Let's talk about aftercare.
FL: Since I prefer a DommyMommy f/m aesthetic, my preferred aftercare is lots of cuddling and forgiveness. All part of the roleplay. I don't need or want any soothing balms or lotions on my backside, the afterburn is part of the enjoyment.
CEM: If the relationship is just punitive, I wrap her up like a burrito in the comforter, get her some cold water and let her recover. If the relationship is more intimate...than, well, you know. :)
Wendel: Most times when the spanking is in the kitchen the recipient has to stand in the corner showcasing their bright red bottom when it is over. After care for a paddling or whipping in bedroom may get a cold rag or zippy bag of ice applied to the sore bottom. We do not use creams or ointments. Occasionally I will paddle the Misses in the morning before she starts work. She works out of the house and has to get an extra cushion to sit on while working.
Rosco: Mostly, but not always, spanking is followed by reverse cowgirl cunnilingus. Sometimes Irene will say she wanted to spank me again or for longer but she can’t wait. After the pussy licking, it’s intercourse then usually dinner.
Roz: If not immediately followed by more intimate activities a spanking is usually followed by cuddles and a cold drink.
Prefectdt: Post spanking rituals tend to vary, for me, depending on the spanker. The only constant that I insist on is the application of horribly stingy alcohol gel, to deal with any skin breaks or micro lesions. There must be lots of aftercare that I have not tried. I would like to leave myself open to suggestion to trying some of these in the future.
KDPierre: If it's for
play, really nothing...except maybe a quick cell phone shot for
posterior posterity. If it's punishment? Well, typically there's a post
spanking kiss to my Honey's feet to show no hard feelings and a kind of
acceptance of roles and just deserts.
In the past when more
'people-in-the-know' were living with us and a punishment might be for
something done to them, it was a house policy that I would formally
apologize after a punishment to whomever was affected by my behavior. If
the person was not in the home, this would be done by text.
Nickki, our post spanking ritual was just a chat while platonically
cuddling...again just to show no hard feelings and to offer feedback
about the experience.
In no instance, play or punitive, do we do
any kind of alleviating treatment of my bottom, since the intention of
either type of spanking is to cause a nice and lasting burning pain.
Once accomplished there seems no logic to minimizing what was so
painstakingly (literally) achieved.
Graham: Same as Rosco. Cunnilingus, intercourse and dinner or a drink.
Barrel: If a normal spanking, we are almost always intimate. If it is an extended session, I am unsteady on my feet, so we hug. We then have a drink or glass of wine and discuss what worked, what didn’t. I like to ask her what she liked most about it. What was her best implement? If it got her aroused? Then intimacy. Good topic this week!
Hermione: Our usual routine for aftercare is intimacy, then, if it's Sunday afternoon, we take out the recycling together.
Let's take a moment on this Remembrance Day to remember the millions of people who gave their lives for our freedom.
P.S. Moments after I published this post, I got an automated warning from Blogger, saying it had been put behind a warning because it contained sensitive content. I can't see that it makes much difference since the blog is already behind an adult warning. This is the beginning of free speech restriction.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

Some bloggerss have been having issues with warnings, posts being removed, than replaced, having our own comments having to be approved etc, going on for some time. This appears to be more of a stupid bot thing than some new censorship issue related to recent events.
I agree, it was obviously a bot. I'm just being paranoid :)
Ignore this. Just wondering why my replies never post.
Go figure..... It went through
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