap, I slowly did and to my shock she gave me a sound spanking and I was a mess when I got up. My pajamas bottoms I kicked off and she told me to hand her the tops and I did. Do you have to pee young man, I nodded and she took me to the bathroom and watched. Just before we left the bathroom she bent me over and landed several more spanks and said I best improve or you will regreat your trips over my lap. Crying, we went back to the kitchen, I faced the wall. Her friend asked her how she felt and she said really good. Will need to stop off at a store going home, I will be needing a nice large hairbrush. I woke up and I reached to rub my bottom. Joe
On occasion my dreams will include someone getting a spanking whether it is me, the misses or a total stranger. The scenes range from it being the primary focus to someone in the background receiving a spanking.
Hmm, I can't recall any dreams that included spanking either.
I have had spanking dreams many times--that I can remember, anyway. I probably had many more that I can't recall at all. Many of the dreams are frustrating--they'll end just as I'm getting her across my knee, or lifting her skirt, or where I'll threaten to spank her and then never get the chance to do so. None of them stand out as being particularly memorable, although I did have one recently about a lady I know on the East Coast that I'm still in contact with but haven't seen or spanked in years. She did get a good spanking n the dream, so it seemed more like a pleasant memory than a dream.
I have dreamed several times about an event that happened when I was a boy. My cousin and I were visiting our grandparents.
My gramps caught the two of us jerking off behind the shrubs at the end of their property. Both of us were spanked bare assed.
First me as i was oldest then my cousin. We both had bruises for several days after. More than once I have woken in tears.
Do you ever dream of spanking?
Yes, don't all spanko's have dreams :-) ..sometimes when I sleep ..and again on some of the more edgier moments during my day ...I suppose you could call them 'spanking day-dreams'.
Are the spankings based on reality, or is the situation improbable?
In one of the most regular dreams ...I find myself working as an English teacher in a language school classroom full of 19 to 30 year old ladies from all over the world. This dream of mine 'kind of' became a reality recently when I began a play relationship with a beautiful lady who was studying English at one of those formentioned language schools here in Dublin.
Do you feel pain?
What is the most memorable spanking dream you have ever had?
My dreams would follow the path were I would keep an under performing/or simply naughty student behind after class for the purpose of disciplining here by way of spanking!
As I mentioned above.. this dream became the basis of many a memorable play session with my Mexican compaƱero :-)
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