Sunday, September 15, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #557

It's nearly the end of summer for us in the northern hemisphere, and there's plenty of garden cleanup to be done. After a busy week outdoors, I'm glad to sit down with a cool drink and discuss an aspect of spanking suggested by a regular reader and correspondent.

How do you spend your time thinking about spanking when not actually engaged in the act? Do you read spanking stories, watch videos, fantasize, or do something else?

Please leave your response as a comment, and I'll publish a summary of our discussion in the next post.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Bonnie said...

I like to write about our special interest when I get time, energy, and motivation..

Chronic Excessive Manliness said...

Your question was: "Do you read spanking stories, watch videos, fantasize, or do something else?" My answer is....yes. :)

Anonymous said...

My answer is the same as Chronic Excessive Manliness.

Norse Cavalier said...

Read and write stories, occasionally watch videos. There's also some video games made on the subject, mostly on the website AnimeOTK.

Roz said...

Mostly all in my head, fantast. Occasionally asionally reading stories,


FL said...

Mostly just fantasize, occasionally write scenarios for my use only, browse a few blogs for inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Overtime I have read 'Strict Julie Spanks', she gives a full view of spankings, especially when it is the female giving. My wife/Mommy allows me to read this, but will voice her opinion from time to time. My spankings are strictly for being a naughty little boy, no sexual involvement. It is interested to see how others feel about spankings and the reasons why and like myself not for sexual pleasure. Jack

Anonymous said...

Yes to all. It’s great to have so much in the internet. I find, however, that I’m a little fussy in that there’s a lot of stuff I need to just scroll past that doesn’t appeal to me.

With Irene’s permission I did write a story that Miss Jenn Davis then recorded. I was very happy with the way it came out. I have many rich fantasies, all based on real people, that I’d like to flesh out even though I don’t think the audience would be large.


Prefectdt said...

When I am on a train or in a waiting room, or anything like that, I would rather have a nice little fantasize about spanking, than be a slave to my phone. Watching videos and having those more involved fantasies (the type that might cause a bit of a stir in the trouser department) is reserved for time at home. I used to like to get some real life books about spanking in the past, but since I had problems with a thrombosis, in my right eye. Staring at predominantly white things for a long time can give me a sort of visual meltdown. So I don't read nearly as much as I used to, kinky or vanilla.


Anonymous said...

I do all of the above and more. I also like to listen to spanking podcasts on long drives. I visit antique and thrift shops to search for implements. Over the years i have collected a number of beautiful hairbrushes and paddles. I even found one treasured paddle that is signed by females on one side and males on the other. In addition, I make spanking implements for myself and others, including some well known mistresses. I spend way too much of my waking hours thinking about spanking.

Barrel said...

I do them all as well. I have written three stories that I uploaded to Literotica and received favorable comments. It takes a lot to write and even more to proofread and edit. I did this when I was traveling for work, but now being retired, I devote my time and energy elsewhere.

WendelJones said...

If we see a nice bottom passing by we will fantasize about spanking it and then compare notes.

Mija said...


In that order. Sadly for productivity sake, I too often stop at fantasy.

Anonymous said...

The answer that should have been given is this. I've wanted a spanking, I was looking for such a woman who would. Prior to marriage I would purchase spanking magazines, sit on the toilet, look at the pictures, especially older women giving the spanking to the young man. I would stroke away and hold back as long as I could. This worked until I received a spanking, and it was for playing with myself, I got caught by a woman I was seeing. She had me finish and then with underpants still around my ankles, went to the kitchen, pulled a chair from the table and first spanked me with her hand. Told to stand, I was rubbing and she took from her purse her hairbrush and that truly was when the spanking began. Today, my spankings are for being a naughty little boy, my wife I will address as Mommy. It is not wanting a spanking, it is knowing one is coming, and thinking how bad it will be. Mommy will make me wait, she wants to calm down prior to going over her lap. Spankings are not given in anger she reminds me. Jack