Alan: While there are a minority of women hardwired toward F/M spanking (and that number is possibly increasing among younger women), my impression is that most women come to enjoy and even lust for it after being introduced by a male lover or spouse. In short if a woman is not introduced to F/M by a partner, trying it doesn't occur or appeal to most women. But the experience including the power exchange ( and behavior change where spanking is disciplinary) convinces many women ( not all by any means) that it is something they want to continue.In my first DD relationship my previously vanilla girlfriend often told me she could not be in a relationship with me without that "sanction" which was how she sometimes referred to spanking. My present DD relationship with my wife ( who had earlier been introduced to DD by a male) has followed the same lines with her becoming firmer with her commitment to DD as time goes on. If it appears more women are embracing F/M it is because more are being exposed to it
Roz: My preference is M/F in stories. I don't know why, but it seems sexier to me.
Windy: I am attracted to the husband spanking the wife, but I don't read much spanking fiction because it doesn't appeal to me, for the most part.
However, about once a week, I ask Storm if I can spank him because he makes me mad. (Laughing) His answer is always a big fat NO, as I fully expect. But, I don't truly want to spank him ever. It is M/F for us.
Bonnie: I'm not sure. M/F spanking is what appeals to us, whether in a story or in our own play.
Kanga: Definitely only M/F here, I'm afraid. Whether it's reading, writing or visual.
Glad there are F/M spanko's out there though for those men who need them in their life.
Anon: Maybe it’s a way for the woman to take out her frustrations/irritation/annoyance/anger on the man without going through argument/disagreement/sulking etc. How much simpler to “thrash” (joking) to her heart's content without justification/debate.
My wife says “go upstairs and put your things on (she knows I enjoy being a humiliated cross dresser while she “punishes”me). Ah the joy!
Ronnie: Can't really answer that one. Not sure.
KDPierre: As a male writer of predominantly F/m stories, I have to say that women are not the majority of my readership. Even the comments here tend to support that trend. Most women into TTWD tend to prefer M/f. In fact, I can't think of any mainstream F/m book that anyone has a big female fan base. The LSF is full of stories and has a huge readership of all genders and orientations but I can't say I've ever noticed a preponderance of female F/m fans.
Barrel: I’m not qualified to answer as I’m not a female. But I do know my wife is growing in her enjoyment of our F/m thrashings, partially based on her limited reading on line. She gets satisfaction over the tension I give her...I get emotional, mental and stress relief. Exactly the reason I encourage her for more frequent, longer and harder.
Ps: Sorry I missed LOL. But a year ago, y’all helped me accept who and why we are are the way we are...and now comfortable being a member of this family.
Prefectdt: There is no way that I would speak for women on this subject. I think that this is one for the female side of the population to answer.
Fondles: Not my area of expertise I'm afraid. I personally prefer M/f stories.
Hermione: The anonymous reader who asked what we "girls" like about F/M stories seemed incredulous that female readers were leaving positive comments about The English Governess. I read an excerpt from it many years ago, and finally got around to ordering the book online. I thought it was very hot, although it might not appeal to everyone.
What do I like about the story I published, or FM spanking stories in general? Why, the spanking, of course! Give me a story that includes a bare bottom, a lap and a paddle and I'm happy. The gender of the bottom (or the top) doesn't matter to me. I suppose it goes back to my childhood, when boys were punished physically at school while girls were not. We girls always wondered what went on behind the principal's closed office door.
My readership includes people with a multitude of preferences, and I try to publish a variety of stories that appeal to different subsets of our spanko family. I will continue to do so.

1 comment:
My fantasies went to both fm and mf as I was growing up from as far back as I can remember way before puberty.
I think I always leaned more fm, but I took a few chances at mf as it’s easier to initiate. A very successful experience at the tender age of 13, then unsuccessful and embarrassing attempts in my eRly twenties.
At 25, in 1980, I met Irene - now my wife. I told her of my interest, and she said she’d try fm, but had no interest in being on the receiving end. It’s been almost 40 years of incredible passion for both of us.
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