The day we've been waiting and planning for has finally arrived! It's day one of our annual Love our Lurkers celebration. The tradition was started by Bonnie, the queen of spanking bloggers, and this is our 13th opportunity to encourage our lurkers out of the shadows.
If you are a silent reader who has never dared to leave a comment, now is your chance. We know you're out there, so don't be shy! You are among friends here. You may remain anonymous if you wish, or use a pen name. What should you say? That's entirely up to you. "Hello" is fine. I would love to know what your favourite spanking implement is.
If you're a blogger and want to jump in and take part, please leave a comment below so I can link your blog too. It's never too late to join us.
Scroll down to see the list of blogs participating in this year's Love Our Lurkers festivities. These bloggers all want to hear from you, so please pay them a visit. Some bloggers are putting a second LOL post and some bloggers are joining in on the second day, so scroll waaay down to see what's new on Saturday.

I will be joining again this year, thanks for hosting Hermione. Have fun everyone.
Hugs Lindy xx
I'm a lurker, just saying Hi
I've just posted my LOL message for the year - love this tradition.
Hi Hermione, Happy Lurkers Day - Chris
ugh -- too early to try and type it seems... I tried to say --
Happy LOL day Hermoine -- thanks for hosting this yearly event !
My LOL post is up -- one for today and one ready for tomorrow :)
No lurker but I wanted to wish you a happy LOL day and to thank you for hosting this event. I hope it's the best year yet.
Happy LoL day Hermione. Thank you for hosting this wonderful event again. I don't post nowdays but always enjoy visiting everyone:)
Thanks for listing my blog Hermione. I rarely miss a visit to yours.Wishing you lots of guests.
Thanks for hosting, Hermione! ... Happy LOL days! ... nj ... xx
Thanks for hosting again Hermione.
I rarely miss a visit to your blog but should comment more often...
To those who just read and not comment that is okay. I was that way for along time, but have "come out of the closet" and spoken about my desires as a male to be spanked by a female. You will not be regretful of opening up on your desires, so this weekend get it ago. Jack
I very much enjoy reading your blog. I don't comment because I don't think I have anything interesting to add.
Thanks to all bloggers. I don't comment often, but I do enjoy your blogs!
Good morning, bloggers, readers, and lurkers! Many thanks to Harmonica, er, Hermione for giving us our annual reminder.
Happy LOL Day, everyone!
ah hum
DJ ;)
Happy LOL Day, Hermione!:) Thank you so much for hosting!
I have my LOL Day post up now.
Have fun! Many hugs,
❤️Katie xoxo
As a regular visitor and occaisonal participant, I feel so welcome here. There is a sense of civility and trust that emanates from Hermione and her guests. The more visitors participate, the more my mistress and I learn and grow comfortable in sharing our lifestyle.
Thanks for LOL Day!
Hi, Hermione, Happy LOL Days! Thanks for running this event again.
I have just put a post up at Rosie’s are red,
Rosie xx
I'm here! Thanks for keeping this going.
Hi Hermione,
I'm coming out of the Irish shadows to say Hello to your good self and to all Bloggers.
Keep up the good work.!!Love all you wonderful people in SPANKINGLAND.
Thanks, Hermione for posting this!
Back in April of this year, I was a lurker who came out of hiding on one of your Sunday Brunch posts.... Your response was so warm and inclusive, that I was immediately hooked. I signed up for a blogger account just as a reader one week later and posted here again as Windy for the first time. I visited links from your blog and fell in love with ttwd blog land. I quickly became a new blogger in May. And here I am having a blast. Thank you, Hermione! Hugs! Windy P.S. I really miss the caption game you used to post. I loved playing that and reading others' funny one liners!
Very much appreciate a literate, civil, welcoming blog on our favorite clandestine activity and yours is all that and more. Thank you for your work and your welcome.
Hi Hermione: I enjoy your blog, and lurk often
Bottoms up
My blog will by participating, too. Thanks for facilitating this annual event!
I love that you organize this. Thanks so much!
I'm spread a little thin right now but I felt the need to respond to this one. You are correct, the lack of comments is a bit puzzling. I'm gonna leave you a post link with a short read that may interest you if you get time:
Thanks, keep up the good work. 😎😎😎
Thanks a lot for organising this special event again, Hermione! We don't have much time for blogging these days and I only manage to lurk on your blog from time to time, but at least we've managed to write a LOL Day post for today and will publish another very special post tomorrow. After all, LOL Day was the starting point for our relationship, so we can't miss out on that!
I will be joining in this year. My post is up:
Thanks for organizing :)
A little late, but I made it to the party!
People should feel free to comment and offer ideas. Just use a fake name. Mine is of my favorite dog, who we put down a couple years ago. My wife has no idea I look at this blog nor respond. I keep very little from her and she knows I have this spanking interest and she spanks. But she doesn't know about these blogs.
It looks like this LOL day is most successful.
Thank you for your help.
Thank-you for being such a lovely host :-) Have a wonderful LOL day! Hugs
Hi Hermione! Happy LOL Days! I am late but quickly put up a post!
Late to the party but we are here! Thank you so much for hosting this again Hermione. You're such a wonderful hostess with the weekly brunches and this annual event as well. You are very much appreciated!!
I love dropping in here occasionally. Thanks for hosting this site. Charlie
For some reason I thought this started on the 17th, sorry. :) I just put up our post. :) Thank you for doing this. :) LOL Day has always been such fun. :)
Hello Hermione!
I always read your blog and have for several years. I enjoy your brunch questions and especially enjoy the "Top Shelf" fiction such as "In a Mist"!
Thank you for writing; it is appreciated!
Thank You, Thank You, a place where a male who is spanked can come, share, and accepted. I need to be spanked, stress relief. My wife understands, her rules include me calling her Mommy when getting a spanking. Be told that I'm a naughty little boy. Reminded this is what I wanted, I always tell her it is. There is nothing better for me, than to go across my "Mommy" and get a spanking for being a naughty little boy. Bare bottom spankings hurt, facing the wall is not fun, and when others have seen me facing the wall just adds to the punishment. I would have it no other way. So Thank You for allowing me to share my life, and I hope others who have only read and not joined in join in. Would like to see more women join in and share their views. Jack
Thank you very much for all your efforts to run this blog. I love it, especially the Sunday brunch and the story on Tuesday. Always a place to come back and dream a little bit. Harmann
I'm late, I'm late, but here's the post!
Thank you for keeping this tradition going. EL
Well, I managed to make it in time for Day 2 at least. My official LOL post is up.
Thanks for all you do Hermione.
Thank you for all your organizing, Hermione. I noticed Bonnie is not on the list, but I'd still like to say thanks to her for starting this tradition so long ago.
Great tradition and lets us lurkers poke our nose out a little bit! Thanks for keeping this going! TL
Thanks for your blog and commentary:
Our second LOL Day post (and most intimate post ever) is up, Hermione! It would be very kind of you to add it to your list ( Thank you and a happy second LOL-Day to you!
Hi Hermione,
I'm up too. Happy belated LOL Day!
Hermione -- I had posted a comment to you on Thursday saying that I was participating, but it must not have gone through. Spanking Minnesota is participating both Friday and Saturday, so please add me to the list.
Dr. Ken
Thank you for coordinating a great LoL day(s) - don't think I've discovered so many new blogs for ages
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