Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Butts Galore!

Our good friend Wendel and his Misses saw this booth while visiting an exhibition recently. Apparently Butts on Things is, well, a thing! Featured here are butt pins, so you can even wear your butt on your sleeve.

Visit the Butts on Things site and browse to your heart's content.

Thank you, Wendel.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Prefectdt said...

I have been collecting images of an everyday object with butts on them. When I have enough, there will be a post.


Anonymous said...

I love them all!


Roz said...

What fun, I love it!


Bonnie said...

I think my butt is already quite conspicuous. :)

Chronic Excessive Manliness said...

Count me in. :)