Simon: I think she misunderstood the notice in the car park that said "Pay and Display".
Baxter: Hmmm, this is my favorite spanking position and now my dress has been blown up by the wind showing my bottom. Oh where is my loving husband and his paddle when I want it?
Six of the best: The wind blew up her skirt with the greatest of ease, then down came her panties, down to her knees. Then her husband spanked her voluptuous behind. With his hand, he joyfully assigned.
Nina: Maybe she is preparing for a spanking because of excessive shopping.
Anon 1: She's nearly bare bot in the first photo anyway, but after the gust of wind - wow what a temptation ! I would creep up, and lower that boot lid gently down on to her back to hold her in place, and then set about turning that super white bottom in to a super red one. I'm sure those pics will get back to her better half, who will I am sure give her sitting problems for some time to come to teach her to dress less provocatively.
Jim M: In Spankoland, there are lots of ways to get a spanking if you suddenly need one. I won’t have to stand here very long, pretending to put my groceries away, before someone shows up to get the job done. And would you look at that, I just happen to have a hair brush right here in the trunk, how fortunate.
Sir Wendel: Thank you Mother Nature for the gust of wind that displayed such a spankable bottom.
Sweetspot: "I'm glad I'm not one of those weird people of Wal-Mart you'll never catch my photo at that ridiculous site."
"Eggs, check; Butter, check; why do I get the feeling I've forgotten something?"
"I couldn't do this if my skirt was any shorter, it would probably...Oh crap!"
Although useful for arousing her boyfriend Cindy Lou suddenly realized the downside of wearing a skirt the size of a headband.
Due to her shop lifting intervention agreement Francine was no longer allowed to wear outer clothing while visiting the store...or much of anything else for that matter.
"I better double check; if I forget his bananas one more time I'll be the one getting peeled and I won't be needing these onions to make me cry."
"He keeps saying I don't know anything about cars and I'd better not mess around with anything or he'll spank me. I'll show where is that darn engine?"
"Big Box department stores are amazing. Everything a girl could want all in one place. Hairbrush, Ping-Pong paddle, wooden spoon, belt...and that nice assistant manager looked inside my cart and volunteered to demonstrate all of my purchases for me."
"He told me one more fender bender and I get the paddle. If I hide that side mirror in here he'll never know the difference."
"I must be getting more and more obsessed with my fetish because I swear bending over this trunk is starting to feel a lot like being over Bryan's knee."
Welcome, Sweetspot!
Ronnie: Shame Peter isn't here as I'd get spanked for not wearing any knickers.
Anon 2: Jane had been wanting to get her husband to spank her, but didn’t want to ask. Her friend Amy, who Jane knew was spanked on a regular basis by her husband, suggested Jane do something inappropriate that her husband had forbade her to do and that would anger him. Amy said she would take picture of Jane and text it to her own husband, who would then send it to Jane's husband with a recommendation about how to handle her wayward behavior. Jane knew she was forbidden to go out in public in her short skirt and thong, so since she needed groceries and knew there were some good bargains to be had, she chose to wear her shortest, flimsiest skirt and thong on a windy day, hoping to put on a good show for her husband. She parked in the back of the lot where no one would see her and let the wind do its work. Amy captured these images and sent them to her husband, who forwarded them on to Jane's husband along with a note and a couple of pictures of Amy bare-bottomed up over his knee getting a sound spanking. Jane was surprised to find her husband waiting for her when she arrived home, and she soon found herself over his knee while he applied a hairbrush to her uncovered bottom until she was kicking, squalling and promising to be a very obedient wife in the future. After he was finished blistering his errant wife’s bottom, he ordered her to go out to the car and retrieve the groceries, knowing that each time she bent over to get something out of the trunk, the breeze would lift her skirt so that her red bottom would be on full display for all the neighbors to see. He also snapped a few pictures of his own that he sent to both Amy and her husband with a note of thanks. A very red-faced and red-bottomed Jane later texted Amy that the spanking she received was a lot more then she had bargained for.
Vfrat25000: Look at that trunk space!
I know those cars are known for large trunks!
What car?
Were you looking at her bottom?
No Dear…Absolutely not! I was just wondering why she bought so much peanut butter!
Isn’t that Caitlin Jenner?
Mom…There’s my teacher. I would recognize her anywhere!
This thong is crawling up my crack. I’ll change into these granny panties before I head for home.
A person could land a twin engine Cessna on that ass. I’m a pilot I know what I’m talking about!
Hermione: When Sally agreed to be spanked whenever and wherever her husband felt the need, she didn't think he would do it in the Walmart parking lot.
For more spanking fun, please join us for brunch. It will be served on the patio in the next post.

1 comment:
Nothing at walmart surprises me. Now they're giving away bare bottom spankings
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