Sunday, August 11, 2024

Spanko Brunch 2.0 #552

I'm glad you could make it to our popular weekend brunch. This week's topic is a one that first appeared here exactly ten years ago. I thought it was worthy of a repost.

Have you ever used a skin preparation or ointment containing capsaicin or similar ingredient, either to simulate a spanking or to enhance the effects of one? If so, what did you think? If not, is it something you might consider trying?

Leave your response as a comment, and when everyone has had a chance to speak, I'll publish a summary of our discussion.

Slava Ukraini
Glory to Ukraine

From Hermione's Heart


Anonymous said...

No, we have never used any embrocation creams (e.g., capsaicin, "tiger balm(R)," etc. . .) to "simulate" the heat of a spanking.

We have used capsaicin concentrates for other, "punishment," purposes, but capsaicin usually needs to be applied to mucus membranes or other "sensitive" skin to have truly "punishing" effect.

However, it is an interesting question: Since capsaicin drastically lowers the temperature threshold at which "pain neurons" fire, and spanking/paddling/thrashing dramatically raises skin temperature (through both mechanical-friction-impact action, and capillary dilation), the combination of heated-skin + capsaicin could be quite intense. A simple "butt roasting" with a hairbrush might feel like someone is applying a "blowtorch," an even hotter "strapping" or "paddling" might feel like someone is applying "molten lava."

I think it would be good idea to go very slowly in any experiments applying embrocation creams to areas subject to spanking / external-heating. (Do we have any "spanko/capsaicin-test dummies" in our audience? Of course, for "data collection," solely for "scientific purposes" ;- ).

Anonymous said...

That last comment was me, Donn.

For some reason, Google would NOT publish my comment with me name attached. First time ever that Google behaved that way. Let's see if it applies to other commenters to this thread.

Dan - A Disciplined Hubby said...

I've never tried it, but I would probably be interested in it to the extent prolonged the after-effects of a hard spanking.

Bonnie said...

Yes, but I'm not a fan. It's just not the same.

There are some types of lotion that can increase skin sensitivity before a spanking. That has happened.

Rob Allen said...

Never done it, but would consider it if a partner wanted it.

WendelJones said...

We have tried spraying ice cold water on the fanny before spanking. It definitely increased the paddle sting but did not do much for hand spanking or the belt. We are not really interested in creams to enhance the effects. Spankings sting enough already.


Chronic Excessive Manliness said...

Nope and nope. I'm a "purist". Food stays in the kitchen. I know nothing about any creams, body washes or lotions that enhance anything. I know about Bondo, grease and guy stuff...but I've never felt the need to use a product to "add" to the event...and based on the wailing and squealing from the recipients, neither have they. :)

Roz said...

This is something I used to hear a lot about, either in addition to a spanking or as an alternative to spanking when spanking isn't possible for one reason or another. I used to wonder what it would be like but we have never tried it.


Prefectdt said...

No, and I think that these things might be off the menu, for me. Because of some other medications, that I take, I cannot use things like Deep Heat, for muscle pain, as they do not mix well with the medication. So I am not going to risk using rub on creams. Just in case.


Anonymous said...

Never thought about it. It doesn’t sound necessary. Intensity can be determined by implement, and if I’m seeking a harder-than-usual spanking, I might get out a certain whip (we pretty much stick to leather) or just whine and complain.


Anonymous said...

It works to reinforce a punishment spanking al la Aunt Kay style when it is rubbed into a just-spanked bum. That effect can also be increased by adding 20 minutes of corner time while the creme begins to work. The burn can last for hours

Anonymous said...

I love using capsaicin cream to simulate a spanking although the burning sensation can be a little overwhelming especially if the bottom is damp. As an alternative punishment I like to use stinging nettles that I grow in my garden on a naughty bottom. They give a most wonderful tingly sensation that is long lasting and not at all unpleasant.

Anonymous said...

Having been spanked with a wet bottom, no way, the wet bottom really has been pleading for the spanking to stop. My wife/mommy has given me a bath just after a spanking and the water does not help, sitting in the tub with a well spanked bottom adds to the punishment. Jack

Anonymous said...

While on the subject of "creams," a possible subject for a future brunch.

My wife had read several places that rubbing "baby oil," or "white mineral oil," of something like "hand lotion," thoroughly into the buttocks, reduces the tendency for skin to excessively abrade, stretch and split, blister, and other wise suffer physical damage (even blood spotting) that might limit the duration of a spanking.

She has used this method before some prolonged and intense spankings of my butt, and it seems to work.

Have other people tried similar?