Beverly wants to find out what a paddling from the principal feels like before she signs the permission to paddle form for her unruly daughter. To refresh your memory, here's part 1. Now let's see how Beverly reacts to school discipline.
What do you wear to a paddling, thought Bev? She was nervous, but determined to go through with it, at least for Haley’s sake. That way she could tell herself that she hadn’t put her daughter through anything that she hadn’t experienced too. And there was the nagging guilt---that it was partly her fault.Aha! I thought she might have enjoyed that.
She finally decided on workout tights. She’d be coming back from her gym class anyway, so she might as well meet him in her gym tights. No real need to change.
On Thursday after her workout she checked her appearance. She wore her normal workout gear--- black knee length stretch tights and a top. They fitted her hourglass figure like a glove, she decided, looking back over her shoulder into the mirror. The rounded twin globes of her bottom were clearly defined and separated by the tight synthetic fabric. For a top she wore a halter. Well, I guess that will give him a good target, she sighed. Time to go.
The school parking lot was empty when she got there. It was nearly seven o’clock. Only one other car---his. Nervously, she walked in. She could see a light on in the office. She knocked.
“Is that you, Mrs. Clawson, er, Beverly?” asked a voice from within.
“Um, y-yes, it’s me.” Cripes! This was crazy, she was now thinking.
Ward came to the door and motioned her to come in. “Please, come on in. Let’s talk.” Beverly entered and sat down in the chair in front of his desk. It seemed intimidating. She now had a feeling of what a student might feel like called in to account for some bit of bad behavior.
“Well, I see you actually came. I have to ask, are you sure you want to go through with this?”
Beverly shook her head, yes. “I feel as though I must—for two reasons, really. First, I want to know what this will be like for Haley, this paddling. And second, despite what you may think, Haley’s acting out is my fault in a big way. So, yes, let’s get on with it.”
Ward studied her for a moment. “Well, I’m done trying to talk you out of it, and I do understand, and if this is what it takes, then, well---ah, stand up and slip your jacket off.” Ward stood. Sexy and authoritative men made her all fluttery, and Ward was no exception. Beverly rose and took her warm up jacket off, revealing her curvy body clad now in tights and a halter top. Ward did a double take.
The lady had curves in all the right places. He turned and moved toward the wall. Beverly hadn’t noticed, but now she did. There was a paddle hanging on the wall by a leather loop. Ward retrieved it.
“Standard two foot maple paddle. Four inches wide, three quarters of an inch thick.” He showed it to her. Beverly gulped. It looked serious. This was going to hurt. She took it in her hands. It felt heavy.
She handed it back. Ward took it.
“OK, Beverly, what I want you to do is bend forward over the desk right here, supported on your elbows, palms down flat. Feet about a foot apart.” He watched as she bent forward. The posture thrust her shapely posterior outward in an almost indecent pose. Wow, did this lady have a figure or what? Her heart shaped bottom was clearly defined in the tight stretch pants. He took the paddle and moved to her left, took up a stance and pressed the wood against the jutting rump. She flinched, then settled back down as he gently tapped her bottom with the paddle.
“Now, please stay still, Beverly. Best to look straight ahead.” He rubbed the paddle on her bottom in circles, measuring.
Beverly tried to calm herself. This was it. “I’m ready,” she said.
Ward drew back and brought the paddle forward in a smooth arc. Whack! It landed square across the center of Beverly’s bottom.
“Ah…ohhhh….my God!” It had stung like fire. A hot brand right across her seat. She’d had no idea!
Whack! The second swat fell. She flinched, partially raising up.
“Ohhh…..whew! That stings.” The burning was quite intense.
“I know it does, Beverly. This is what it’s like. Stay still now, here’s number three.” Ward drew back his arm again and pivoted forward, the blade whooshing through the still air of the office. Splat! The paddle impacted the shapely rump again making her wriggle involuntarily.
“Yeow!” She had to let out a wail, it stung so bad. Her eyes were tearing up.
Ward noticed how her ass cheeks quivered when the paddle hit. The tights looked painted on, and the twin globes of her luscious bottom were clearly outlined. To steady her Ward put his hand in the small of her back. Then he delivered the fourth smack to her burning bottom. She cried out again and stamped her feet as if that could somehow relieve the awful burning.
“Only two more,” said Ward. “Are you ready? Can you take this?”
Beverly composed herself as best she could. “Yes, I can take it,” she gasped. Her bottom was burning hot, but she felt somewhat at peace, being rightfully punished for her inattention to her daughter’s needs.
Whap! The fifth swat was the most painful yet and Beverly let out a wail and wagged her behind shamelessly. The sight of the paddle bouncing off of the bottom of this mature well formed woman in tights was causing Ward to be seriously aroused. Better finish this, he thought.
Smack! The last swat echoed off the walls.
“Owww!....ohhh, my God!” Beverly raised up on tiptoe. Her behind was blazing like it been branded.
“Ok,” said Ward. “It’s over. You can get up. Please let me help you.”
Bev rose on unsteady legs. Her behind was on fire, her eyes filled with tears. She rubbed her bottom.
“Ah…ah…ah…” she gulped.
“Beverly, would you like a tissue?” Ward was now very solicitous.
“Yes, yes.” She took the tissue and wiped her eyes.
“The rest room is just down the hall if you want,” offered Ward.
“I’m ok,” she fluttered. “Just give me a minute.” Her seat was blazing hot and felt swollen. She decided to stop rubbing and even tried to sit down, but thought better of it.
Ward put the paddle back on the hook. “That is the standard school paddling, Beverly. Just like a student would get. Although in your case I think you had less protection. Most kids wear jeans over underwear.” It hadn’t escaped his notice that under the thin spandex there had been no panty line. She’d probably worn a thong.
Beverly blushed at the implication. She found her voice. “I’m ok, and although it hurt a great deal, I’m ok. I don’t regret doing it.”
“Well, I’m glad of that,” said Ward.
Later she felt as if the pain had cleansed her in some way. It faded to a warm glow, but she was sore for a while. Soon other thoughts intruded into her consciousness, sexy thoughts involving a certain handsome principal.

I dated an older lady who finally said since I like patting her bottom would I like to spank it. Taken back, I looked at her, she said you might like it. I just looked at her and soon she was undressing, when she pulled the panties down all I wanted to do was make love to her, but she handed me her hairbrush. She said I've been a naughty little girl and does not Daddy want to spank his naughty little girl. I had her over my lap, and applied the brush, not hard. You can do better she said and soon she was squirming, kicking, pleading, and I continued. When she stood up, she was rubbing, I help the brush up, want another spanking, no rubbing. I had her stand in the middle of the room. You like that she said, I stood up and soon was naked, my erection caught her attention. To the bedroom my naughty little girl and with a couple of hard spanks to her red bottom we went. The next morning I got up early, was having coffee and she walked in naked, my bottom is till red she said, showing me. I smiled, and said it should be. I then looked at her and said I was hoping that you would spank me, I just did not know how to tell you, but now I am, and so it is out. She smiled. Jack
Very enjoyable story.
Fun story...well written!
Oh what a delicious story. Will they get involved do u think?
Thank you, enjoyed the read.
Wonderful instalment Hermione. Looking forward to reading more:)
Hermione, I love Rollin's stories. Thanks for sharing this one.
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