What would I do without CBC radio to entertain me during my daily commute? This little gem by James Morrison caught my attention. Can you guess why?
If loving you is easy,
Playing by the rules,
But you said love tastes so much better when it's cruel.
To you everything was just a game.
Yeah, you played me good,
But I want you, I want you, I want you,
So much more than I should,
Yes I do.
I've got my hands up so take your aim,
Yeah, I'm ready.
There's nothing that we can't go through.
Oh, it hit me like a steel freight train,
When you left me,
And nothing ever hurt like you,
Nothing ever hurt like you.
I was naive and wide-eyed
But you made me see,
That you don't get to taste the honey
Without the sting of a bee,
No you don't.
Yes, you stung me good,
Oh yeah, you dug in deep,
But I'll take it, I'll take it, I'll take it
Till I'm down on my knees.
I've got my hands up so take your aim,
Yeah I'm ready,
There's nothing that we can't go through,
Walk a thousand miles on broken glass,
It won't stop me
from making my way back to you.
It's not real till you feel the pain,
And nothing ever hurt like you,
Nothing ever hurt like you.
Listen to the song here.

Hermione: Very good song and also enjoyed the pictures in the previous post. They were so funny.
Good find Hermione... Have you ever tried spanking with your hands above your head throughout? Just wondering.
This song is the most played on my iTunes (over 200 times!)...great choice! :)
Baby Girl :)
FD - Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed both posts.
Red - No, can't say that I have.
BG - Really! What a coincidence!
Playing catch up.
Lovely Hermione, not heard this song before so thanks. Now I'll be humming it all day long.
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