Another Love Our Lurkers celebration has come and gone, and I must say it was a bigger success than I dared hope! We had some new bloggers join us for the first time, and that's always such a thrill for me. Most participants recorded a healthy number of comments from both old friends and no-longer-shy lurkers.
What do you say? Shall we do it again next year? Your comments, suggestions and concerns are always welcome.
Hi Hermione, oh yes please let's do it again
love Jan, xx
I can only imagine the work that goes into it, so it's more of a matter are you willing to take it on again next year. I know I'd like it continue, it's always fun hear from new bloggers and those who come out if only once a year. So my vote is yes, let's continue.
Hi Hermione! :). Thank you again for all that you did to bring us another wonderful LOL Day! I had tons of fun, loved meeting lurkers, bloggers that I had not met before, as well as saying hi to old friends! I would love to have another next year. Very fun event!
Thank you again! Many hugs,
<3 Katie
YES! Yes should! Every year I get at least one comment from someone who has read all of my posts and this is the first time they comment...that makes it all worth while! Thank you for all you do, it really is appreciated.
hugs abby
It was very enjoyable. Well done for organising it.
Oh yes! I love the sense of community!
I love LOL day and was sorry I wasn't around much this year. I know how much work you put in organising and hosting the event - so If you're happy to do it, then yes please. Thanks Hermione.
Hi Hermione, I vote yes too. I love LoL Days and always enjoy visiting everyone and meeting new bloggers. Thank you so much for all the work you put in to organise this wonderful day :)
Hi Hermione - This is a great event that has helped people go from being lurkers to commenters to regular commentators to creating their very own blogs. Therefore, if you are willing to organize it again, I say YES.
Thank you again for all you do.
Next year and hopefully for many years to come
Oh yes, I vote we do it again next year! This year was so much fun! I really enjoyed it! Thanks again for hosting/organizing Hermione! :)
I agree with the others,'s a lot of work for you, but if you're willing, I definitely vote yes! Thanks again for all your work in organizing it.
Hugs and blessings...Cat
If you're willing to do it again, count me in!
Thanks for all your hard work.
Rosie xx
It's unanimous - we will do it again next year, and party like it's 2017!
thank-you for all your efforts in keeping this tradition alive :-) Hugs
Hermione -- On the first day, I had more responses than I did all of last year (at least, that's what my memory is telling me). So naturally, I would vote in favor of doing it again next year.
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