The current food fad seems to be the avoidance of gluten in food. I'm not convinced it's something to worry about, except for certain medical conditions, but many people are convinced otherwise.
To take advantage of the latest craze, some businesses have jumped on the bandwagon and are advertising their non-edible products and services as gluten-free.
Please remember to Complete the Caption - now gluten free.
5 hours ago
This comment is gluten free :)
Our paddles are gluten free.
My laughter is gluten free!!!
Hi Hermione, my husband said his gift of spankings is gluten free too!
love Jan,xx
The latest research shows that if the person who has consumed gluten within 24 hrs administers a hand spanking that spanking MAY leave red marks in the shape of handprints on gluten sensitive bottoms.
I just ate a gluten-free cinnamon roll, not.
Who knew that lap dances were gluten free? Are poles dances and can-can chorus lines?
Gluten free lap dancers:)
Thanks Hermione.
Another health fad. I never stopped eating eggs and thought margarine was gross. I won't fall for gluten free either. A healthy, balanced diet is best.
Oh, these cracked me up, as I finished my cereal.
I think it's a fad, too. Celiac disease is real, but otherwise, this seems to be yet another food being blamed for everything.
Hi Hermione, these are great ones, I almost sprayed my gluten free tea all over my gluten free computer screen.
I am just glad that nowadays gluten free blogs exist. Dunno what I'd do otherwise!
Maybe they mean they don't use any glue in their products or services?
Those were quite funny! However I am one of the nuts who tries to go grain free! LOL! So not sure....Oh MY DRAWINGS are gluten free!
Hi Hermione,
I have noticed that most gluten free foods are higher in calories and loaded with extra sugar to make up for the absence of gluten.
sugar is even worse than gluten. Many dietitians have said that unless there is a medical reason don't switch.
the spankings that my wife give me are gluten free, but just as painful as gluten filled spankings. hahahaha
LOL! Very funny. I want to make a comment about the Crest toothpaste being gluten free. There are non edible products that have gluten. For example, makeup, shampoo, soap, lotion and sunscreen. People with Celiac need to avoid gluten from all sources.
Thanks for the giggles Hermione...the gluten free sheet metal totally cracked me up! Have a great weekend.
Hugs and Blessings...
LoL Hermoine, love the gluten free lap dancers. It definitely seems to be a fad at the moment. So much so the experts are warning those with no medical need for gluten free not to eat gluten free lol
Thank you for all your comments, with or without gluten. I had a friend who had celiac disease, so I know there is a good reason for avoiding gluten in some cases.
I make a mean gluten-free oatmeal cookie, although for no reason other than they are delicious.
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