The day we've been waiting for has finally arrived! It's day one of our annual Love our Lurkers celebration. This is our 14th opportunity to encourage our lurkers out of the shadows.
If you are a silent reader who has never dared to leave a comment, now is your chance. We know you're out there, so don't be shy! You are among friends here. You may remain anonymous if you wish, or use a pen name. What should you say? That's entirely up to you. "Hello" is fine. I would love to know what country you live in.
If you're a blogger and want to jump in and take part, please leave a comment below so I can link your blog too. It's never too late to join us.
Scroll down to see the list of blogs participating in this year's Love our Lurkers festivities. These bloggers all want to hear from you, so please pay them a visit.

Hello, good to see that the tradition continues
Just thought I should leave a lil comment (grinning) seeing as I seldom do -- though I do read..... mmmm that makes me a 'lurker' doesn't it??
as for where I am from....... the Great White North (same as you I think?)
Thanks for all you do!
Thanks again I am in. ;)
I fully admit to lurking here. In fact I lurk a lot of places. But I stay quiet these days and I'm not sure why.
Hi Hermione,
A mature lurker from Ireland
thinks your blog is great
and loves all you wonderful
people in SPANKINGLAND !!!
Thanks for posting this, H! My first comment ever was a year and a half ago right here on your blog! Although I am a blogger, I actually still do some lurking. LOL Congrats on such a welcoming blog and happy LOL day! Hugs, Windy
Never a lurker. I feel like one of the family. Thanks for hosting this event.
Dear Lurkers,
Come out, come out wherever you are! Stay anonymous if you want, but know that you'll be happier for doing it.
I am in this year. Loving my Lurkers where ever they are.
Love My Lurkers
Thanks for doing this again Hermione.
Thanks for all your efforts, Hermione! ♥
Here every day,thank you!
Hello from the USA, read a lot but a man of few words.
I’ve left a couple “brunch” comments, so I guess I don’t qualify officially as a lurker, but hi, I’m Xen!
Happy LoL day Hermore,
Thank you so much for bringing us this wonderful event again. Hope you meet some new friends today :)
Thank you for the wonderful blogs, Hermione! Spank on!
Hi, Hermione! Happy LOL Days!
Thank you for once again organizing this lovely event!
Kaelah and I have published our LOL Day post as well:
Lurking from Texas, thanks!
My “name” is Rosco and I’m from Northern California. I do leave comments so I’m not a total lurker, but I sometimes think about doing my own blog. But I know it would take time to do it well and I worry few would read it - just another man obsessed with submissive fantasies.
I do very much like Hermione’s style, however, so I read often and sometimes comment. I thought I’d write about one of my very few memories that haunts me with thoughts of being a spanker rather than a spankee.
Many years ago I was driving a group of friends in a borrowed van to a nearby city for a soccer game. Someone we knew was on the visiting team and we were excited to see her play. There was a lot of traffic and I was frustrated driving, really wanting to be there on time.
Martha was one of the people in the van - more of a friend of a friend, I didn't know her well. She was a tall freckle-faced redhead, loud and brassy, more-so as the ride went on, and she started teasing me for complaining about the traffic. When we finally arrived, everyone got out except Martha as I still had to find a parking place. When I finally parked, Martha spit some of her sticky slurpee through a straw onto the back of my neck.
We got out of the van and I grabbed her, spun her around and delivered a solid single swat to her bottom. Immediately I felt a surge of sexual desire out of nowhere. I went to spank her again, but she scampered away off to a more public area where the game was beginning.
I still think about giving Martha the spanking she deserved.
- Rosco
Well done! I'm in.
Hello from SE Georgia, USA. I regularly read your blog and those of Windy, Roz, Bonnie, Erica, Bogart & Bacall, and Strict Julie, but rarely comment. I am male, married, 72 yrs, retired physician. My sex life is a rich delux French Vanilla.
First time making a comment. Great blog, I really enjoy looking. Male, early 70's, Baltimore, USA,
Hi, Hermione. I’m’out’ this year but thanks for continuing the LOL days tradition.
Forever lurker observes:
Far as i can tell, three of the very bestthingsever comingfrom canada are, in no particular order:
Tragically Hip
Uh, hi there Hermione, my name is Nicolaj, and i am 29 years old. I live in Denmark, quite the small country compared to many others ehe :3
I found your blog here by chance a while ago, and i have been checking it out on and off ever since. I really like some of the spanking stories that gets posted here, as spanking is my main kink, though i guess that should come as no surprise in this case. *blush* I have had this, err, interest since i was a teenager, but i have never found anyone to share it with, sad to say. I havent given up just yet, but it sure feels like a loooong road. Well, sorry for my ramblings, thank you in advance!
thank-you so much for hosting! :-) Hugs to you
I love your blog keep up the great work
A belated happy LOL Day, Hermoine! Thanks a lot for making all the effort to host this special event. :-)
Hi Hermione -
I'm late to the party as far as my LOL post being up, but it is now.
Thank you for organizing and hosting for yet another year.
All the best,
Happy LOL day Hermione! It crept up on--and past--me this year, so for a change I didn't participate. However, that doesn't mean I can't wish you all the best--even at this late date!
Dr. Ken, Spanking Minnesota
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