Some interesting warnings, and menu translations that make you wonder if you should order something else.
Bon appetit!
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

Wendel: Normally the spanker is just wearing whatever at the time. We do like dressing up for Halloween and for Comic Con conventions so on the rare occasion we might wear one to administer the spanking. The Misses did buy a few vintage 1960 and 1970 outfits. On the days she wears one of those I know I am about to get the paddling of my life.
Rosco: Irene
normally will dress up before spanking me. She’ll often spank me, order
me to stay where I am or tie me up, then change her clothes before
spanking me again. Often she’ll wear a third outfit.
Lots of
variety. Miniskirts, almost dowdy midi skirts, short shorts, dirndls,
sorority girls outfits, cowgirl clothes. She doesn’t have a huge
wardrobe but she gets creative. Usually her accent will match her outfit
as the lecture always accompanies the spanking.
Prefectdt: My main concern is that the spanker feels comfortable and confident in what they are wearing for the play scene. For some spankers, they are happy in their everyday clothes. But for others, they like to dress up a bit, sometimes in something of a costume or just by wearing more formal attire. I have always suspected that the spanker who like to dress up are creating a play persona that separates them from their everyday selves.
FL: Honestly, I was always just grateful to be spanked but given a choice, there's nothing quite like being taken over a lap clad in silky smooth nylons or pantyhose.
Wolfman: The most important part is for her to be in a dress or skirt as they are more easy to lift versus taking a pair of pants down. Also they enhance her femininity and vulnerablity which in turn enhances my my masculinity and domination desires. Ditto for bare legs or stockings rather pantyhose, tights, or leggings, and if her panties are satin, frilly or with a bit of lace, oh my God what a pleasure!!
Hermione: Ron is comfortable in jeans so that's what he wears. I don't care what he has on as long as he gives me a good spanking.
Glenmore: If I'm lucky , Stockings and suspenders!
Anon: Same as Glenmore. S&S really does something special for me.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine
What time of day is best for spanking?
Bonnie: If I get a choice, and I usually don't, please book my spankings for the evening. It makes a nice segue to whatever comes next.
Marie: I don't much prefer a specific time of day though I *do* love a bedtime spanking. That's a specific type of spanking for me, though. I suppose we tend to play most often, mid-morning or early afternoon and that works - but I'm not sure I really have any preference other than wanting time for it to not feel rushed. I do recall pre-parenthood that we were most often lazy weekend late morning players. No such thing now lol.
Dan: Ours are heavily weighted toward late evening. Every once in a while one will be in the afternoon. There have been a very few in the morning, and I generally have tried to delay. It takes several cups of coffee for me to get going.
Graham: It most often happens very late afternoon or in the evening. Just the way life works out, as many of us are quite busy earlier in the day.
Sage: Whatever time we can both be there for it. On weekends, late morning, as my partner is most awake then. I'm with Marie about the most important thing being making sure it's at a time when we won't be rushed.
Wendel: Spankings can occur at any hour of the day. The Misses has given out a few good ones in the middle of the night. No reason other than she felt like spanking me. There is nothing quite like waking up in the middle of the night, having my pants pulled down and then getting whacked with a paddle.
Betsy: During the week, spankings are usually in the evenings. During the weekend, it can be anytime.
Roz: Spankings usually occur at night. Morning would be the least favourite time for me.
Jack: My wife/mommy will spank anytime of the day, it does not matter, I mess up, it is over her lap. There times when I've really been a naughty little boy that I will be given a bedtime spanking, which is the worst.
Prefectdt: I do not like mornings. The reason for this is that I like to have a little colonic wash out before I go to play, so that everything is nice, shiny and clean back there. I have never been very good at doing this, and it takes up to 2 hours sometimes. So jumping out of bed and playing directly is off the cards. Any other time of the day is fine for me.
Rosco: If it’s
before sexual activity, I’ll get three spankings, each about a half hour
apart - say 4:30, 5:00 and 5:30. Between them, if I’m not tied up I may be
massaging Irene’s feet.
If a spanking is not followed by sexual
activity, it could be anytime. Bedtime spankings can be deliriously
relaxing but are rare.
Glenmore: When we were both working we would have lunchtime rendezvous which included a spanking which sent me back to work with a red bottom. These days spankings are less frequent and are usually during the day sometime when our energy levels are higher.
KDPierre: They happen when they happen......but I prefer mornings so I can enjoy the aftereffects all day.
Barrel: We usually
play late in the afternoon when a glass of wine may be involved.
Mornings are off as that is our peaceful togetherness. We occasionally
do early afternoons when in a session and we go out for lunch or early
appetizers then home for the thrashing.
CEM: Evening or late at night. I don't even get up til about noon so... :)
Ronnie: They happen when P decides. I don’t mind afternoons or evenings. Don’t like morning spankings.
Hermione: In the morning, right after a nice, hot shower, a brisk paddling is a fine way to start the day. It might mean standing up to eat breakfast, and the sting is a day-long reminder to be good.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine
Let's see your ideas for a spanko commercial.
Rosco: Wife comes home. Garage door open. Lawn half mowed. She frowns.
Inside husband is watching the game, drinking beer. She frowns, had on hips. I warned you mister, she says.
The door shuts. Slaps are heard.
husbands is shown with bottle of lotion. Voiceover says the lotion is
good after being in the sun for too long or all kinds of burning
Roz: I like the idea of an advert advertising the many uses for kitchen implements.
Wendel: The
commercial starts with the husband at home improvement store looking
over various items below the camera view. We see him loading a bag into
his trunk.
