Welcome, everyone, to our regular weekend discussion time. I've just received a new (refurbished, but new to me) iPad, and it's hard to tear myself away, but I did have time to whip up some tasty holiday treats just for you.
Since the holidays are a time to travel for many people, this topic suggested by our dear friend and faithful commenter Roz is quite timely.
Do you have a fantasy place to engage in spanking? Is it a real location you could travel to, or is it purely imaginary?
Please leave your response as a comment below. Once everyone has had a chance to speak, I will publish an edited summary of our conversation.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

It's not really a fantasy place in the sense that I would or have ever fantasized about it. But since you ask, and from the perspective of a female-led DD relationship, an outdoors setting, tending to the wild or even wilderness: beside a roaring river, or on a wind-swept ocean beach, or among the California Redwoods, or even just deep in the woods of a nearby park.
All of these might be an exciting setting for a good, hard, and especially loud spanking from my wife, with her fully dressed in a tight and revealing bathing suit or tight short shorts and fitted top, and wielding a half-inch diameter hardwood hairbrush, while I am stark naked, clothes somewhere she left them earlier when she stripped me, and dangling awkwardly over her knee, as she sits comfortably on the stump of a felled tree, wielding a half-inch diameter hardwood hairbrush on my rapidly reddening bum, ignoring my increasingly desperate pleas and promises.
Thanks for the fantasy
Hi Hermione,
Did I pose this question? I don't remember lol. Anyway, I think a fair ground or a theme park would be interesting:)
My spankings are truly just that, a spanking, and as for my fantasy place, I truly don't have one. My wife/mommy has applied her hairbrush soundly at hotels, her mother's home many times, and not having been spanked there, but our church. Having me squirm in the pews, being noticed, especially by other wives, is what my wife would call her fantasy, not mine, she has such a smile, when others know that her husband as spent sometime over her lap. Jack
I have many fantasy spanking places and most of them will remain, only as fantasies, never to be realized. The two that pop up most, in my mind, are an isolated rocky pool, fed by a fresh water stream and far from prying eyes, for a soggy spanking and in the middle of a military parade ground, receiving a punishment flogging, witnessed by a regiment, made up exclusively of women, dressed in Napoleonic period military uniforms. I doubt if either of these will ever happen.
My wife and I bicycle on bike trails. It has been my fantasy that she find a reason to stop us in the trail, grab a switch, pull my bike shorts down, then to proceed to punish me. Not worrying whether anyone could her or see that I was being punisehed.
Probably at one of my wife’s girlfriend’s house. My wife confides in her friend that she spanks and whips me. The friend is so interested that she persuades my wife to bring me over the next time I am to be spanked. An elongated build up when we arrive at her house then an extended spanking during which the friend learns the fine art of disciplining me from my wife. It is over with a standing invitation for a repeat any time my wife feels like it.
We've tried a number of our favorite spanking fantasy locales, but there is one classic left untested - the woodshed. I've been paddled in a barn, but that's not quite the same. I envision a smaller building constructed for the storage of lumber and firewood as well as the occasional corporal punishment of misbehaving wives or girlfriends. I picture a well worn leather strap hanging from a peg on the wall near the door awaiting the next naughty bottom to be escorted inside.
The spankee (me) would bend over a padded sawhorse conveniently situated in the center of the small room. The punishment would consist of dozens of hard strokes on my exposed naked bottom. Any screams of pain would be unheard and unheeded. Throughout my walk of shame back to the main house, I would fight the temptation to rub my still stinging seat. I would blush with embarrassment as I rejoined the group inside. They would stare at me and smile knowing full well where I had been and why.
No doubt about it, Seattle is the place. I would love to be over Miss Jenn's lap getting a good old fashioned spanking, while she tells me that when she is finished with me, I won't sit for a week. Or maybe, Austin and get my fanny roasted by the beautiful, Miss Rachel. So many cities, so many wonderful spankers.
I would love to be spanked in the Hula Girl section on the “It’s a Small World” ride at Disney World. We would have to hide somewhere until the park closes. The Hula girls would watch as the Missed pulls down my pants and paddles my back end until I cannot sit.
Luvinhub – Spankings in the woods, mountains and trails are the best. Not knowing if anyone will hear or stumble across makes it even better.
I used to be intrigued by the idea of being totally naked and waiting for a spanking by an anonymous disciplinarian in a well-lit and almost barely furnished office type building with glass windows everywhere.
I sold my beach house a few years ago.
Nearest neighbors were at least 100 yards away.
On a 300° arc at the back of the house - a couple hundred acres of wildlife/conservation property.
In other words: no people! And VERY private!
Back of the house had an upper deck for sunbathing with a view of the conservation land.
More than once I was otk of a wonderful woman on that deck in the full light of day (or the fireplace at night) who was soon over my knee to get her bare-bottom slapping!
God, I miss that house! And those moments.
A. J.
Thank you for the inspiration, Hermione. Yes I am back! Here it is, from a brand new fantasy:
"He bent me over the balcony railing, skin pressed against the rough concrete, heated up by the scorching tropical sun. I squirm uncomfortably, and he brings a towel to put under my shoulders, to protect me from scratching against the hot concrete. The balcony is facing the ocean, there is nothing but the mesmerizing turquoise blue with the white stripes of the waves. It's windy today, and the waves are loud, so is the music by the pool. No one can see us, but no doubt, the ocean and the music will not cover my screams. It's not polite to bother the neighbours, he says and offers me a washcloth to bite on."
Full story at https://soreismore.blogspot.com/2023/12/my-most-heartfelt-thanks.html
In a stable, bent over a hay bale or saddle and getting a good cropping. Don't think it will ever happen now.
I’ll list a few places but they don’t necessarily require travel.
A women’s locker room. Growing up I loved watching tennis, in part for the competition but more so because I loved the beautiful legs and bottoms in short skirts running around. The sweat was also a big part of the turn on. I felt guilty about getting so turned on and was always afraid of being found out. I imagine being earmarched into the locker room, pantsed and spanked by a bevy of strong sexy female tennis players.
A sorority. They are no longer allowed to paddle on another, even as part of the traditional initiation. But there’s no rule about learning to use a paddle on naughty boys and, after all, it’s a skill that should be learned and will come in handy.
A boutique, especially one selling lingerie. I’m exposed for my fascination with lacy panties, humiliated and spanked in one of the dressing rooms by the saleswomen who are highly amused.
I’ll add one more that we did experience several times.
Irene and I had access to a tack room at an elegant stable and were often pretty sure when nobody was around. There was a rack of riding crops on the east wall. Irene would bend me over the table and give me a few strokes with each one. The room had a rich leather smell from the oil applied to the saddles.
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