Sunday, July 24, 2022

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #445


One of own is gone. Morningstar passed away peacefully yesterday, after a heroic battle with cancer. I am gutted. Her blog was one I read faithfully every day, and I considered her a close friend, even though we had never met. Rest in peace, dear friend. Sir Steve and lil one, you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Now on to the business at hand. Let's all send a big thank you to A.J., who suggested the topic for today.

Have you ever wondered what you look like while giving or getting a spanking? Describe what you think your facial expression and posture would be, and anything else you think might be eye-catching or unusual.

Please leave your response to the question as a comment below. Feel free to leave a memory of Morningstar as well, if you knew her or read her blog. Once everyone has had an opportunity to join in the discussion, I will publish an edited summary.

Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Bonnie said...

Oh my. That's really sad news. Events like this always make me reflect.

As for this week's question, my answer is a definitive no. Thanks to Randy's photographs and videos, I know exactly how I look at my worst moments. I scrunch up my face. squeeze my eyes, and grit my teeth as he wails on my other end. It's not pretty.

Anonymous said...

I have the look of a little boy hoping that 'Mommy' will not spank. My wife enjoys that look, but reminds me she he no longer my wife but my Mommy and Mommy knows that look so very well. When I see the bath brush, my look is pleading, facing the wall afterwards my face is a very sorry little book look. Jack

Jean Marie said...

Thank you for keeping us all informed, Hermione, even though this time it was sad news. I confess that this news really took the wind out of my sails!

I used to live in a place that had a large sliding mirrored door on the closet. I was made well aware of what both my facial cheeks and my bottom cheeks looked like throughout many punishments. I'm not a fan of having to see myself as I'm spanked, but it hammers home my submission. I can speak from experience that ones' face during ecstasy and during agony are very similar, if not identical.

Take care, everyone! Live each day to the fullest, try to keep a gratitude attitude. I enjoy blogging and have many of you to thank for that!
Jean Marie

Roz said...

Thank you for letting us know Hermione, the news took the wind out of my sails too. Very sad to read this. My heart and thoughts go out to Sir Steve, the lil one and family.

As for this week's question. Thankfully I don't see myself during a spanking, and wouldn't want to. My face would be screwed up and eyes squeezed shut though.


wolfman7446 said...

RIP Morningstar, I was a regular reader. You will be missed by many. Condolences to your family.


WendelJones said...

The Misses and myself said a prayer and lit a candle for Morningstar and family today in the local church. Cancer sucks. Let's all say a prayer that a cure will be found soon.

As for the topic: The Misses installed full length mirrors in our bedroom and the extra bedroom so she can see herself fully dressed when we go out. The downside (or upside) is that we can see the spankings that are given in those rooms. I do enjoy seeing myself smacking her bottom and seeing her squirm in the mirror.


Put a candle in the window, last night for morningstar and raised a glass to her, as is the custom of my family. I can't believe that she is gone already. It was so quick. Thank you for letting us know of her passing, Hermione.

I have had many "Pay to play" sessions where the premises of the Top concerned were well adorned with mirrors. My thoughts have ranged from such things as "I need to diet again" through to "When did I get so old". I do feel that, facially, I do not wince as much in real life as I think that I do in my imagination.


ronnie said...

I was gutted to hear about Morningstar. Her family are in our thoughts.

Face screwed up and eyes squeezed tightly shut.


Midwest Reader said...

re Morningstar: may her memory be a blessing.

For the question:
Probably pretty silly. Generally I am a 50-something man who is still tall but no longer slim being spanked by 20-ish models in top physical and beautification condition. I imagine I look more than a bit ridiculous but fortunately none have ever said anything about it ;-)

Barrel said...

So sad. Yes, cancer sucks as I know too well. Grace and peace to the family and friends.

I tend to focus on regular breathing, so I am pretty sure my mouth is open, with hard breathing and during a session, I tend to drool a bit. Doesn’t sound very romantic does it?


Anonymous said...

Not that we’d ever do it, but Irene has opined that her lectures and spankings are more provocative than the stuff we’ve watched online occasionally. She likes to dress up and sometimes changes clothes two or three times during a “session”.

Sometimes I’ll try to look at her while she’s whipping me, but mostly I just listen to what she says and try to anticipate the next blow and breathe accordingly.

I don’t imagine I’m much to look at, but Irene will often make me look at myself in the mirror after a spanking.she wants me to look myself in the eye and also at my red bottom. Sometimes she’ll ask me if I’ve learned my lesson- usually a trick question.
