Simon: Over the 40+ years I've been receiving punishments I've noticed that not only has my tolerance improvedm but the time I feel the sting afterwards has decreased considerably. These days it has to be a very severe punishment for the sting to last any time at all which is a shame really. Basically for the sting to last more than an hour or so it has to be either a very long punishment or an exceptionally hard one. A heavy cane or paddle will do the trick At the moment I can feel the sting from recent punishments but that's only because I received 4 canings and 2 severe paddlings over two days.
Anon 1: Since my wife has started using a Bath Brush, the stinging last a long time. Still spanked over her lap, but that longer handle sure provides her with a harder spank. But the reason why I'm getting a spanking will determine how long it will last. I'm also louder than before.
Wendel: The belt has a heck of a sting and the welts are quite painful. I am sore for a few hours. Still the longest lasting effects comes when the Misses paddles my backend before leaving for a girls night out evening. She paddles long and hard so that I behave while she is out. My bottom is still a little sore in the morning.
Roz: It depends on a number of factors, such as implements used, duration and intensity of the spanking. The wooden spoon and leather paddle definitely leave a lasting sting.
Yorkie: I find lately that the sting doesn’t last as long as it used to and I’m quite sure she is far more “effective” than she used to be, even though our play is far less frequent these days.
Barrel: My sting does relate to the implement used, with her hair brush, hard plastic paddle, strap, tawse and cane in increasing order of intensity. I feel the effects for several hours, however last week’s strapping I felt for two days. Interestingly, after an extended session, I usually have an itching that will last for three or four days. But her thin delrin cane will be felt for a week and seen for several.
Bonnie: As the others said, it really depends. I will differentiate sting, which is a sharp discomfort located at or near the surface of the skin, from ache, which is a deeper, duller, and longer lasting pain. The former can be generated by almost any implement while the latter is primarily attributable to heavy implements like a paddle or a solid brush.
With this distinction in mind, I find that genuine sting lasts only a short time, perhaps an hour or less. Ache, when it happens, is that subtle reminder I get when sitting the next day. "Ow, I got a spanking!" my mind exclaims as my hand involuntarily reaches for the source of the trouble. This ache often lasts longer than than any marks.
I have developed a decent level of tolerance thanks to my dear husband's punctual attention. I don't think the duration of the sting has changed much over the years.
Alan: It is a combination of instrument used,position ordered and duration of the spanking. Bent over the sink or over the bed for the bath-brush lasts longest and is the most punishing unless very brief. OTK with an ordinary hairbrush probably produces less sting or the memory lasts for a shorter period (although OTK can be very effective for other reasons). For me the physical impact of being spanked has increased overall, probably as a result of her growing confidence and skill - and the fact that the bath-brush has become her go to disciplinary tool.
Prefectdt: I'm might not be understanding the question correctly but what I would count as "Sting" will be gone in minutes. But muscle ache usually lasts a lot longer. The more severe the instrument used and how hard it is applies dictates how long this lasts. For examples the ache from a flogging can be gone before the hour is out where as the ache from a hard wood paddling can last for four or five days. I think it depends on how deep the muscle trauma goes.
Peter: My wife changes instruments often. A caning is always the most painful to me. We have a friend who is a dominant and from time to time she invites him in to give me a reminder. His sessions are always longer and harder. The last time was about 10 weeks ago. He used both a leather strop and then followed it with a caning. I had a sore bottom for almost a week and bruises for longer.
Anon 2: My wife learned that a spanking is much more lasting if one does not have an erection. She will either address it herself, or I will. The spanking really stings and hurts longer than if I had kept the erection, even though it goes away. This as my wife states that spankings are not sexual.
Kiwigirliegirl: For me, it depends on duration, bare skin or clothed, implement or hand...but more importantly the length of time between spankings, and how I am feeling emotionally at the time. Belligerent, regretful, worried, annoyed, angered, accepting, guilty—different emotions can give me different results.
Hermione: When we first started spanking, I would often feel the ouch the next day, and maybe a day after that too. But as time went by, my bottom toughened and now I barely feel anything minutes after it is over. The exception is the dressage whip. I will feel the pain of the wrapping on my right hip the next day. My bottom usually stays red for at least 24 hours, no matter what implement is used.

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