Simon: This is what happens to trolls who try sunbathing.
Fred Blogs: Stoned again!
Kingspan: The exercise video promised rock hard buns, but she never expected it to be quite so literal.
Nina: A few swats on the bum and her stony attitude would disappear again.
sub hub: Want to paddle my Buns of Rock?
Jon: I always said she had a heart of stone but..."lady parts" of stone?
Is this, perhaps a English beach, where they weigh their women by the stone?
I think my humor is sinking like a ...
Baxter: I am imagining that there is a note stuck in the crack (or where the crack should be ) telling the lucky guy that if he wants a real voluptuous woman that resembles this model, then turn around 180 degrees and she will be up in the dunes, waiting for a spanking and other fun stuff.
A. Lurker: Stoned again!
Punished by the White Witch of Narnia
This is what happens when you do a spanking scene with Methuselah.
Spanking rocks!
Leigh: Stay in the sun too long and you bake.
Sir Wendel: Do these stones make my butt look fat?
Ronnie: One look and I was turned to stone.
ricky: Yon maiden doth think too much, methinks.
Hermione: Marion realized too late that she shouldn't have looked at Medusa while sunbathing.

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