This week we discussed multiple implements. How many have you experienced?
Roz: It varies, often there can be 2 implements, not counting the hand and occasionally 3 and they tend to be used on a rotational basis during the spanking. At least I have a brief reprieve from the sensation of each while another is being used.
Wendel: If you count the hand, then it would be 3 during the same session. Hand, paddle and finally the belt but we do just prefer one per session.
Donn: Accustomed? I don't think I would use that term, ever.
my Disciplinary Wife sometimes uses up to three implements during a
punitive thrashing: Delrin Cane, Rubber Strap, and Wood/Delrin/Teflon
Paddle, usually in that order for maximum effect. (You can understand
(My last serious thrashing was a "four-weekend /
four-session" affair, with her repeatedly using her reformatory cane,
then a rubber strap onto those weals.)
However, she usually only
uses one or two implement: Cane or Rubber Strap, singly, together, or
one of those sometimes combined with a paddle.
"Do you prefer one
or many?" I prefer that she uses what will work to get the job done;
whatever works to best ensure she does NOT need to repeat the thrashing
for the same offense in the future.
That said, if "punitive
learning" is off the table, I would always prefer one implement: A
basic paddle -- least painful short term, but more pain tends to linger
CEM: Multi-implement. Hand, other hand, hairbrushes, switches, paddles of various sizes, canes, also of various types and sizes, kitchen implements, riding crop, belt, straps, also again, of various types and sizes, not sure how many that is, can't really count that high anyway as...I'm not very smart. š
Luvinhub: Typically, my wife used her hand and then her purple heartwood paddle. The worst I had gotten included my very thick braided leather belt on top of the others.
Norse Cavalier: I prefer using my hand and then one paddle or brush. Not really a fan of using a lot of implements for a single spanking. Quite willing to do it if the young lady in question desires it, of course.
Jack: My wife/mommy only uses the bath brush, she want the spanking to get my attention from the start and to last longer after it is over. My mother-in-law always start with her hand, it hurts alot, she then uses her hairbrush and that is to remind not to rub, dance around, each of those spanks land very hard and hurt the most.
Anon: I like to use multiple implements to vary the sensations. Plus I have a lot of different implements and I have a hard time picking my favorite. In the end though, I like using my hand best.
Barrel: Our sessions are usually prefaced with a spanking by hand and then hairbrush or plastic paddle, followed up with a short outing for lunch or appetizers. The main event always includes more than one implement. She likes the handmade strap the best, so she usually starts with it to set the tone. The tawse is employed more frequently as she likes to deliver the twin tips into the more central, lower, tender areas. All sessions include thrashings with two delrin canes, one thicker that thuds and one thin that leaves intense weals. Occasionally, she will finish with the hairbrush or paddle so she can balance the color as she prefers. During any session, I don't prefer any of these, however I do wear and admire the welts from the tawse and weals from the thin cane with pride for days thereafter.
Prefectdt: A big fat yes :) . Getting spanked, for me, will involve a minimum of 5 toys or pervertables. Those will be the ones that I bring with me. And of course I am eager to experience anything that the spanker has and wants to use. I have never counted the number of toys and pervertables used in a play, but I suspect that there have been times when it could have been as many as 20, possibly more.
A.J.: Obviously, I'm the wuss in this group!
it's all hand, and roaming hands at that. Until her tush is a nice
pink. I have used a belt before, but for its emotional effect on her
when she hears, "Do I have to take my belt off???" And her reaction to
just the SOUND of my belt being pulled from my jeans! Anticipation level peaks!
Application? Belts can really hurt so CAREFULLY! Difference between my hand vs. my belt? Zilch. It's all theater.
On the receiving end? Sumbitch!! The same!
Sage: Just two or three leather implements lately, as I've gotten enamored of leather.
Hermione: A typical session includes four implements. Ron chooses three and I may pick the fourth. Like Roz said, these are rotated during the session so I feel different sensations - all of them ouchy!
KDPierre: Normally it's just one - her custom paddle, but on certain occasions
where a bit of extra emphasis is desired she might finish with a few
nasty strokes from a synthetic switch we have. It leaves thick welts and
will hurt even after my butt has gotten numbed from her paddle.
the record for most would have to be back in 2009 when Rosa and I did a
fun "Bless the House" game where we went from room to room (10 in all)
giving out 50 strikes with a different implement for each room. We went
from living room to porch and from attic to basement! Ouch! LOL
Hold onto your hats at noon EST today. The world as we know it is about to end. /s
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

No major worries about Trump. People often forget, and I'm going to be blunt here...Trump is a fucking idiot, and a born rich lazy jackass. He'll make some noise for a few weeks, a month or so, then he'll waddle his makeup and wig wearing ass to the golf course, just like the 1st failed term. Obviously anything *could* happen, but we've survived nearly 250 years as a democracy and I don't see that changing anytime soon. :)
CEM - I know he isn't going to take over Canada, but he can do a lot of damage to your country in four years with his armed militia and total immunity.
Granted, the potential is there. However if any of that comes true, its the fault of Congress, the voters and SCOTUS for not reigning him in. We all know he's nuts, but we don't have a King in this country so...
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