I've always been drawn to those souvenir and novelty shops. You know the kind. They can be found in any tourist area. They sell absolute crap--coffee cups, wooden plaques, Indian moccasins (genuine...right), postcards with lots of potty humor on them, etc. But what really draws me to these places are the paddles. These things are small and medium sized wooden paddles that are made for one purpose only: spanking. You know this because it says so right on the paddle. "Board of Education" says one with a picture of a boy and girl bending over grabbing their ankles. Another proudly proclaims: "for the cute l'il dear with the bare behind"---whew! bare behind yet! Others I've seen say "Heat for the Seat", "Attitude Adjuster", "Texas Tailblazer" (naturally, the Texas one is bigger than the others).
Who buys these things? Inquiring minds want to know! Is it frazzled parents on vacation with whining kids in the back seat ( "You see what your dad just bought? Another word out of either of you and we use it right now!") Or could it be honeymoon couples? ("Sue Ellen, you promised to love honor and obey, an' if you don’t, I got just the thing here for that cute behind of yours"). An angry wife, perhaps? ("Harry, the next time you sneak off to go fishin' I'm going to warm your fanny with this!")
I had always been fascinated by spanking...by the time I was in my teens spanking was fully ingrained in my psyche as a highly erotic thing. I had even spanked a few girlfriends--just horsing around, you know, but it always gave me such a woody. I would see John Wayne spank some starlet in a TV movie and go around hard for days. I think some of my girlfriends actually liked it because afterwards the petting got hotter.
One of my first jobs (at age 23) had me traveling by car in the South. I had to travel a lot of back roads to small towns that weren't on the interstate. As I said, these souvenir shops are all over any place where there is any kind of tourist attraction. In rural southeastern Tennessee/ northern Alabama there are some mountains and there are caves--thus there is ma and pa in the station wagon with the kids, there are motels and cottages for honeymooners, and...there are souvenir shops.
On this particular afternoon I was done for the day and looking for a motel, but it was early, so I was also killing time. I had noticed one of those shops coming up on the highway and decided to check it out. It was a pretty big one, all wood ( a log cabin type) with a wide wooden porch. I was the only car in the parking lot. It was hot and it was the middle of the week so I guess that explains why it was such a slow day. I walked in and looked around.
At first there seemed to be no one there, but then a voice from the back told me to come on in. The owner of the cheery voice was a very attractive woman of about 35 or so with dark hair and blue eyes. She was wearing tight white shorts and a denim shirt that had been tied at the midriff to make it a halter top. She was about 5'8" with long athletic looking legs, a slim waist and a firm high-set pair of breasts that strained against the confines of her top. To my young eyes she was (for an "older" woman) quite a dish.
She smiled and asked me if I was looking for anything in particular and I said "no". She told me to browse all I wanted, but to holler if I needed help. As I said thanks and she turned to walk away, my eyes were drawn to her full, round bottom encased in the cotton shorts. The cut of her panties was clearly visible through the thin material, and her rear cheeks gave a sexy little wiggle as she walked. Instant boner.
I browsed around looking here and there and finally spotted the paddles wedged in next to the cedar "home sweet home" plaques and the corncob pipes. There were a lot of them! There were all the types I had seen before and many I hadn't.
I never had actually bought one of these things, but for some reason that afternoon I decided to do just that. I was busy examining all the different texts on the paddles when I heard that voice behind me again. She startled me, and I jumped. She laughed and apologized and then asked me if I liked the toy paddles. Yes, I said, and I was thinking of getting one for my girlfriend. She giggled and asked if it was for me to use on her or the other way around. I said it was certainly for me to use on her as she had a good spanking coming for being rude and making me wait too long when I picked her up for a date. Well, she says, have you ever used one? I admitted I hadn't.
“Then you don't know what one feels like, do you?” she says. “You know you don't want to hurt her, you just want to make a point, and you look like such a nice young man, I'd hate to see you ruin things with your girl,” she says, grinning at me.
I said of course not, she just needs a good lesson.(I wanted to sound manly and in control. As you might expect I had no such girlfriend.)
"Well you know", she said, "these things can really hurt"...
I replied that it didn't look like it would hurt much over jeans...