Switch the wife at a home goods store looking over
cooking and cleaning items below the camera view. We see her loading a
bag into her trunk.
Back to the husband shopping at a clothing
store. He looks over various items below the camera view. We see him
loading a bag into his trunk.
The wife is at clothing store
looking over various items. All are below the camera view so we do not
get to see. We see her loading a bag into her trunk.
Both arrive home and intensely look over their purchases in separate rooms. All items are below the camera view.
Close up of the husband smiling. Close up of the wife smiling.
enter the living room standing in front of a massive TV. He is wearing
an Eagles jersey. She is wearing a Chiefs jersey. They frown at each
other then notice each is holding a leather belt with the tag still
Close up of them smiling.
Switch to a back
view of the two from the jersey up. They are cheering and shouting at
the game on the TV. The camera pulls back revealing their bare, freshly
whipped backsides.
Caption: “Team Rivalries Come and Go but Spanking is Forever”
Prefectdt: I would like to promote self-help groups and professional counselling for women who want to come out of the closet as dominant spankers. I feel that there are a lot more of them out there, than will admit it, because of the general preconceptions caused by the Patriarchy. Women who want to be a Top need to know that is an honourable thing, for all women of that ilk.
KDPierre: A voice-over
says, "We've come a long way in respecting people's differences and
choices..." as an artsy montage of various ethnic, special needs, and
sexual identity 'pride' or awareness events are shown. The commercial
then cuts to some TV or movie scene poking fun at the spanking kink
portraying its participants as weird. The voice continues, "But
obviously not far enough."
Cut to a close-up of a paddle on a
nightstand, as the voice-over concludes, "Spankos. We'd
much rather be the butt that gets smacked than the butt of a joke. It's
2025, and time for all lifestyles to be taken seriously."
Hermione: I would have an ad that describes glamping holidays with a difference: besides all the usual amenities, the yurts are fully equipped with a spanking bench, St Andrew's cross, various implements and lotions. Special rates for first-timers include a Dom or Domme to help novices along.
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine
Welcome one and all to another weekend spanko brunch. This brunch is one we enjoyed exactly ten years ago, but I thought it would be fun to repost it since our readership has changed over time.
This is an
important and exciting weekend for American football fans. On Sunday we
will watch the jewel in the professional football season's crown - The Superbowl.
For many, the most anticipated feature of the broadcast is the vast
array of creative commercials. For those of us outside the US, they can
only be enjoyed online but that's fine for non-football fans like me.
If you could create a one minute
commercial about spanking, what would you choose to advertise? A
service? A product? A blog or website? A location? What methods would
you use to get your point across effectively? Would you use humour or
would it be a serious spot?
Let your imaginations run wild. Describe your commercial - briefly or
in detail - in a comment, and I will publish your pitches on Monday. I
can't wait to see what you come up with!
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine
What venue do you draw the line at?
CEM: Anything that might draw unwanted attention, any location where there are mainstream people, is a hard no for me. I don't even like most PDA, so anything kinky that might be misconstrued as abuse or violence, something that might make someone call the cops, alarm kids, old people or vanilla "persons"... nope not doing that.
Wendel: Any place
where there are lots of people. Places we do engage in outside spanking
are far removed from the general public so there is almost no chance of
someone stumbling in on us.
If one or both of us are sick the spankings stop.
Mija: My university office.
Roz: Any public place where we could be observed and the spanking misconstrued.
Prefectdt: My own home springs to mind. I live in a terraced house with thin walls and there are children next door, who could not help but hear what is going on. I think that we are into the realm of consent, with this question. Even just as witnesses, people consenting to see or hear a spanking is important. So in conclusion, I would say anywhere where the non-consenting are present is a no-go spanking zone for me.
KDPierre: >>>>>>>>>What venue(s) would you draw the line at for spanking? <<<<<<<<
-a school playground at lunchtime (I fear arrest and being put on one of those offender lists)
-a church altar during mass (though maybe it might be appreciated if it was a Satanic Church?)
-a library (it would make too much noise and I hate being rude)
- the mouth of an active volcano (my butt would be hot enough without any extra help from Mother Nature)
- atop the tightrope at the circus (not for fear of the crowd's reaction but my balance isn't what it used to be)
>>>>>>>>What might make you change your mind?<<<<<<<<<
I don't know? Maybe being given a threat of "take the spanking or public execution"?;-)
(this was a fun one) ;-)
Rosco: Well, like everyone else, we don’t really want to be caught by others (with a few mostly fantasy exceptions).
for a serious spanking, I like to be in a comfortable position so I can
at least try to relax and enjoy the thrashing. I understand this is
“topping from the bottom” but so be it.
Barrel: Any venue where our kids or grandkids are around. That just grosses me out. I have been spanked in hotel rooms and on cruise ships. No clue if others may have heard. We don’t flaunt it but don’t hold back either.
A.J.: I'm with "Chronic Excessive Manliness." Anywhere there are "civilians."
might be OK with a setting at the home (mine/theirs) who know I
spank/get spanked, but then again - no one knows I spank/get spanked!!!
(There was one neighbor LONG ago whom I told I spanked my GF's -
if they let me! She was shocked until I explained it was all
consensual sexy fun and they loved it. Now THAT was an interesting
Ronnie: Like others have said, not in a public place or where it's possible to get caught.
Nothing would change my mind.
Hermione: Never at a shopping mall or in a church. I would only change my mind if it was after closing time and nobody was around except the occasional ghost (which we have in several local churches. I don't know about the malls).
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine
Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine