Monday, March 14, 2022

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for March 13

What is your most effective pervertible?

Wendel: I bought a Micky Ear shaped spatula from Disney World that I use solely for spanking the Misses. She says it stings like hell and it leave Mickey Ear shaped marks on her bottom. It hangs in the kitchen pantry cupboard for anyone to see. Most of the relatives that visit comment on how cute it is. Little do they know. We also have a bath brush that is great for soaping up all of the back and walloping all of the backend. Neither one of us can sit after a spanking with that one. 

Spanky53: Hermione, where do I start...LOL. I didn't start buying actual "toys" until I was well into involvement in the scene. And I think we all have a fondness for seeing the possibilities of everyday items. Here is my list:
1:Twist tie bundles
2: A paddle made from an actual King James Bible
3: Leather shoe soles (which amused the wife of shoe repair shop owner. I'm sure she knew what they were for)
4: Bamboo bundles from 99cents store
5: Smiley face spatula
6: 3 foot shoe horn
7: Telescoping back scratcher from 7/11
8: Salad forks
9: Flogger made from num-chuks and multi-colored black light string
10: Drill holster
11: Badminton racket

 Jean Marie: I totally agree with Spanky53! Some of mine:
1) A large spatula from Tupperware is a prized possession
2) Wooden spoons & wire whisks and cooking tools
3) A ping pong paddle is lethal
4) A riding crop
5) An antique hairbrush
6) A doubled-up electrical cord can also be EVERY effective.

Baxter: A three foot shoe horn was mentioned above. When I was getting prepared for my total knee replacement four years ago, we went out to buy things like a cane and a framework to help me sit on a toilet better and suction handholds for the showers. Well, another helpful item was the three foot shoe horn. I actually never used it, but my wife did to put on her shoes. She also found a use for it in spanking me with it. She like it so much, she bought a second one to have in our trailer, should she need to spank me there and yes it has been used. Quite stingy. 

Roz: The most common is the wooden spoon. Ours is very thick and more like a paddle so very effective. Also a plastic handle from a cat toy. That thing stung like heck! It was similar to a blind wand. Other than that, bamboo garden cane.

Prefectdt: Yes, pervertables are a big element, in my spanking sphere.

The most useful ones are belts, mostly because they are easily and discretely transported, around my waist. Other recent favourites are a silicone headed, large stirring spoon, with holes in it and some beach shoes.

Barrel: These are all terrific. Before roller bags, I used a suiter to pack my business clothes for trips. It had a shoulder strap with a soft cushion that would rest on my shoulder. Over the years, the cushion grew brittle, cracked and fell off, making the suiter unusable. I removed the strap, doubled it over, sewed the shoulder piece together with a small piece of sheet metal in it for stiffness, a piece of coax cable inside the handle with leather shoe lace grip and we have a quite stingy strap. Interestingly, my wife noticed the business end of the leather strap is cracking due to extensive use, and she now wants a new one. As I just retired, that is my next project.

Willie: Let's see beyond the ones listed above....
2 foot glow stick, a piece of baseboard (that was more an opportunity thing), a coax cable, a silicone set of spurtles ( found at Walmart) and his tried and true go to, a silicone icing spatula ( though for the life of me as one who decorates cakes I cannot fathom using this item for that) which has a metal piece inside for stabilizing - I suppose because icing is soooo heavy? Lol
NONE of these I care for but the silicone for me is slightly easier to wrap my head around the type of pain it produces. 

Ronnie: We have these:)

Long ruler
A long shoe horn
Round wooden flat paddle (like a ping pong paddle)
Couple of spatulas that were gifted to us.
Heart shaped wooden spoon.
I don't like any of them though I do love the sound of the flat paddle when it hands on my bottom.

Alan: Maybe the most formidable and invisible at the same time is the long handled bath brush. In fact it apparently has become such a "go to" that it's not even thought of as a pervertable. I imagine a version of it has been used in spanking homes for a long while. It has to be one of the most effective spanking tools ever used. My wife loves it and I try to discourage her from using it without much success.

A.J.: What? No one mentioned the detachable electric cord? (Good thing, as that thing can be brutal. Never used it or felt it, but I knew classmates whose parents would use one!)

Not a fan so much of around the home 'pervertibles.' Prefer giving (and receiving) with the bare hand until the target is a nice pink or not-too-red.

Back in the day I was a true road warrior. I traveled so much I even thought of selling my home and car and renting a room and car for the few days a month I was in my home city. Sometimes I would find a young lass who would let me spank her, but that got hard to do so I looked for women and asked them to spank me instead. Almost all of them said "Yes!" and did it!

The problem: Amateurs. They weren't spankos.

I would be otk and it felt like I was being spanked with mittens. Asking it be harder didn't seem to work. While a couple tried their best I sometimes got, "My hand hurts."

I needed something. For them.

Not wanting to pass through security I looked for some they could use that,
1) An everyday item so you don't get "the eye" from security.
2) Not big
3) Something she could use to protect her hand, and
4) Wouldn't hurt ME. (Much.)

At Sur La Table:
- a 12.5" silicon spatula.
- a lightweight flat-headed, 12.5" wood turner.

And that did the trick. The nice part? They never went to town on me with those 'pervertibles.' They were careful and used it just hard and long enough to get me pink and feel the glow after for a couple hours.

Bernie: It's pretty mundane, but we had to buy some sandpaper and other painting related materials at one of the big-box hardware stores. This was at the height of one of our state's Covid restrictions. My wife spotted [stirrers] designed for use in 5 gallon buckets behind the counter The clerk had a quizzical look when my wife asked for one, then said it was for me.

It broke. I was sent back to the store two days later to buy another. The same clerk was working. She gave me a look that she knew what was going on. She said, "I hope this one works out better.".

We still have it and my wife told me, recently, that it's her favorite implement. I think she's working on having to have me go back to buy another.

Loki_Darksong: Home Depot is a virtual treasure trove of convertible pervertibles.

Originally in the ground stores, they sold these long and short handled grill brushes that were made of thick plastic and had flat back heads that were perfect for spanking. Unfortunately you will have to find that type online because the newer ones are not safe to use in spanking.

One of my favorite convertible pervertibles comes in the form of The Charcoal Companion Safe Scrape grill cleaning tool, which is made from thick wood. I own one and it does make for an excellent paddle. Since Spring is coming this item may be in the ground stores for purchase

Another I will mention is the 13-in Wrap it storage straps. They are velcro storage straps that come to a pack and make for a nice restraints when combined with the rope, chains, connectors and eye hooks you can find in the hardware section. But since this is a clearance item you may have to look around to find them. Usually on end cap in one of the aisles in the store. Best thing nearby five or $6 per pack!

Rich Person: Others have mentioned hair brushes, belts, and riding crops. Loki_Darksong mentioned grill brushes, but I also found a nice, long brush with plastic bristles and a flat back made from plastic composite. The checkout woman smiled knowingly when I bought it.

I've also used the plastic rod that comes with window blinds and is used to roll them up or down. It's on the order of the intensity of a cane.

I've used waxed shoe laces tied in a bundle with the loose ends making a very small flogger.

But in most locations the most widely available pervertable is the common switch, usually free for the taking.

Hermione: When we were redecorating many years ago, Ron picked up one of the unused paint stirrers and said, "This looks like it would be good for spanking." He then went away and spray-painted it gold. He was right. It was, and is, very effective, but more than that, it was the first time he was proactive in choosing an implement. It's the thought that counts.

Morningstar: When I first started off in BDSM most of my 'toys' were homemade or favourite was a knotted rope flogger a friend taught me to make....and I did buy a HUGE wooden stirring paddle at a commercial shop - sanded it down and stained it... still have that one and it is the one I love to hate!

I also have a Betty Crocker red rubber spatula - that thing has a nasty sting!

Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


PK said...

This was a great questions and I really enjoyed the answers.

Baxter said...

I agree with PK. The ingenuity of spankos to look at mundane things and immediately think of spanking with it. I see stuff all the time, especially in hardware stores that could be used.

Jean Marie said...

I, too, agree that this fun! Look at all the detailed answers.
I wonder if there are other spankos out there like me, who stand in drug stores in front of the hairbrush display and just stare, try out various ones against my palm...
Jean Marie

morningstar said...

It would seem (cause I can't find it) that blogger has hit my commenting ability like PK and Prefectdt.

I did leave a comment but it has disappeared and it isn't the first time - the last time it happened I thought you had deleted it Hermione :(

ahh well... maybe next week..........

Anonymous said...

I was a little slow to respond to the initial post.

Some implements are simply too. We seek intensity but not severity. I bought a carpet beater that was simply out of the question.

Irene and I have gravitated to leather - and the occasional switch (the best have been the shoots from the base of plum trees in early summer).

She used a small quirt from Teskey that stings like the dickens and a two tailed tawse that delivers more of a wallop. Both are intense but bearable if they are delivered to the right spot - too high, or the far hipbone or the balls can take the fun out of the whole thing for a bit.



Hermione said...

Sorry Morningstar, Blogger marked your comment as spam so I missed it. It's tehre now.