She cocked her head and added with a sly smile, "You sure seem interested in spankings, young man" she said, with a chuckle, "and by the way, my name's Joanne."
"Yes ma'am....I guess...but I really do want one of these for my girlfriend," I said, now blushing with embarrassment. "And my name is Ken".
She laughed, " OK...OK, Ken...but, I really recommend a trial before you buy one. You have to know how to use it or you will end up either hurting her or not getting the message across. You need to have a paddle that you can put some force behind, but not bruise her bottom. Are you going to let her keep her skirt down? or perhaps skirt up so you spank her panties? Or are you going to be a wicked boy and take her panties down? Will she bend over and hold her knees like she did in her sorority days, or are you going to haul her over your knee? All these things are important."
I admitted that I hadn't thought that far ahead.
She stood there thinking for a minute, and told me to wait there. Then I saw her go to the front of the store and lock the door. She flipped around the "closed" sign in the window, and came back, telling me that “ now we wouldn't be disturbed.” Then she motioned for me to follow her...and to bring whichever paddles I was interested in. I followed her to the back of the store where there was a door leading to a back room. She opened the door explaining that this was a storeroom for the shop that incidentally doubled as the "woodshed" whenever parental discipline was to be meted out. The room had lots of boxes stacked along the walls but there was also a sturdy-looking armless chair and a low table in the middle of the room.
Although I was in the dark as to exactly what she had in mind, I was excited about being in that secluded room with this sexy -looking woman and a selection of toy paddles.
She took the paddles and put them on the table except for a rather large one which she swished through the air a couple of times. She explained that this one (a "Texas Tailblazer") was a sorority-type paddle and should be used with the recipient bending over with hands on knees.
"Go ahead," she said, "bend over".
I was dumbfounded. She was proposing to try this out on me! I hesitated. She asked if I didn't want to know what it felt like since I might be using it on my "girlfriend". Being as excited as I was, I said ok, and assumed the position, slightly bent over, my hands on my knees. My slacks were stretched pretty tight across my ass, because when she delivered that first crack! it sounded like a pistol shot. Four more times in the space of about 20 seconds she smacked me with that paddle. It stung a bit but also felt good--a warm tingle started to develop. I told her that it didn't hurt that much. She smiled and gave me 5 more. Now things were starting to get warm back there and on the last one I stood up and rubbed. She asked if I'd had enough and I said I had. She then handed the paddle to me and bent over, saying I should now give her 10 swats, just as hard.
I was stunned! This gorgeous woman was asking me to paddle her! As I stood there speechless, she said that I needed to actually use it myself now that I knew what it felt like. I will never forget that luscious sight of her round bottom straining against those tight thin shorts as she bent over. I drew my arm back and smacked the paddle flat against her rear, spanking both cheeks with a loud crack! She yelped, gave a sexy little wiggle, and told me to smack her again, this time with a bit more authority. For the next couple of minutes I set about to paddle her pretty derriere with solid spanks that echoed around the room. She uttered a little "ouch" at each one and stood up after about the 15th one, rubbing her buttocks.
She asked me if I liked that style of paddle, and I said it was ok but that maybe something more intimate would be better. She agreed and picked up the "heat-for -the -seat" paddle. It was about 10" long and 3" wide.
"I don't think you will feel this much over your pants, Ken. Maybe you should take them off," she said with a meaningful look.
I kind of gulped, but nodded OK, and slipped my pants off. This game was definitely getting serious, and there was now a lust-charged tension in the room. My pants came down. I was in just my jockey shorts and a knit shirt. Joanne sat down in the chair and motioned me toward her. She said that if it was intimacy I wanted, I should place my girlfriend across my lap for her spanking. She was proposing to show me what that felt like. I felt incredibly aroused and saw Joanne's eyes drop to the front of my underpants where a distinct bulge was showing.
She gave me a knowing smile and patted her thighs. My hard on got even harder when she said, "Come on Ken, you bad boy, get over momma's knee. You are going to get a good old fashioned spanking."
I eased myself across her lap. I could feel my penis wedged in between her legs and growing by the minute. I must have looked a sight! My shirt fell forward leaving me bare except for my cotton encased bottom perched over her left thigh. Only my toes and fingers touched the floor. With my white socks still on I must have looked like her 11 year old upended over mother's lap for some stern "bottom justice".
