Monday, August 5, 2024

Recap: Spanko Brunch 2.0 for August 4

What is your experience with mouth-soaping?

Bonnie: No, when Randy decides I deserve additional punishment, he spanks me again.

Donn: No, my wife "cleansed me" of (mostly) my bad language years ago, with one of her straps. She has only rarely needed to "reinforce" those earlier lessons. She trusts her strap in such matters.

Wendel: Never used it. A good butt whipping is administered for bad language. 

B: The idea has never come up, even in jest. Like Bonnie, if I deseve more punishment, it is in the form of additional spanking. 

CEM: Mouthsoaping, cornertime, even writing lines...yes. Depending on the dynamic and person. Anything that might be psychologically damaging, no, never. But for the most part, pretty much everything else *might* be on the potential "menu". 

S: I am a life long spanko. I love a good funishment role play, but I like to emphasize the fun aspect. Fun as in spanking, why waste time doing anything else? No mouthsoaping please.

Norse Cavalier: I've never mouthsoaped anyone, but I'd like to try. It seems quite fun. I have done some research into how to do it safely, in case I ever get the opportunity.

I discussed it with a spankee, but she had some bad memories of being mouthsoaped as a child, and was also worried about her skin condition returning, so we didn't do it.

Roz: Additional punishments over the years, and depending on where we were with our dynamic at the time have included writing lines, corner time and early bedtime but mouth soaping has never featured, or been discussed.

Anon: Once many years ago, along with the back of her hand. Permanently deleted a lot vocabulary from my hard drive. 

FL: Love the idea and the whole maternal discipline ritual around it but the reality is unpleasant and more of a turn off than turn on. Still, I would like to be threatened with it.

Jack: My wife/mommy said after that first spanking, if I act like a naughty little boy, I will be punished as such. The first soap mouthing I got was the first time she used the bath brush it hurt, I pleaded beg. Standing facing the wall I say as she calls them naughty words and I was soon in the bathroom, bar of soap in my mouth, and my bare bottom feeling the sting of her hand. She has used it since then, very few times, but she will not tolerate naughty words at all. 

KDPierre: It's been infrequent, and certainly not appropriate for the majority of offenses, but we've done it a few times, and I even had it done by Nickki (my friend with disciplinary authority) for an offense that was caused by my mouth since soaping is usually associated with offenses of speech. I even made a fake box for the bar we use that advertises the contents as being specifically made for mouth soaping punishment. 

Barrel: An interesting thought, but it is not in our play book. Would we consider it, probably, as we are open to trying new things. I would need to do some investigation to do it safely. But my preference would be another implement for an additional round of spanking.

Prefectdt: I have been spanked, whilst biting into a cake of soap, and would be prepared to do it again. But it would be to please the other participant in the play scenario. I am tolerant of it, but do not find it so much fun for myself. It is not so bad at the time, but if I have been made to bite hard into the soap, I can still taste it 3 or 4 days later, no matter how often I brush.

 Hermione: It isn't  something that I would ever want to try. One story, however, comes to mind, with a twist to the usual method. Instead of a bar of soap, each naughty culprit was forced to eat something that they hated, prior to being spanked. The items I recall were licorice and liverwurst. If I had been ordered to ingest either, I would have eagerly complied since for me, these are yummy treats.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart

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