Sunday, November 1, 2009

Rite of Passage

I'm a little late posting this picture that I found a few days ago. I know it's been on a couple of other blogs, but it triggered a memory.

When I was a little girl, I had a fantasy about what happened when you became an adult. When you turned 21, you had to present yourself at an official location. Once you showed your birth certificate, you would be ushered into a private room and given a bare-bottom spanking. After that, you were officially grown up, and were allowed to drive a car, smoke, drink, leave home, or whatever else it was that adults could do and children couldn't.

I wonder if this is a picture of a government office. If you look carefully you can see a spanking bench near the window, and an implement rack next to it. Isn't that a waiting room on the far left?

From Hermione's Heart


Jz said...

Must be. It's offered in Spanish, as well...

Fabsterrant said...

Dang you must have done something wrong on the questionnaire. Geez you're such a natural,lol.

Hugs, fab

Fabsterrant said...

Ohh! Now I get it. Ya gotta treat the bldg like a day at the beach.

Hermione said...

Jz - Welcome! Good to know they spank in Spain (or Mexico) as well.

Fab - Yes, I goofed on purpose! And a day at the beach wouldn't be half as much fun!


Florida Dom said...

Do they do it again when you renew your driving license? Sounds like a fun fantasy.


ronnie said...

Good post Hermione.
LOL, I like FD's idea.


Hermione said...

FD - I hope so. I never considered that, but why not?

Ronnie - Thanks. I haven't thought about that fantasy for years.