She asked me if I was ready. When I said I was, she patted my bottom with the paddle a few times and then brought it down with a loud crack! It stung. She smacked it down once again across both rear cheeks. That stung too. As she fell into a steady cadence, smacking the little paddle across my bottom, I began to feel a burning sensation that was getting hotter all the time. I was determined not to cry out, but I did begin to wriggle across her lap in a vain attempt to ease the stinging heat imparted by the paddle. I was hissing through my teeth as that paddle went cracking against my fanny which I guessed was now getting red. The paddle smacked against my bottom hard. Joanne sure knew how to spank!
"What do you think (crack!) Ken? Is (crack!) your bottom getting warm? Crack! Spank! Smack!"
"Oooh...yes, Joanne I think that (crack!...ouch) this one does a very good (crack!...owww!) er...job."
After a few more whacks, Joanne said, "We have to try one more thing Ken. You can't really know what a spanking with a paddle feels like until you feel it on the bare skin."
With that she grabbed my right hand, yanking it into the small of my back so I couldn't move. She laid the paddle on my back and inserted her fingers into the waistband of my shorts. Before my brain could even register what was happening, she tugged my underpants down to my knees baring my bottom.
"There!" she said. "Now you look like a naughty lad ready for a real spanking. Ken, its been my experience that spankings are not really effective unless they are given on the bare bottom. I must say, you look cute with your bare tushy upended over my knee, but get ready because I'm going to show you what a sound--and I mean sound--bare fanny tanning is all about!"
She brought the paddle down in a flurry of stinging smacks and I thought I’d come out of my skin. It was like a branding iron had seared my backside. She kept smacking my bare cheeks with a rapid fire delivery that stung so much that it left me momentarily breathless. Then I started to yelp. The fiery sting from that paddle was 10 times worse on the bare! I could only squirm and blubber desperate pleas for her to stop. But she would not stop. She just kept right on cracking that paddle down right on the fleshiest part of my seat.
"Now I guess you know what a real bad boy spanking is like." Crack! Spank! Crack!" I think all boys could use a bare fanny spanking from time to time." Crack! Smack!
She kept on spanking like she was in a trance, oblivious to my distress, but I had reached the end of my tolerance. "Yeowwww! Joanne...STOP! STOP!"
Abruptly the spanking stopped and there was silence. I squirmed off her lap and jumped to my feet hissing through my teeth and furiously rubbing my buttocks, oblivious to the fact that my engorged penis was bobbing up and down in front of her face.
"My God, Joanne, that really hurt! What did you think you were doing?!"
As if it had suddenly dawned on her, Joanne's hands flew to her mouth and she dropped the paddle with a loud clatter. "Oh my God, Ken, I'm so sorry. Please, please forgive me, I just got carried away."
I allowed as how she damn well did get carried away, and finally mustered enough composure to pull up my pants.
Then she shocked me again.
What further shock did she give our hero? I'm afraid you must wait until next week to find out.

I have read this one before, but it was good to read again. These are my fav kind of Rollin stories, tho they are not his fav anymore.
Great story thanks.
Fun story...can't wait to see what happens next. Although I do have a sneaking suspicion. LOL Thanks for sharing, Hermione
Hugs and blessings...Cat
Great fun story, looking forward to reading more. I have a sneaky suspicion too :) Thank you Hermoine and Rollin :)
Bogey - Rollin is my go to guy for FM stories.
Michael M: You're most welcome.
Cat - I suspect you can guess!
Roz - Clever girl!
That was a good read. I do like Rolllin's stories. I think we can guess what happens next. Look forward to seeing If I'm right:) Thanks Hermione.
Ronnie - I'm sure you will be spot on!
I do like this one. I'm sure I've read it before but I can't remember how it went. I wait with anticip...
for the rest.
Yorkie - You will be pleasantly surprised.
that was great.
Hi Hermione, :) Very fun story to read! I can't wait to find out what happens next! In this case, being late pays off I think. I only have to wait one more day! LOL! Thanks for posting, and to Rollin for writing. Enjoyed it very much! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
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