Thursday, December 31, 2020

Finish this Sentence

It's New Year's Eve! What a terrible, awful no-good year we have just been through, but it's finally over. Surely the next one will be better. 

My hope for 2021 is ...

Leave your completed sentence as a comment, and I will publish all our hopes before brunch on Saturday.
From Hermione's Heart


Anonymous said...

my hope for 2021 is that it is the year I finally get to spank and be spanked for real!

Glenmore said...

That Covid 19 is a thing of the past like Measles and polio by spring.

PK said...

That politics becomes so calm and normal (boring) that I don't know the names of the cabinet members or the attorney general, and I can stop waking up with dread of what may have been tweeted during the night.

Anonymous said...

I can once again hug my family, friends and neighbors.

And I’d like to lose a little weight and work more productively. And wish a certain child would return to our city,


ronnie said...

That the vaccine gets rolled out quickly and we can all get back to some kind of normality. To travel again would be nice.

Happy New Year to you and Ron.



I had one but Ronnie got it in first :)

Substitute hope - That all of us in rich western countries have learnt from this year's events that we do not have a magical immunity to the things that usually happen in Farawayandusuallypoorerthanusland. Neither medical political or social.


Barrel said...

A return to civility and respect. Furthermore, I wish for less partisan politics in the US, replaced by true patriots.

Bonnie said...

My hope for 2021 is that we all survive intact and healthy to witness the arrival of 2022. I am willing to wait for hugs and dinners out, but I just don't want to lose any more friends without so much as a goodbye.

Minielle Labraun said...

That I will be able to hug and kiss family and friends once again! That no more lives are lost to Covid or that those long haulers feel better soon!

Baxter said...

I wish for the vaccine to get widely distributed, that my wife and I get the vaccine, that I can figure out Medicare, and that we can travel with our trailer all over the USA. I wish for a certain person to just go away and for the new prez to be successful. Oh yes, I get regularly spanked.

Happy New Year, Hermione. Your blog kept a lot of us sane throughout the year.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Hermione and Ron. Wish that everyone try to stay happy, no matter what 2021 brings.
bottoms up

Roz said...

Happy New Year to you and Ron Hermione.

I wish for covid and a certain individual to be a thing of the past so that the world can return to 'normal' but without losing the lessons in humanity covid has taught us.


Terpsichore said...

My hope for 2021 is a return to kindness and peace and that everyone can fulfill their lives they were meant to live to its fullest.


Joe said...

Well I cannot improve on what has already been said, may all the wishes come true. A Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone.

morningstar said...

my hope for 2021 is to find some peace in my heart

WendelJones said...

My hope for 2021 to put Covid in it's place so we can go back to gathering in crowds and so we can stop showing everything as a Zoom chat. I hope for a calming peace once a certain orange jackass is replaced. And finally I hope to get spanked silly often.

Happy New Year Hermione