Monday, August 19, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 18

This week we discussed preventing skin problems on the nether regions.

Roz: Interesting question. The only thing we have used is some arnica cream post spanking on the rare occasion to help with bruising.

Barrel: We have not. But an interesting thought.

S: I like to keep a bottle of aloe in the refrigerator. It can be applied to the naughty bottom pre, post or during a spanking.In addition to moisturizing the skin, it also makes the target sticky which increases the sting factor.

Prefectdt: Every day, my back bumps get a dose of skin lotion, except on days when I am going to get spanked. Nothing expensive, just standard stuff. It seems to help keep the fellas in good order. After a good spanking, the first thing that goes on is alcohol gel (not pleasant, but it puts my mind at rest about micro abrasions) and after that skin lotion again. But now it goes on three times a day, until the marks and any hardness has gone. I find that creams and lotions just before a spanking seem to do more harm than good.

Wendel: We do not use anything before spankings. They are hard enough.

Ronnie: On the odd occasion we've used arnica. Never tried it or any other lotions before a spanking.

Hermione: I use a daily moisturiser on my bottom each morning after a shower, to keep the skin soft and to reduce any residual hardness from a spanking.    

Donn: My wife directs me apply a 50:50 mixture of White Mineral Oil (USP) and CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion to my butt if she has decided to cane me. She has me personally apply it and rub it in about one hour before the she starts with the cane. (This is the only time she requires a moisturizer, so her directive is a forewarning I can soon expect very serious discipline.)

I take several blood thinners, so I have a tendency to bleed from even slight abrasions or tears. My wife has found that a good moisturizing before a caning strongly reduces such damage. Particularly reduces such damage and bleeding from where multiple strokes of the cane overlap one another; basically, damage from compound weals, one weal overlaying another weal.

We don't used any aftercare lotions to ease the pain or hasten healing. However, my wife does insist that she spray my butt with isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol after all thrashings that have caused any abrasions, cuts or tears, to make ensure there is little chance for an infection to start. (Similarly, I'm required to clean and then sanitize all of her implements with either alcohol or dilute hypochlorite (bleach) solutions for the same reason.)

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

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