Each week I visit the blogs of successful and prolific writers of spanking fiction. Recently I have also seen a few bloggers who are planning on entering the world of professional writing. My hat's off to all of you. Fiction is not my strong point, and I admire those who can come up with good plot lines for interesting stories that include spanking.
Rollin Hand, a veteran author of excellent spanking fiction, has prepared a series of posts describing the various techniques of writing a good spanking story. I learned a lot from them, and feel a little bit more comfortable about trying my hand at fiction in the not too distant future. I hope you will drop by his blog and read his series on writing.
Writing the Spanking Scene - Part 1
Book Review - Betrothed by Renee Rose (It's Part 2)
Writing the Spanking Scene - Part 3
Writing the Spanking Scene - Part 4
Rollin plans to add more to the series.

Hermione, thanks for the information, I'm going to read it.
I have written a few spanking stories for my wife to read, and she enjoys them. And after reading a few of them, I've received a wonderful spanking. Please try your hand at writing and post them.
Thank you for the info I will check it out...have u seen my fiction I have some on a website www.cddtakeninhandstories.blogspot.com is the blog and www.cddtakeninhandstories.com is the website
if u do write I'd love to read it and put it on the site if you would like
Arched one - If you think your wife wouldn't mind, I would love to read one or two, and possibly publish them in my From the Top Shelf feature.
Daisy - Thanks for the links. I will certainly read your stories.
There are some fantastic fiction writers in our community.
I'm hopeless at fiction but have always wanted to write some so thanks for the link. I will certainly pop over.
Thanks Hermione - I didn't realise Rollin Hand blogged here. I have several of his stories on my Kindle and am very open to receiving advice on writing.
You should have a go yourself - we'd all read your stories! I bet they'd be good ones!
Ronnie - I agree, we have some very talented writers in our community. Rollin has some good advice to share.
Ami - I'm so glad I posted this, then. Rollin has loads of great stories on his blog.
Hello Hermione,
Your readers should know that as of this morning there is now a part 4 up on my blog. Hope you find it interesting.
Thanks for posting this Hermione as I always appreciate learning about what people enjoy and or consider a good spanking story.
As most bloggers do, I look to the feedback on my blog as a gauge to the enjoyment of my stories. That feedback via comments or polls unfortunately tends to be limited so I never truly get an accurate reading/review of my stories.
I'll have to check that out. Thanks for sharing.
Not sure if you've stopped by my new blog, but I'm including some original works. I haven't really given myself time to write since high school... its been a LOT of fun and I'd LOVE any input you may have. =)
Rollin - I added the fourth link. It was quite interesting. I've read some of Sharon Green's work, and it isn't your usual spanking lit.
Enzo - Lack of meaningful comments is always frustrating.
Autumn - I didn't know about your blog. thanks for mentioning it.
Thanks for the links, Hermione, very helpful!
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