Our question this week was what three benefits do you derive from spanking? Here's what you said:
Baxter: Interesting question, Hermione.
1. Spanking satisfies an erotic need of mine as whenever I am looking at photos, reading stories or told I am getting a spanking, I get very aroused as well as when I am told to assume the normal over the pile of pillows position with my bare bottom up.
2. The second need is anticipating the start of the spanking and then the actual spanking which can be painful.
3. However, the third need is the enjoyable afterglow of a very red bottom as well as residual pain for a few days. Those are my needs and my wife certainly helps me meet those needs that are also wants.
mouse: Oh fantastic question Hermione, and one that mouse has been mulling over a lot recently.
1. For mouse it leaves her more vulnerable to Omega, which in turn makes her open to him and more honest.
2. It also builds her confidence in an odd way. It settles her mind and the usual worries she has don't seem so insurmountable.
3. That leads her to tell Omega more about the thoughts rattling around in her head, as opposed to assuming he doesn't need (or want) to know.
Autumn: 1. Erotic satisfaction--it's pretty much the only thing that turns me on...I've learned to accept that as a benefit in my life. I am who I am :)
2. It has deepened the connection between my husband and me--I have never felt more taken care of than when he's spanking me--for discipline, fun, or stress relief. And, he has felt that connection, as well, that we didn't get with more "vanilla" activities.
3. Blogging has been a very cool side effect of spanking, actually. I discovered blogs a really long time ago (when I was...ahem...underage). It was a relief to know that there were people like me in the world. And, when I discovered I really enjoyed writing as a hobby, I knew the exact blog I wanted to start!
Arched one: Super question Hermione. For me the whole spanking process is erotic no matter if the spanking is punishment, maintenance or play. Being told a spanking is in order starts the erotic process. Then I get out the implements looking each over and thinking how each will feel. Then showering and presenting myself in panties to her telling her I'm ready to accept a spanking. The panties are lowered (by her or me) and I'm told the position. Then assuming the position and waiting for the first of many spanks to land. What can I say I love it when she spanks me.
Bonnie: Three benefits? I only get to choose three? Listing ten or twenty would be so much easier.
1. At the top of the list has to be the connectedness that Randy and feel during and after a spanking. A good hard spanking reinforces and renews the bond between us as partners and lovers. I am never more open to him physically and emotionally than I am in those moments.
2. Next, I think, is the afterglow I feel for hours and sometimes even days afterward. I am happy, energetic, and in love. That twinge I notice each time I sit makes me smile.
3. Finally, there is this incredible community that coalesced around this topic. If we weren't spankos, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet so many smart, interesting, caring people.
Pecan Nutjob: I'm a switch, so, as a spankee -
1. Discipline. My wife spanks me for real "issues", such as temper flares, and the thought of previous sessions over her knees is shameful enough to sometimes remind me of proper attitude.
2. Guilt relief. If I get punished for a real issue, I feel relieved afterwards.
3. Eroticism. I feel strangely excited by spanking and other forms of discipline or "embarrassing" acts. In fact, few of our spankings are purely for real problems, most are for play, entirely or partly.
As a spanker -
1. Revenge? If my wife has been unpleasant or cheeky, I find it strangely pleasant to chastise her.
2. Eroticism. The same in reverse.
Mutual DD Couple: We're a couple in a mutual DD relationship. The three main things we get out of it are:
1. Punishment spanking has eliminated most petty disagreements from our relationship. We argue less and appreciate each other more.
2. It's incredibly kinky. Although we don't like punishment spankings (they wouldn't be punishments otherwise) we love the idea that we receive them.
3. It gives us something interesting to blog about. (We've just started.)
ricky: Consensual physical, emotional, and spiritual contact = je ne sais quoi....
1. Promotes connection; gives a reason to come together on a regular basis; loving, listening and paying attention to the feelings of the other. Allows each to feel valued and cared for in and out of the bedroom.
2. Provides a loving vehicle by which emotions are released- laughing to crying, depending on the type- whether fun, sexy, other- or all. Overall good feeling after.
3. Growth of intimacy. Promotes the sharing and giving to the other of oneself inside and out.
I'm still thinking but this is a start. Great topic! Thanks Hermione!
Hermione: 1. It's the time when my husband and I are closest, and I relish the intimate connection.
2. I enjoy the pleasure mixed with pain.
3. No one would ever guess that I am into spanking, and it's a secret that I carry with me wherever I go. I like to imagine what people might think of me if they only knew.

Hermione, I was away from computing all weekend and am sorry to have missed your brunch. If I may, the 3 benefits to spanking for Mistress K. and I are:
1. It resolves any problem that arises in the mind of Mistress, and it clears the slate clean, relieving any tension that may otherwise continue to fester.
2. It trains me to pay the proper attention to the thing that I am being punished for, and is the most effective way to correct bad or disappointing behavior.
3. Being required to be naked and presenting myself willingly to Mistress for punishment is the most submissive act I can think of. The aftercare (especially lately because of Mistress' increased intensity) which has me kneeling before my clothed Mistress, still holding the paddle, me thanking her for my punishment, puts me squarely into subspace.
Hermione, you made a good point of a benefit that I forgot. The mix of pain and pleasure is very enjoyable. Sometimes when we are having sex, my wife will spank me with a belt or riding crop, semi-lightly, and it is very enjoyable.
Sorry I missed brunch.
The connecting the closeness and the bond that we have.
The after glow.
It's a little secret I have. Blogging and this community.
Thank you latecomers for joining in. You are just in time to help wash the dishes ;)
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