...we will celebrate our enjoyment of all things spanking on Love our Lifestyle Day.
How? By uniting as a community and checking in with all the bloggers
who enjoy or have an interest in spanking. Think of it as a blogger roll
Whether you engage in corporal punishment on a regular
basis, rarely, or never, whether you give or receive, or if you are just
curious, you are very welcome to join in the fun.
The details are:
What is it? Love our Lifestyle Day
is a chance for us all to show our appreciation to the bloggers who
have chosen to reveal their lifestyle in words and pictures. If you
enjoy spanking blogs, let the authors know.
Where is it?
It's everywhere in the spanko blogiverse, but right here on this blog, I
will put up a post and record the links to all bloggers who are
participating in LoL Day. If you want to see who has joined in the fun,
drop by here and you will see the list. But it isn't limited to those
blogs. Please visit all the blogs you enjoy and say hello.
When is it? Thursday November 17.
Who can join? All bloggers and readers are invited to participate. If you are joining in as a blogger, please leave a comment here so that I can include you.
What do I have to do?
If you are a blogger, publish a post on November 17, thanking your readers for their support and encouraging them to tell you about themselves. "Love our Lifestyle" in the title will be helpful but not compulsory. Please remember to allow anonymous comments, even if only for a day or two.
you are a reader, visit the blogs on my list, but also drop in to the
blogs on your favourite blogrolls, or the blogs you regularly read.
There's no time limit. All bloggers love hearing from their readers any
time, not just on one day.
Our good friend Enzo at Everyday Spankings has provided this image that you are welcome to use on your LoL post, if you choose.
Love our Lifestyle Day is safe, sane, consensual, and open to everyone! Will you be joining us?

Thank you Hermione for hosting this wonderful event again, and thanks to Enzo for the awesome image. I always enjoy LoL day and will be busy reading and saying hello :)
I'd like to participate in this as well. Do I have to leave a link to my blog as well, or do you reach it through my username?
Hermione, I've forgotten, is this in addition to Love our Lurkers, or a substitute for it?
Thanks for organizing the fun, Hermione. I have scheduled my post to appear, on the 17th, at 10 am Central European Time, which is in the middle of the night Canadian time, when I hope you will be getting some well-earned sleep. So it should be ready for you to view, at your convenience, once you have woken to face the day. Let's hope all goes off with a lot of smiles for everyone.
Hermione, Looking forward to tomorrow and yes I will use Enzo's image (thank you Enzo)
Hope lots join in.
Roz - I suspect you will be first in line, as always. See you then!
Norse - I got your link from your profile and you're in!
Dan - This is a new version of the former Love our Lurkers.
Prefectdt - I can't wait to read your post.
Ronnie - Thank you for your faithful support.
I am participating again this year, my blog has been ignored by me for too long, so this is the push that I needed to start writing again.
I have a post scheduled for noon on the 17th.
Thanks for organizing the event,
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