Thursday, February 18, 2021

Global Warming? Brrr!

I really feel sorry for the people in the southern US who are experiencing what we Canadians call a normal winter. If you aren't prepared, it can be dangerous. I hope the people of Texas get their electricity restored soon.

In the meantime, here's what we do to make the most of it.

Many people have kept their Christmas lights on and decorations up to cheer us up, but that's for another post.

Stay safe and wear your mask!

From Hermione's Heart


PK said...

Beautiful snowmen, I'd like to be able to do that - the idea of a mud man just isn't the same. We expected ice this morning and we got close, but at the moment it's 34 and raining. Not dangerous, thank goodness, but as ugly to look at as it gets.

Baxter said...

those pictures are so good, how people can do this is beyond my feeble artistic talent or lack thereof.

morningstar said...

LOVE LOVE those snowmen - it always amazes me how creative folks are... did you by any chance hear about the young boy in TO who is selling his talent to make snowmen?? All the money he makes he donates to charity.... like Sick Kids :)

did you ever read Tess from 'Under His Hand"??? they now live in Texas -- it's pretty bad.. Their homes/infra structures just aren't equipped to handle a "northern' winter

Fondles said...

I live on the equator gah. no snow unless I travel to somewhere temperate. So i love seeing any pictures at all of snowy things. and these snowpeople are so so adorable!


Can't wait to see a Texan snow man with cow horns on it :)


ronnie said...

How do people make snowman like these. Very creative. Made me smile. Thanks.


Blondie said...

These are great pictures. I am praying for the south too.

Roz said...

These are awesome and fun. We don't get snow to play in in our part of the country.

Thoughts are with all those affected by the extreme storms. Stay safe everyone!


Hermione said...

Morningstar - I was a faithful reader of Under His Hand, sorry that she is no longer blogging.

Minielle Labraun said...

It’s so sad in the south. I have family down that way. Thank goodness they are ok!
Love all those artistically arranged snowman.

Anonymous said...

I loved the snowmen too! I can't pick a favorite.

All My Best,

Anonymous said...

fun snow figures
bottoms up