Earlier this week, while searching my closet for a gift I had bought Ron for our anniversary, I discovered some books I had forgotten about. They are adult books on the NSFW topics BDSM and spanking. I had purchased them in the early days of my exploration into spanking and I no longer needed them for reference. After all, the internet provides everything I've always wanted to know about anything. Ron has a large collection of VHS tapes of an explicit nature that we no longer watch. This leads me to today's question:
What advice can you give about disposing of unwanted adult materials like books, tapes, disks, and computers containing adult material?
Your advice can be serious or light-hearted. Either way, please leave your response as a comment. Once everyone has provided their suggestions I will publish an edited summary of our discussion.
Glory to Ukraine

I (for one) have always loved lending libraries! In the best of all possible worlds, these materials should be recycled for other's enjoyment and edification. You might reply that it's all old stuff, and I would respond that I grew-up looking at her daddy's stash of decades-old girlie/nudie magazines to shape my sexuality. I knew I was a spanko since I was about four years old, but couldn't come to grips with it until I was in college, and that was wrong and a waste. (I felt like a freak, and wish that I would've known that I was NOT alone, needing to feel lonely!) Kinky libraries could fill an important void. Now, how that's accomplished, and how we'd deal with the conservative backlash is another matter. The person who discovers those answers could make a fortune!
Jean Marie
Where we live, there are mobile shredding services that will come to your house or place of business and shred almost anything while you watch. This would cover books, magazines, diskettes, CD/DVDs, flash drives, etc. You would have to ask about the VHS tapes, but there's a good chance they would take those as well. If you are concerned about the service people learning more about you than you want, you could mix the suspicious items with lots of general paper waste.
Alternately, considering Jean Marie's point, it may be possible to donate these items to a local kink group.
The old computers are a different challenge. I think there may be a way to return them to the factory default configuration, wiping out all of the old data in the process. At that point, they could be donated to a non-profit organization.
Typically, I just throw such stuff away, though I love the idea of a lending library. I've also gone in kind of the opposite direction. There is a book on my shelf that has a "panic cover" suggesting it is a boring philosophical tome by Immanuel Kant but, in reality, it is a copy of Tom Poulton: The Secret Art of an English Gentlemen, a collection of very explicit erotic drawings. I get a kick thinking about the likely reactions my relatives who go through my effects after I die.
I also am experiencing this situation in reverse at the moment. I have a relationship with the husband of the late founder of the Disciplinary Wives Club. Recently, he sent me some of that group's old spanking publications and video's, but some of the materials are on old floppy disks. The only way for me to retrieve the documents at this point would be to take them to someone that handles such media conversions. The part of me that is still pretty firmly in the closet balks at the prospect, but the same part that placed the Poulton book on my shelf laughs at the prospect of some techie's eyes going very large when he loads the disk and sees the titles.
VHS is not really a problem, no one can play then as it's obsolete! Hard drives need to be hit with a big hammer. Floppy disks(!) can be cut with scissors. It's the paper magazines that are difficult, it really needs shredding. Many perverts have destroyed a vast collection of material, often from guilt, then regretted it. Before destruction check if there are any classic or valuable items in the collection.
When I was younger I used to visit a lovely establishment called Fantasy Makers where I was able to spank naughty ladies. It was located across the bay from San Francisco. When you got there they had you wait in curtained cubicles until your lady was ready to escort you to a room. In the cubicle they had floor to ceiling bookcases that contained all types of spanking and bdsm books and magazines that you could look at while you waited. I bet if you reach out to some establishment near you they would love to have your books. I am not sure what to do with the vhs tapes.
Take the hard drive out of the computer and smash it with a hammer along with CDs. Be sure to put CDs in a plastic bag before hitting to avoid splinters flying around. Safety first.
Throw cardboard video tape covers into the fire pit for a romantic cozy evening outside. You may even want to engage in a quick bare bottom spanking next to the fire if opportunity allows.
For the plastic covers and actual tapes strip off the labels and toss the tapes in the neighbor’s garbage can when they are not looking. Burn the labels in the cozy fire.
Similar to Jean Marie I donated some unwanted books to the local library’s donation box for others to enjoy.
Very interesting question and verhh good point too! Some great suggestions above, I don't know what I could add. Love the kinky library idea, and using the neighbour's bin lol
donate to your local Deseret Industries. It won't even make it past the intake drive through before it ends up in some Mormon's backpack. Those LDS can't get enough of that stuff. It will definitely make some volunteers day!
If you want destroy stuff, the VHS tape is very effective at keeping deer out of the garden if you string the tape between fence posts. something about the shimmering twisting action in the wind makes deer antsy.
A drill press makes quick work of hard drives and prevents casual data theft. State level threats may try to reconstruct the info, but your prurient GIFs aren't as intriguing as Hillary Clinton's email server.
For cell phone find instructions online to clear for sale or donate.
HDD/SSD Darik's Boot and Nuke dban.org
CD/DVD just scratch up surface with nail ect
USB flash drive reformat.
Floppy or VHS fuhgetaboutem
Every town in Flanders, of any size, has a Kringloop winkel, which is a sort of charity shop. When I got rid of my VHS collection, vanilla and kinky, they were happy to accept them and do have an adult section in the shops. I admit that I did this in a nearby town that I do not visit a lot, though. I have never thrown out a kinky book or DVD, but if I did, I would do the same.
Hard drives, in the old desk top and tower computers, were extracted hammered and cooked on the barbecue. I still own all my dead laptops, how they can be opened and what the hard drive looks like in these will have to be investigated one day. The same for my old smartphones. I am more bothered that someone might be able to extract my bank details from these, than any kinky material on there.
One more thought for Dan - If you have important content on diskette or CD, there are drives available that connect with current computers using a USB cable. Happily, they are not expensive (~$US20).
Bonnie, I had thought of that for CD/DVDs, but it never even occurred to me that there might still be readers available for 3.5 floppy disks. Thanks!
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